Page 44 of When Sparks Fly
Her mouth twitched.
Z: My door’s wide open.
Total silence. No more squeaky floorboard. His door slowly opened, showing him in silhouette against the lantern light behind him. He’d taken his shirt off, and his solid chest had a shadow of dark hair across it. His jeans were unbuttoned and hung low on his hips. He looked like some Hot Men calendar model. Or a movie star. His hair was a tousled mess—he’d clearly been running his fingers through it the way he did. His eyes were dark and smoldering, fixed firmly on her.
She was sure she didnotlook like a movie star, despite her pose against the doorframe and the short nightgown. But she did her best, lifting her chin in mock confidence. Waiting for him to make the next move.
Each step Mike took seemed to take an eternity. She wanted his hands on her, but she forced herself to wait. He stopped in front of her and let his gaze move lazily down her body. She felt its path as surely as if he’d touched her. His eyes met hers, and his mouth slid into the sexiest smile she’d ever seen on a man.
He cupped her cheek with his hand, brushing his thumb against her skin.
“So we’re doing this?” he asked.
She caught just enough air in her lungs to let out a soft laugh. “If wedon’tdo this, I swear I’ll never speak to you again.”
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” His smile faltered. “This is one night out of a lifetime of knowing each other. One night doesn’t get to ruin that.”
She nodded, chewing her lower lip. “We’re two people agreeing to spend the night together with no expectations of...more. We have chemistry. We’re going to enjoy that chemistry. And we’re going to remain friends.”
“With benefits.” He winked, and she finally relaxed. This was her friend. And they were about tobenefit. Younger people did it all the time, so why shouldn’t they?
“Friends with benefits. I like it.”
He leaned in and kissed her lips softly, holding there for a moment before speaking against her mouth.
“I likeyou.”
MIKECOULDN’TBELIEVEthis was happening. Zoey, in nothing but her cute little nightie, was pressing against him, returning his kiss with a great deal of enthusiasm. He was instantly and impossibly hard against the zipper of his jeans.
He slid his arms around her, his fingers moving against the soft cotton that barely covered her. He cupped her buttocks and held her firmly against him, wanting her to know how turned on he was. She let out a soft moan into his mouth. His fingers moved, scrunching up her nightgown until he found skin. Soft, warm skin, silkier than anything he could remember touching. His fingers kept exploring, cupping her butt cheeks and reaching below to find a wet, warm target between her legs.
Zoey gave a soft gasp and trembled as he moved against her, using his fingers from behind as well as rubbing his still-enclosed erection against her stomach. Her head fell back, giving him easy access to trail kisses down her jaw and then her neck. He flicked his tongue against the spot at her throat where her pulse raced. The move made her legs wobble, but he had a firm grip.
He moved her to the bed and lowered her. She lay there, staring up at him with unfocused eyes before she blinked and reached for his jeans. He didn’t move as she lowered the zipper, pushed down his briefs and freed him. She sat up and ran her fingers up and down his length, and he thought he might burst right there. He squeezed his eyes closed and brought himself under control as much as he could—which wasn’t much.
“Damn it, woman.” He pushed her back onto the bed and kicked off his jeans. “You’re going to finish me before I even get started...” He stopped, struck with a horrifying thought. “Shit! I don’t have any condoms. you?”
She looked panicked for a moment, then sighed in relief. “Yes! Vickie gave me a box as a gag gift when the divorce was finalized. Now, where did I...?” Her forehead furrowed, then she gave him a bright smile. “Tall dresser! Top drawer! Way in the back...”
He was already on the move, reaching into the drawer, which he suddenly realized was full of brightly colored lacy lingerie. Wasthiswhat Zoey wore under her flannel shirts? Good thing he’d never known that before now. His fingers found the small box.Eureka!He laughed when he read the package.
“Multicolored? Really?”
Zoey laughed, too. “I told you it was a gag gift! But they’re still real condoms, right?”
He read the box again. “Thank Christ, yes.” She was still splayed out on the bed, nightgown bunched at her waist, casually revealing herself. He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Orange or blue?”
She squirmed on the bed. “Whichever is on top.”
“In a hurry, eh? Blue it is.” To match his balls if he didn’t get inside her as soon as possible. He tossed the packet on the bed, then followed it, crawling over her and sliding her nightgown up as he did. Zoey shrugged it over her head and tossed it on the floor.
“I know it wasn’t very sexy, but it’s the fanciest one I own.”
Mike settled over her, tracing kisses from her ear down her neck.
“It was the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen, because it was onyou.” He kissed her skin again, then nipped her lightly, smiling when she gasped. “We need to talk about that underwear drawer later. Have you been hiding a lace undie fetish from me all these years?”
She ran her fingers up his spine, tapping as if playing a keyboard. “Just because I wear jeans doesn’t mean I don’t like feeling...” She paused. “I don’t know—girlie?—underneath.”