Page 2 of When Sparks Fly
Zoey knew there was a limit to how far they could take thisThelma and Louiseact of theirs before they reached a mountain of trouble. Zoey appreciated the honest relationship she’d developed with her daughter, but sometimes she forgot Hazel was still barely a teenager. She’d had to grow up much too fast since the divorce. As great as it was to feel like friends, Zoey was still the mom.
Hazel just shrugged. “Pop-pop taught me not to let boys get away with sh...” She caught herself. “With anything. He saidyoushould have learned that, too.”
Zoey winced. Dad had definitely been right about Chris. But she didn’t want Hazel thinking every male member of the human species was the enemy.
“Look, boys can be jerks. But notallboys.”
“Yeah, well...if I have the same luck finding jerks that you did...”
Zoey let out a sharp laugh, clutching her chest. “Ouch—direct hit! But your dad wasn’t always a jerk... I mean, heisn’ta jerk.”Be the responsible adult here.“Your father is a good man.”
He was just a lousy husband.
Hazel blinked away, staring through the window to the tired old place that was now their home. Rendezvous Falls was famous for its colorful Victorian houses, but this particular house hadn’t been painted in over twenty years. Zoey reached over and took her daughter’s hand.
“I know you’re still mad at your dad because we had to sell the house. But I couldn’t afford to buy him out, and what’s-her-name didn’t want to live there...”
“Genna. With aG.” Hazel’s flat tone mirrored her mother’s thoughts perfectly.
“Right. Genna-with-a-Gwanted them to have their own house. And that’s...fair. We’ll make this into our home, I promise. I told you that when we moved in, and I meant it. And this isyouryear, remember?”
Zoey had promised Hazel that this year wasHazel’s Year. The girl had lost enough the year before. Zoey was determined to create something stable here that Hazel could rely on.
After a pause, Hazel flashed her a quick, brittle smile. “Sure it is, Mom.”
Zoey sat back against the truck seat with a heavy sigh after Hazel went into the house. She didn’t have the emotional energy to follow her. Instead, she pulled out her phone and texted her best friend.
Z: How much trouble would I be in if I locked Hazel in her room permanently?
She decided she should clarify.
Z: Or at least until she safely reaches adulthood without giving me a heart attack.
It only took a moment for the answering bubbles to appear.
M: Do you plan on feeding her?
She chuckled. Her friend knew laughter was exactly what she needed right now.
Z: I suppose.
The bubbles floated longer this time.
M: Even so, as your attorney, I advise against it.
M: The authorities frown on that sort of thing.
There was a pause, but she could see her friend was typing something else.
M: Is this a red wine or whiskey night?
She could definitely use one of their cocktail hours in the repair shop later.
Z: Hazel punched a boy in the face at school today.
The answer came swiftly.
M: Damn! Did he deserve it?