Page 17 of Absinthe and Heart
I don’t recognize my own voice. The guy growling down at the love of his life as she shakes in a climax is someone new. Maybe someone I’ve always been, but this version of me has been asleep for the past six years. Lack of sex starved me, and now that I’ve had Grace again, the beast inside me is unleashed. My hips piston into her tight wet pussy furiously. Our bodies are slick with a sheen of sweat, our bodies slapping together with a sound so filthy I wish I was recording it. Music better than any beat I’ve ever created.
Suddenly I’m gushing, filling my girl with ropes of come, years’ worth of longing and empty fantasies spilling inside her perfect pussy.
Both of us gasping for breath, we fall to the mattress spent. I slip out of her gently and kiss her shoulder. Grazing her sensitive skin with my teeth, I bite. Just hard enough to leave my print and make her moan.
“You’re unbelievable,” I say, kissing her forehead, unable to stop touching her. Our slick bodies slide together perfectly like the missing puzzle piece found slightly damaged, but when it’s back home, it makes a beautiful masterpiece.
I take her wrists and untie the rope, kissing the pink imprints on her skin.
“You are.”
The look on her face makes my chest grow tight with emotion. I can feel tears sting my eyes as I clear my throat.
“I love you, Grace. You’ll never truly know how that felt. Not just the mind-blowing orgasm,” I joke, “But you giving me control. Giving me the chance to prove I’ll take care of you. That’s what I’ve always wanted for us. To be equal. Not just about me and my career and you just handling everything like it was before we got pregnant. But not like it has been the last few years either with you carrying the weight of the world and not letting me into yours. I want to share our lives, not just co-exist co-parenting. I want our family, our perfect family, to live under one roof.”
There’s a long pause, and the room grows quiet until she finally jokes, “Are you trying to get lucky again because I’m going to need a minute?”
I laugh at her playful tone and see the twinkle in her eye. Hear the emotion in her voice, so I kiss her. Run my fingers over her soft skin and just take in the moment. All of it. What we just did, and how this feels like something new and bigger than ever before.
We lay together in silence, just enjoying the feel of our skin against each other. Her golden curls fall like silk through my fingers; the moment is calm, the opposite of just ten minutes earlier. Those sweet lips of hers are raw, swollen from my mouth.
“I’ll shave my beard,” I say, gently touching her sexy pout.
“Shave what beard? It’s so short, plus I kinda like it.”
“Oh, in that case, never mind. Here I thought it hurt you to kiss me.”
“I thought it would, but it actually turns out kissing you is a better feeling than almost anything else. And if you haven’t noticed, I like it a little rough.”
With a sexy wink, she gets up and heads to the bathroom.
“The beard stays!”
“The beard definitely stays, and the rope!” She hollers back over her shoulder.
“Fuck!” I growl, biting my knuckle. I think Grace and I have found something special with this new kink. Something better than couple’s counseling.
I quickly clean up and grab an extra t-shirt for my girl. It feels good to put that title back on her without having to tell myself to keep dreaming. I’m not just wishing for her back; she’s really here.
I tip-toe out of the room, leaving the shirt on my bed, and head for my record player. I easily find the right album and set it spinning. The Beatles' slow, funky melody fills the air around me as I run around lighting candles and setting up the absinthe fountain and everything to drink it with. I can hear her in the other room singing along, and I glance just in time to see her trim body engulfed in my white tee. Those silky blonde curls fall around her shoulders, and that smile beams at me as our eyes lock. I walk up to her and lift her against my chest, spinning her around and making her giggle. It’s so cute, and I can’t help but hold her tighter. I run my nose up the slope of hers, just breathing her in.
“Harmony has your laugh.”
“Poor girl,” she jokes. It’s something she’s never liked about herself. Her laugh is usually loud and the opposite of her name, but I love it.
“My love, you are a queen.” I push back a few strands of her hair as I tell her honestly how amazing I think she is. “You’re selfless and determined and super fucking stubborn, but God gave you that unique laugh to let us mere mortals know even you aren’t that perfect.”
I laugh when she scoffs at my words rearing back to leave my arms before I can explain. “Wait, I mean you are perfect, perfect for me, for Harmony, and the world loves you, but I especially love your boisterous laugh because it’s not what anyone would expect. You’re the definition of graceful, so even though it might be unpleasant to others, it’s like catnip to me.” I nuzzle my beard against her sensitive neck and hold her close. She laughs loud and free.
Its everything.
The song changes, and we dance for a while, shaking our asses and being goofy as hell. I haven’t laughed this much in years. Watching Grace hop on one foot as she spins around and around, I thank god she’s here. That we’re finally ready for this, and it’s going to work because I won’t survive if it doesn’t.
“So, are we really going to drink that?”
“The absinthe? Hell yeah, we are. Just like old times, babe,” I wink down at her before pulling her to the couch.
“Here, you can see I’ve got not only the elixir of our teenage memories but also a hookah from Willow.”