Page 12 of Bred and Butter
A man in a sleek suit knocks on the door as I set up the cases. The recipes are perfected, my new additions included, and with help from Dane, my staff members are official soldiers…who take orders from me. The quiet mouse. The pushover. Even Kenny turned around and stopped giving me a hard time. Now, he falls in line with a smile on his face.
The new girl, Liberty, asks the mystery man if she can help him, but he ignores her in favor of coming to my window.
“That looks impressive already. Tell me, beautiful, does your little bakery here cater for big events?”
I open my mouth to reply to the snide remark when Dane comes barreling to the front like a bull. Nostrils flaring, eyes wild with anger, but after the swinging door slams behind him, he stops at the counter and just stares.
I hide my smile the best I can as I respectfully give my attention to the guest in our shop. The guy glances at Dane but quickly turns his attention back to me. My lip curls as he rakes his eyes up my body in a way that is too aggressive for his own good.
“Yes, sir, we will, but we aren’t open yet. You’re welcome to take our card and contact us again in about a month. This little shop will open soon, though, and I hope you’ll come back for our opening celebrations.”
My smile is forced, but the suit doesn’t miss a beat.
“Maybe dinner then? You must be new to the area, and I can get you into all the best places to eat. Even Kraze, if that’s what you want,” he says, his voice low, but Dane still hears and laughs, which seems to piss the guy off. Kraze is by far the best place to eat in almost any city and just so happens to be owned by my man. I hate this pissing contest, but I can’t be rude to a potential customer.
“She already has a standing reservation.” There’s heat in his voice, but it’s mixed with anger. I watch as Dane tightens his fists on the counter as he tries and fails at a casual stance. Liberty has gone to the back, and several eyes are peeking out from the swinging door.
“It’s true, but I appreciate the offer,” I say with a casual shrug, but his smile falls, and he looks again at Dane.
“Wait a minute, aren’t you that guy who got booed off that cooking show?”
Oh, no. The red is crawling back up Dane’s neck at the embarrassing reminder.
“That’s not really relevant, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you before you go?”
“Yeah. It is you. I recognize the red face.” The suit starts laughing, breaking the last once of strength Dane had, and I jump in front of the guy to keep him from doing anything that would land him in jail.
“Dane, no, he’s not worth it.”
“Dane Carmichael, that’s it. Thanks, doll. The boys are gonna get a good laugh from this. I met a real celebrity today. Don’t worry, bro, I’ll come buy your pretty cakes and hit on your girl. My office is right across the street, and I don’t mind at all.”
At that moment, Kenny comes in with lunch. Pizza. The scent of marinara hits me and sours my stomach instantly.
“That’s not…” is all the words I get out before I’m vomiting all over that shiny tailored suit. He howls like a baby as every content in my stomach empties.
The violent action takes a lot out of me, but I’m happy to open my eyes to find Dane beside me. He’s not repulsed but worry morphs his features. He scoops me up in his arms, and we both watch the suit storm out of the shop without another word.
Once back in the kitchen, everyone busies themselves as if they hadn’t been spying on the whole scene. My hero takes me into my office and gently sits me down on my desk.
“I’m so gross.” Looking down at myself, it looks like I got just as much bile on myself as I did the corporate jerk. I cringe at Dane seeing me like this, but he’s unwavering. Then I smell it…looking down at my clothes, I gasp. My eyes lift to a smiling Dane who still doesn’t seem fazed.
He grabs his gym bag and hands me a towel and moist toilettes. He also pulls a fresh t-shirt and gray sweatpants.
As part of our vigorous sex-capades mission to get pregnant, we’ve also started going to the gym together. I mostly lie around and ask God why, but my OBGYN thinks it’s a good idea to strengthen my body with exercise, all the best foods, and vitamins. On that note, I’m pretty sure my fishy omega capsules are walking down the sidewalk on the suit.
The thought makes me laugh. Long and loud.
“Are you ok?”
Dane looks at me like I’m crazy, but I only laugh harder and shrug my shoulders.
“I can’t believe that just happened.”
“Why don’t I take you home? You can wear these if you want.”
I take the outstretched clothes.
“I’m so glad I missed you. Go. Runaway or I’ll damage your brilliant nose.”