Page 92 of Adrift in the Embers (The Game 7)
“No, you’re not. You’re one of the strongest boys I know. I’m so goddamn proud of how you handled that son of a bitch today.”
I whimpered and opened my eyes a fraction, only to see a blurry glow of burning torches.
And tiny embers swirling skyward.
But this time, I didn’t see Marcus in the flames. I saw Sloan, and it was actually him. He was here, and it made me cry harder. He was really here for me.
He stepped between two torches and sank to the ground right in front of me, and I acted on instinct. I pushed myself up and crawled onto his lap, where I clung to him for all I was worth.
He had a soft blanket for me too, and he wrapped it around me.
“You’re here, Daddy,” I cried.
“I had to be,” he murmured thickly. “I had to see you, baby.”
I couldn’t see much of anything for the tears streaming down.
Greer had to be here too, though. I needed them both to be all up in my business.
“Greer,” I croaked.
“I’m right here.” He scooted closer and rubbed my back.
I sniffled and shifted to sit sideways on Daddy’s lap, and that was much better. Now I could see them both, despite how blurry they were.
I hiccupped around a sob and wondered what Greer was up to. He pressed a finger to one nostril and leaned over the grass, and he blew his nose without a tissue or anything.
“That’s gross, Pop,” I croaked.
“Yeah, well, you made Pop bleed,” he chuckled hoarsely.
Oh crap.
“Oh crap.” I swallowed hard and tugged on his arm, suddenly worried. “Did I break anything? I’m sorry, Dominus. I’m so sorry.”
He waved me off and leaned toward me, dropping a kiss to my shoulder. “Nothing’s broken, and you have nothing to apologize for. You fought back hard because apparently you always gotta amaze me.”
That made me both weepy and giggly, and then I was full-on sobbing again because it was over. Marcus was out of my life. Whatever insignificant crap I had at his place, he could fucking burn. I was never going to see him again. Ever.
Oh my God, it had to be one of the most cathartic experiences. So much tension and bad feelings drained out of me, and I didn’t care that I still had a ways to go on my road to recovery, because this was freeing enough. So fucking liberating. And I had my Daddy hugging me tightly, and I had my Greer next to me, stroking my back, kissing my shoulder, murmuring how proud he was.
Because I wasn’t weak.
This wasn’t my fault.
“But I still wish I would’ve listened to Mom and Lane,” I cried.
“There was absolutely nothing you could’ve done, Corey.” Greer combed his fingers through my hair and shifted even closer. “He had us fooled for a long time too—try to remember that. You think we woulda allowed him into our community if we’d suspected anythin’?”
I guessed that was true.
Sloan squeezed me a little harder and wiped my tears away. “Christ, this was rough to watch. You’re both gonna have to accept extra fussing for a day or two now.”
I was fairly sure Greer and I could live with that.
“Then we’re finding someone you can talk to after the weekend,” he murmured.
I scrunched my nose and sniffled.
Greer was in agreement. “Yeah, there’s only so much I can hash up with provocation.”
“That doesn’t mean we don’t want you to talk to us too,” Daddy added. “But I think it’s smart to have an outsider with a professional background help you as well.”
Ugh. Fine. Maybe they were right.
Nevertheless, this was the difference between my past and my future. Marcus had used kink to keep me on a tight leash, and Greer used it to set me free. If that didn’t earn my complete trust, nothing would. Same with my submission. It’d never been so easy to submit as it was to Greer and Sloan.
“After the weekend. Not today.” I fidgeted with the lapel of Daddy’s leather jacket.
“No. Today, we’re only going home.” He kissed my cheek. “I think what we’re gonna do is make a good excuse for you to wind down in private. You’ll say hi to the kids, if you’re up for it, and then we’ll turn our bed into cozy town for you.”
I hadn’t thought that far yet, but it was the best idea I’d heard all day. I was exhausted, so wrung out, and I knew my limitations at the moment. I needed peace and quiet.
“But you’ll be on the back porch, right?” I asked to make sure. “Cuz then I can see you through the window if I want to.” That was one of the perks of the bedroom. The window above the big bed faced the backyard and all those colorful trees up on the ridge.
“That’s right. You’ll probably hear us too,” Daddy assured. “And we’ll come in and visit you all the time to steal some cuddles.”