Page 65 of Reigniting Chase
Then I got to work.
Driving him fucking crazy.
Pumping his cock with my fist, gently working his balls within my fingers, and running my lips down his taint until I got to his puckered hole.
He had no idea I was showing up at his door tonight. He had no time to prepare for what we were about to do, but I didn’t care.
I wanted what I wanted despite the consequences. If I was going in, I was going all in.
My hunger for the man on the bed roared inside me.
I found myself completely insatiable. Starved.
As soon as I ran my tongue around his puckered rim, the floodgates opened and a rogue wave roared over me and through me. Pulling me under and drowning me in nothing but thoughts of Rett.
At that moment, I got what I wanted. What I so desperately needed… No past. No future.
I was finally present in the here and now.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Hooooooollllllllly… shiiiiiiiiit.
I lifted my head to peer down my body between my two bent, spread legs to see Chase in my bedroom on his knees on my floor licking my ass.
I didn’t remember this being anywhere in any of my fantasies.
I certainly wasn’t complaining. This was so much better than I ever dreamed. And, bonus, he was so damn good at it.
My only regret was this hadn’t been preplanned.
For a second a smidge of self-consciousness took over.
I hadn’t prepped. I hadn’t done any manscaping, so I was as furry as an out-of-control weed patch. That meant everything he was seeing, touching and tasting was au naturel.
He was getting the “real Rett” many hours after my last shower.
But, hey, if he was okay with it, then I had to be, too. I wanted to enjoy what he was doing without worries niggling at the back of my brain.
I hadn’t asked him to do that, so everything he was doing was completely on him. If I would’ve known, I would’ve told him to wait until next time. But…
I was afraid there wouldn’t be a next time, only a “never again.” And that would be a damn shame.
Between him fisting my cock, playing with my balls and tickling my ass with his tongue…
I was about to blow. All he had to do was push my Start button with that skilled tongue of his and…
Damn… there it was… aaaaaaand there I went…
Going... Going… Gone.
Fireworks filled my brain and belly, and I might have even whimpered as my hips surged off the bed and my cock became a fountain, painting my stomach with warm strings of cum.
He continued to stroke me with a lighter grip, purposely avoiding my now overly-sensitive head. A few seconds later, once he had drained me dry, every muscle that went tight when I came, now no longer existed.
I had turned into nothing but a boneless, empty sack left on the bed.
Staring up at the ceiling in a super-satisfied fog, I became semi-aware when his tongue withdrew and his hands released my still twitching cock and now empty sac.
I simply breathed, recovering from what just happened and looking forward to what was to come next. It had been far too long since anyone other than myself had made me come. Now I wondered why I waited.
Well, I knew why. Random, nameless hookups had never been my thing. And dating… Forget it. It was just about impossible where I lived. It also took more effort than I had time for.
I gathered the strength to lift my head and stare at the man I think fate had plans for. What might have made me wait.
If that was true…
Was fate playing a cruel trick on me? Why would I want to be with someone like…
Hot, yes. Sexy, absolutely. Pleasant to be around, absolutely not.
The cloud that hung over his head was too dark for me. The weather could change, sure. But would it?
I inhaled deeply through my nose and then pushed it all back out.
Was he worth the work, potentially as frustrating as it might be?
When he stood up, unfastened his jeans and shoved both them and his boxer briefs down his thick, muscular and nicely furred legs, I pursed my lips and let my gaze slide over him now that he was completely naked.
Was he worth the work? I couldn’t honestly answer that. He’d been too closed off to tell and I didn’t know how his personality had been before he lost his husband.
Maybe he’d always been like this and he’d never change. I hoped that wasn’t true and beneath his fractured surface was a seed worth growing.
However, there was no guarantee.
What if I tried to help him and all I got was resistance? Would it just cause us to despise each other? Was trying worth that risk?
He stroked his erection and for a split second I wished it was my hand doing it. Before I could sit up and reach for him, he stopped me cold with, “Condoms and lube? Where do you keep them?” as he glanced around my room.