Page 17 of The Holiday Set Up
“But wait, what time is it? Did you testify? You have to testify, Dalton.”
“Um.” He mumbles, looking down at his watch just as an older man with salt pepper hair and a matching beard comes over.
“Time to go kids,” he looks over at me. “Glad to see you safe Blair, ever consider a job with the FBI?” He teases, and I relax a little more.
I laugh, shaking my head as we make our way over to a waiting SUV. The drive is quick with a police escort, and as soon as the car comes to a stop, we jump out. Dalton takes my hand and gives me a nervous smile as we make our way up the stairs into the courthouse.
“You’ve got this, my love. Put those awful men behind bars and never look back.” My words seem to do the trick, and he stands taller, tips his chin, and opens the door to our future.
We go through security quickly and find the correct courtroom with no detours. Once inside, we find seats towards the front. The room is big but packed with the press. A few guys that look like they could be related to the man standing trial are seated on the other benches beside us. I watch an older woman with mostly gray hair blot her eyes with a handkerchief, but she watches the judge intently, giving me the impression it’s her attempt to sway his decision. With the accusations the man is facing, I don’t think it’s going to work.
Money laundering, extortion, criminal acts against federal officers, and trafficking are on the very long list of charges this guy is facing. Dalton tucks his big hand between my thighs in a comforting gesture. I think it’s mostly for him, but I love the reassurance after the crazy kidnapping fiasco I just went through. Turns out I was only gone a few hours, and my man still managed to get a crew of FBI agents to scour the city for me. I’m a lucky lady, and I know it. I’m also the woman clutching his arm because as brave as I was jumping on what’s her name, I’m very nervous for my boyfriend to go up against the mob and testify. They’ve already tried to stop him once by taking me. Will they still try to come after us when his testimony puts them behind bars for who knows how long?
I don’t have too long to fester in my worry because a bailiff brings out an older man with pure white hair and deep wrinkles creasing his eyes, like a man who’s seen too much in his long life.
“Joseph Moretti, do you understand the charges that stand against you?”
It’s not the old man but the lawyer that speaks.
“Yes, your honor.”
“And you still wish to maintain the plea of not guilty?”
“Yes, we do, your honor.”
I’m surprised the mob boss is cocky enough to try and plead innocent with so much stacked against him. I wonder if they had prepared their case to expect a missing star witness, my Dalton. They’re right; he wouldn’t have shown up today if they still held me, but lucky for us and bad for them, that’s not the way this story ends.
In all my musings, I miss the first witness, but he gives a cocky nod to the boss, so I assume he was paid off and spouted nothing but lies.
“Council, call your witness.”
“The prosecutor calls Dalton Andrews to the stand, your honor.”
Chapter Sixteen
I give my testimony to the fullest of my ability, honestly and truthfully. In my heart, I have to believe that good wins out. I know our justice system is imperfect, and sometimes bad guys get away, but if this bad guy gets away, I’m worried I won’t be able to keep Blair safe. I’ll have to leave again and hide, and she won’t be able to lead a normal life if she comes with me. No, this has to work. Instead of taking my seat back at the bench after I testify, I walk down from the podium, cast one last glance at the man I hope rots behind bars. I hear a whisper from his lawyer, “You said he wouldn’t show up.” I don’t waste any more time trying to hear them; just take my girl by the hand.
“Let’s go home, baby.”
She nods, looking as weary as I feel. When I look down, I notice she still isn’t wearing any shoes, and her feet are all dirty and probably hurting her. We’ve just exited the building, so I stop, turn and place my arms behind her knees and back, easily lifting her into my arms. She rests her head against my shoulder with a grateful smile, and I carry her to the waiting SUV.
“Mind taking us to Fitzpatrick Place?”
“Of course not, but don’t you want to know the verdict?” The driver, a rookie agent, asks.
“I have no doubt you guys will let me know. Right now, I just want to take my girl home.”
He nods, and we slide into the back seat. I pull her legs over my lap and rub them gently.
“You don’t have to do that. I’m filthy,” she tells me.
“I want to, Blair. I like making you feel good. Plus, after the shit you just had to go through because of me, it’s the least I can do.”
“This was not your fault Dalton. I know you’re over there blaming yourself and running the numbers on a few thousand different scenarios’ because you’re a super genius, but at the end of the day, the real bad guys are going to jail for what they did, and we’re going to be free to live our best life.”
“Our best life, huh?” I reply with a growing smile.