Page 11 of Adrift in the Embers (The Game 7)
I wondered how the Tops had planned this. Would we play in teams? Or all Sadists against all brats? Master Greer had mentioned chasing me down, an idea that definitely worked for my body! That puppy crush almost made me feel guilty. But it couldn’t be helped. The Sadist in Greer reeled me in like a moth to a flame. And scratch that. It was all of him, because he was also a very high-protocol type of Master, and it was the combination that made him who he was. Untamed and wicked, yet structured and always in control. Very patient and kind, yet firm and clear about boundaries and rules. His chaos was organized, and that was simply crack to this adrenaline junkie on the spectrum.
With new socks on, I bobbed my head to the music and stuck my feet into my sneakers.
Come to think of it, my first and only private session with Greer had solidified something in me, for the sole reason that he’d pushed me till I’d safeworded. It’d been our agreement. He would beat me until I called out red. And he said it was a good way to break the ice.
“Some struggle with safewords, so it can be good to get that out of the way, in case there’s an underlying doubt, stigma, or fear.”
And he was totally right. After I’d bawled out my safeword, I’d gotten to experience him in a scenario where a sub might be scared. Because…if I were 100% honest with myself…? Safewording with Marcus wasn’t an easy topic. He took it so personally, like the safeword automatically meant he’d done something wrong, which tended to make him defensive.
I shook my head. Damn Lane for making me think about these things. He’d asked me to reflect, and now I was doing too much of that.
Master Greer, though… He’d just wrapped his big arms around me and murmured, “I guess we found your limit, huh, pet?”
No freaking wonder I felt so relaxed around that man.
My phone dinged right as I got ready to leave, and I went over to check it on the nightstand. I’d ruined my phone once before when I’d brought it for an event, so I wasn’t bringing it again.
“Oh!” I grinned and saw it was a message from Marcus.
I opened it quickly.
Enjoy tonight, Corey. I don’t know how immediate the cancellations of our memberships are, but I emailed Reese earlier to terminate ours.
“What—but…” I swallowed a ball of dread and read the text again.
“No, no, no, no, no.” I sucked in a breath and called him right away. No, no, no, no, this wasn’t happening. It was as if someone tied a noose around my throat, and whatever control I had left slipped through my fingers. Okay, so, fuck, we were moving to Denver, but goddammit! He couldn’t take this away from me! I wanted to visit!
“Make it quick, boy,” was his way of saying hello. “I’m on my way to a meeting.”
“You c-can’t cancel my membership,” I stammered. Just saying those words caused my pulse to skyrocket, and it would be even more difficult for me to form words now. “That’s mine, Daddy. I pay for my membership. It’s in my name. I w-want to visit my friends.”
Was it possible for Marcus to cancel it? Gosh, I hoped Reese would say no!
“What are you talking about?” he responded impatiently. “It makes no sense to be a member at Mclean if we’re hardly there. We will find a new community.”
“But I’m gonna visit!” I nearly shouted. Holy fuck—but I couldn’t help it. This wasn’t good; this wasn’t good at all. I didn’t like this feeling. He was pushing too hard, and I felt cornered. “I-I don’t like this, Daddy.” Fuck, I couldn’t stop stuttering like a moron. I screwed my eyes shut and clenched my jaw. “I’m moving with you, but please, please, please, you can’t tell me I can’t visit. I have my family here—or can’t I go see my mom? Huh? Or Lane? These are big-boy decisions. You can’t decide this for me. You haven’t even talked to me about it!”
“Calm yourself,” he warned. “How many times do we have to agree on the fact that I know what’s best for you before you stop questioning everything I do?”
“But that’s kink!” I cried out. “Moving to Denver isn’t part of our lifestyle! Whether or not I’m a member at M-Mclean is not p-part of our play!”
“You lower your voice right now, Corey,” he growled.
I whimpered and slapped a hand over my mouth, and I sank down on the floor right then and there. “I’m sorry, Daddy, but this is upsetting to me. You’re changing things too fast, and you know that makes me anxious. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry I am this way, but I can’t help it.” I wiped my cheeks as tears started rolling down, and I supposed it fucking fit. I could rarely cry without pain being involved; I just preferred another type of pain to this one.