Page 9 of Under His Skin
We’d made plans for today, then I’d watched as she got in her vehicle and drove off. I stayed where I was, not wanting to move as I didn’t know in which direction she lived and I could be going in the opposite one. That would take me longer to get to her if something happened.
Upon receiving her message, I’d been able to take my first unimpeded breath since letting her go and, with my hands finally steady enough to safely drive, I’d pulled out of the lot.
I knew Anthony and Tommy weren’t pleased I’d sent them away; despite the numerous reminders I could handle myself. I also knew I’d hear about it again. But I didn’t care nor was I worried at the lack of security around me. No, I no longer have a death wish. It’s the complete opposite. I finally have something to live for. I almost dare an enemy – perceived or otherwise – to come gunning for me now.
I take that back. What if they do and Bristol is with me?
Grabbing my cell, I dial a number that seemingly connects to nothing and no one, then input a special code earmarked just for me. The person that sees it will know it’s legit and return my call once they’re able to. Meaning, it’s clear for us to chat.
It comes an hour later.
“This better be good,” they demand, not bothering to extend a pleasant greeting before getting down to business.
That’s fine. Our relationship, such as it is, does not include civilities. “Would I be doing this otherwise?”
“Understood.” No apology for assuming I’d waste either of our time.
“I want out.”
“And you’re telling me this why?” Cocky SOB. He needs me as much as I do him. What he doesn’t know is that I always have a backup plan, and mine can ruin him. My reputation is already tarnished, some would say beyond repair. His, though? It can sink really fast with no hope of a rescue, and I have the lead weights to ensure it hits rock bottom. I wait, having learned long ago that people tend to fill the silence and unknowingly give away things better left unsaid. “Fine. You know what I need.”
“And you know what I need first.”
“Yeah, yeah. Make like David Copperfield with the evidence on you.” He hates having to work with me, but this is on him. He got in deep and, like with Danny, sometimes the debtor can repay me in ways more valuable than money. Such as the case with this guy. His reach is far and high and has proven useful on occasion. “Will this make us even?” Meaning is he finally rid of me. He’d never ask that directly as he’s scared of me. Sometimes being me does have perks.
“The slate will be wiped clean.” Which I thought went without saying because if he comes through, and he will if he knows what’s good for him, I’m no longer in the business.
Or this all goes to shit and I end up dead.
Either way, my inside man is off the hook. You’d think he’d be jumping for joy, even if the hoops are on fire. What’s a slight singe when his possible freedom is on the other side?
As for me, I have a feeling I’m gonna get burned on my way through. But what I’ll find waiting for me once I’m out?
Worth every ounce of pain.
Some players gloat about having an ace up their sleeve. Personally, I’ve always been partial to the jack. As in Chief Jack Markum.
Before hanging up, Jack shares that the police are investigating me. That isn’t new information. What is, however, is the methods they’re willing to go to in order to do so.
Seems they have a uniform that rattles their cages, won’t adhere to their rules as they prefer to make their own, and needs to be tamed. His words not mine because they sound awesome as is. Hell, in my opinion, they need more like that.
I tried to get more from him, determine what I need to watch out for since I’m not in the clear yet, but he was done being helpful. Fine. I can work with what he gave me. He’s an idiot if he thinks he’s the only cop that owes me. Each of them serves a purpose.
As do all my contacts, and the next will ensure my safe passage after I leave this life.
“How’d you get this number?” Ezra Graham demands to know when he answers.
“Is that any way to greet a stranger?” We’ve never officially met, which isn’t all that unusual considering we are technically enemies.
“It’s the only way in our business.” Can’t deny that. “What can you do for me?” He asks, getting straight to the point and letting me know it better be worth his while. I can admire that.
I don’t respond immediately, knowing that’s what he expects, but I’m not one of his minions and he needs to remember that. A huff greets my ears and I grin. Message received. “It’s more like what we can do for each other.”
“I’m listening.” And he does as I make an offer he can’t refuse.
“All this for a woman?”
“Any other reason to change your life?”