Page 7 of Under His Skin
Knowing that they aren’t biologically nor legally related, I can’t search for her under Turner. Which, yeah, even if they consider themselves siblings, it calms something inside me to not have her sharing a man’s last name. Unless it’s mine.
I can dig, even contact the person I use to obtain personal information, but I want to learn about her directly from the source. Which is why I’m back at After Hours, and have been every night for the past week, sitting in my usual spot. I prefer it as it gives me the chance to see the other tables without having any at my rear. Giving someone the opportunity to sneak up behind you is a surefire way to die. That’s the first thing they teach you in bad guy school. Okay, it’s not, but it would be if there was one.
We’ve made eye contact each time, and though she brings me any drinks I request, and I always leave a very good tip, I’ve kept it professional. I don’t want to overwhelm her so soon, so I’m giving her time to get used to me. I’m waiting for a sign that she’s reached that point. And then I get it.
She turns, sees me, and I watch as her hand flutters toward her face, sweeping a strand of hair from her cheek before she crooks a finger and waves at me with it. It’s so silly, so incongruous with the atmosphere, that it makes me snort. As if she heard my reaction, she pats herself on the back. Like she’s accomplished a goal and is proud of herself for making me laugh.
Bristol comes toward me, those in her way appearing to move out of it as if they know she’s on a mission and don’t dare impede it. The seconds until she’ll reach me already seem unbearable.
Since I owe her a greeting in return, I make the same motion with my finger she did, earning a smile. And for the first time in a very long one, I feel that I’ve done something good. “What can I get you?” I almost bite my tongue to stop the response I want to give from springing forth.
Instead, I request a whiskey, then ask if she can join me while I enjoy it. Being her boss, I could demand it, but I don’t want to do that. I need her to sit across from me willingly.
Bristol glances at her watch and says, “I’m on break in ten minutes.”
“I can’t wait.”
“Do you know what you’re doing?” Jeremiah demands to know after I poke my head in his office and tell him what just happened.
“Honestly? No, I don’t.”
“This is bad.”
“I know.”
“You’re a cop.”
“Temporarily until you complete this mission.”
“I know.”
“Which is spying on that man waiting on you.”
“The same one that just asked you out.”
“You think it’s a date, too? I didn’t want to presume, but it felt like it to me.”
“Bristol!” That snaps me back to reality.
“What the hell am I doing?”
“Making a big mistake.”
“By doing their bidding or sitting with him?”
“Both.” Why do I only agree with the first half? And what am I going to do with that unsettling knowledge?
Returning to Simon with his drink and a glass of water for me, I set each down then proceed to take the empty chair directly across from him. His hand on my wrist stops me, and I look at him, curious as to why. My stomach twists, fearing he changed his mind, except he tugs the seat closer with his foot. Okay, message received loud and clear. Accepting it, I make eye contact as I sit, silently wanting him to know he doesn’t scare me. The attraction crackling around us might as I’ve never felt it before, but he, himself, does not.
I know he’s supposed to be evil in a three-piece suit, yet I see the man inside it. More importantly, I think he wants me to.
“Tell me about Bristol,” he says, and while his voice is soft, gentle, there’s still a command to it. Not in the way he’s used to being obeyed, but because he appears sincere in wanting to get to know me.