Page 54 of When Sparks Fly
She rolled onto her back with a sigh. “She never comes out here because she’s interested in my work. I don’t think she’s destined for a career in appliance repair. But it’s her Pop-pop’s barn, and she’s had some fun adventures out here through the years. She’s not a tomboy like I was, but she still likes to explore up in the hayloft when she wants alone time.”
He leaned over and brushed a kiss against her forehead, smiling at an old memory. “We used to hang out up there as kids. Is that big old rope we used to swing on still hanging from the rafters? We used it to jump on the sawdust pile in the aisleway.”
Zoey’s body shook with laughter. “I remember. We went up there one January day and you swung off the rope to discover that sawdust freezes solid in a cold barn in the wintertime. God, the way you screamed... Mary and I thought you broke your leg.”
He’d been around fourteen then, showing off for his sister and Zoey. Rob had a huge pile of sawdust there as bedding for the few beef cows he had at the time. But Mike was no farmer—he had no idea the moisture in the sawdust froze when the pile sat undisturbed in below-zero weather. Mike hit that pile of rock-hard sawdust from ten feet up, expecting a pillow-soft landing and not getting one. He chuckled.
“Your dad was so pissed. He’d told us a hundred times not to swing from the loft onto the pile because we’d get hurt, but we were so much smarter than grown-ups. I’m lucky it was only a sprained ankle.” He grinned. “And if we thoughtyourdad was mad, man, mine nearly killed me. And then Nana got in line.” He thought about the memories they’d had in this place. “And now you and I are naked on your dad’s desk. I don’t think any of us saw this coming.”
It took a minute before he realized Zoey had gone still.Shit.Her dad had been gone less than a year. And they’d just had sex on his desk.
“I keep putting my foot in my mouth, don’t I?”
She pursed her lips. “It’s okay. You’re not wrong. I’m sure my dadneverimagined us here. But...”
“Are you starting to worry again? Old worries, or something new?” He traced a random pattern on her stomach with his fingers and smiled when he felt her shiver. “Look, neither one of us wants this to end anytime soon. We’re gonna stay friends. We’ll keep it quiet. We can do this. We’re both having fun, right?” His fingers moved lower, and her back arched when he found his target. “Are you having fun, Zoey?”
“I’m having fun.” She took in a shaky breath. “I just don’t know if Ishouldbe.”
His fingers continued to move. “This isn’t some random hookup. This isme.You know I’ll never hurt you.” His fingers were still moving, and she let out a moan that sent electricity racing through his veins. He kissed her, soft and slow, then smiled against her mouth. “I can’t keep my hands off you. I don’twantto keep my hands off you.”
She huffed out a soft laugh. “Then don’t.”
He reached for another condom. All he had to do was keep telling himself this was nothing more thancasual, dirty little funbetween friends. He already knew that was a lie—it was much, much more than that—but he’d try his damnedest to believe it. For Zoey’s sake.
“YOUWEREWORKINGlate last night.” Hazel spoke around the spoonful of cereal she’d just put in her mouth. “Big project or something?”
Zoey was glad her back was to her daughter, because she was sure her face had just drained of color. She cleared her throat, her eyes firmly on the coffee maker in front of her.
“Why? Did you come out to the shop?” Had Hazel discovered the locked door? Mikehadlocked it, hadn’t he?
“Duh,” Hazel answered. “You’d have seen me if I’d come out there. I heard you come upstairs, and it was late.”
Zoey blew out a silent sigh of relief and finally turned around, her coffee cup in hand. “Let me guess—you were in bed, but not asleep. Maybe video-chatting with Sienna?”
The sparkle of guilty humor in Hazel’s eyes told Zoey all she needed to know. She’d successfully moved the conversation away fromhersneaking up the stairs—apparently badly—close to midnight. Between her brief desktop nap and Mike tempting her into a second round of lovemaking, and then more napping... Well, she was lucky Mike had nudged her awake when he did.
“Sienna’s so pissed at her mom right now.” Hazel stood, looking around with a frown. “Ugh—I left my backpack upstairs. BRB.”
“I’ve told you before that those hipster abbreviations don’t work in polite conversation.” She knew it meantbe right back, but she didn’t want Hazel reducing her vocabulary to groups of letters being announced out loud.
“OMG, Mom. Usinghipsteris so cringe.” And she was gone, the sound of her feet thudding on the steps. Zoey would have to get inside earlier from now on. Which was a shame because her time with Mike had been incredible.
They’d talked things out and, as usual, Mike had made her feel better. And then he’d made herfeelbetter—from head to toe. It was shocking what his touch did to her. Maybe it was the secrecy and excitement of something new. Maybe it was that she hadn’t been active since Chris, so she had some pent-up sexual needs. Maybe it was Mike. Maybe they had a chemistry thing going on that neither of them saw coming. What was it Mike had called it?
Casual, dirty little fun...
She could believe every single one of those words except one. What they were doing didn’t feelcasualat all. She finished her coffee and called out to Hazel before heading out to the car—no service calls this morning, so she could run some errands after dropping Hazel at school. This was the last week of classes, but Hazel was going to start working part-time for Mary McKinnon for the summer. Mary was rebooting her website design business from home, but she couldn’t do it without someone to help manage her three youngsters. Having a toddler burst into an important video conference naked and screaming at the top of his lungs was only funny in viral videos, not in real life.
The arrangement was a win for everyone—it would keep Hazel busy while giving her money to spend on her fashion accessories. It was helping Mary build her client list. And it was giving Zoey some free time during the summer to get more updates done at home. The kitchen was next on her list, and that would be a major project. And maybe she’d make time to meet Mike somewhere for...stuff. She tapped the horn to remind Hazel she was waiting.
That might be awkward.Hey, Mike—my daughter is at your sister’s place, so let’s have a little afternoon delight.Ugh. This whole thing was awkward. But she wasn’t willing to give it up yet. To givehimup yet.
Hazel burst out of the house and into the car, giving Zoey a breathless grin.
“Sorry. Sienna wanted to FaceTime.”