Page 78 of Adrift in the Embers (The Game 7)
I better get ready for my day!
Somewhere between picking up tools and buying stuff from Archie’s list, I fell into a Little pit that I didn’t want to come out of.
It wasn’t a heavy transition like it had been lately, and I didn’t feel like I was regressing in that sense. But my filters disappeared, and Daddy held my attention so tightly that I lost sight of everything going on around us.
It was the most freeing experience. He was, just by keeping me close to him and engaging with me in a Daddy-like way, becoming my personal barrier. He was the filter. He kept the background noise at bay, so I didn’t have to.
We ended up having an amazing day together, and I even got French fries and a donut!
“I love French fries so much.” I could barely sit still in the car as I munched on the perfectly salty fries. “Aren’t fries the best, Daddy?”
“I think you’re the best, actually.” He bit into his burger and pulled out of the parking lot.
Gah. He made me act all love-sick. Plus, he was so darn hot. He was wearing his glasses today, and it amped up the nerdy-teacher-sexy-rocker vibe to the max. Well-worn beanie, nice pants, leather jacket, piercings—he had piercings. And tattoos. But the piercings were new. Or not new, but he’d put some in today, and I hadn’t seen them before.
A barbell between his eyebrows and a tongue ring!
He also had one of those gauge thingies in his ear, the size of my thumbnail.
“You’re so stinkin’ hot, Daddy,” I said. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy—I see your face in my head all the time today. I love it! I wanna bite you.”
He grinned at my exuberance. “You can bite Daddy when we get home. Just know that I bite back.”
He could bite my butt.
Wait! No! Not my butt. My butt needed rest. Thank you very much.
“Hey, I was thinking before,” I said, stuffing my face with more fries. “I understand that, you know, going forward, I have to find a balance between always wanting to be your personal Band-Aid and being at home. At my own place, I mean.”
He nodded slowly but kept his eyes on the traffic. “I’m listening.”
“So maybe sometimes, we could maybe have a sleepover there?” I suggested hopefully. “For instance, I’m assuming you will introduce me to your kids as your friend, and then we wouldn’t have to follow social norms on what’s an appropriate time to, you know, meet the partner’s kids. Since our dynamic is special. In front of them, we could simply be close friends, and that would open up the possibility of sleepovers in the city.”
Archie had told me that Sloan’s kids were still in school in Arlington, which they would be till next semester. So before then, they would commute at the butt-crack of dawn to get Jason and Jamie to school, and Emma-Jo and Loki to day care. And obviously, I rambled to Sloan about my thoughts on their commute and how we could make it a thing to have sleepovers with them too.
“Not often,” I added. “I get that Master Greer wants his family gathered, and the kids live there now, but—sometimes, we could eat KFC and play video games and stuff, and I could turn my bedroom into a sleepover room with beds everywhere. I was thinking about this because of TenShay, and I think I’m going to talk to them. They are welcome to use my condo when I’m not there, and it would bring them closer to both Mclean and Shay’s brothers.”
So yeah, those were my thoughts.
I didn’t want to go home, but I knew I had to. I was currently blissfully stuck in a bubble outside of Winchester, and sooner rather than later, I had to let that bubble burst a little. I had to unite my old life with my new, not counting Marcus. But my mom, Lane, Alva, my whole family, my whole routine.
“I think…” Daddy swallowed the mouthful of burger before he spoke again. “I think for every day that passes, I’m getting a clearer image of a future I’ve never looked forward to meeting as much as I do since… Well, Greer and Archie—and now you… I think that sounds fantastic, little one.”
Fist pump.
Mmm, this day just kept getting better.
I blinked sleepily and suckled at the head of Daddy’s cock. It wasn’t often The Walking Dead was a funny show, but it had its moments. Daryl was so clueless sometimes.
Archie walked past behind the couch with a crying Kyla. “Corey gets a kinky pacifier, and I get a tantrum and a dirty diaper. Life is so not fair sometimes.”
I giggled around Daddy’s cock.
“Anything I can do, sweetheart?” Daddy offered.
“No, she’ll be down for the count soon,” Archie assured. “She just wants to make sure Dada doesn’t get too comfortable. I’ll be back in a bit.”