Page 17 of Set in Stone
“My love for you is greater than all the stars in the sky.” Adam may not speak from the heart often – he prefers to show what’s inside it instead – but when he does, holy moly. The beauty of it rivals Maya Angelou, Emily Dickinson, and Shakespeare combined. “Ember?” He asks, and I realize while I’ve been mentally drooling over how awesome my boyfriend is, he’s been waiting for my response.
“Yes,” I answer, hoping he catches my meaning. He does because he pops open the lid and shows me its contents. “It’s beautiful,” I tell him, my hand shaking as I reach for it. The red diamond in the center shoots off to the sides, the color fading into orange. “They’re sparks.” My voice is whisper soft, at least to my ears because all I can hear is an echo of my pulse in them. And it seems to be saying Adam’s name over and over, proving that my heart beats for him, only for him.
“Because you’re my spark, Ember. The person that gives me life, keeps me going, and lights up my world.” I extend my left ring finger, silently asking him to slide it on. To some, it may seem like we’re moving too fast, but that’s ridiculous. We’ve known each other forever and this is where we were always headed, it just took us a while to get here.
There are no words I can say that will top, let alone match his, so I use my mouth in other ways. As I kiss him, the small part of my brain that can still think can’t help but feel honored I get to do this for the rest of my days. The other, though? All it sees and feels is Adam. What I can tell him is, “I love you, too.”
By silent agreement, Ember and I make our way toward my room. We’re both fully aware of the fact we have the house to ourselves and the only thing standing between us and our first time is our clothing.
Ember lays on the bed and I’m helpless to do anything but stare at her. This moment, with love shining in her eyes, steals my breath. “You’re really going to be my wife?”
“And you’ll be my husband.” Fuck! I’m not sure which sounds better. I know they’re essentially the same, but they’re still striking me differently. I want to ask if she’s sure, give her a last chance to change her mind before taking on the responsibilities I now face, but I can’t. It seems I’m not that much of a gentleman despite being raised to be otherwise. Ember agreed to be mine and I’m holding her to it.
Ember raises her arms, inviting me to join her, and says, “No take backsies.”
The childhood phrase relaxes me, as she intended, and I remove my shirt, hoping she’ll return the favor. She does and seeing her breasts cupped in black lace causes me to come in my boxers. There’s no stopping it and I don’t try. This is what she does to me and I’m not ashamed if she knows it. I want her to.
I press my lips to the skin above her heart and speak directly from mine. “This is the most beautiful part of you. It’s pure and loyal.”
“And yours,” she informs me.
“Only fitting since you own mine,” I tell her.
“I want to give you something else, too,” Ember says.
“What’s that, sparky?”
“You’ll be my first.” I wasn’t sure, though I was hoping. I should be noble and say it wouldn’t matter either way, that there will be no one after me and that’s all that counts. But I’d be lying.
“Thank fuck,” I state, making her laugh.
“Anything you want to tell me?”
“We’re on equal ground, baby. It’s only ever been you.”
“Yay!” She cheers, then my bare chest is on hers, the lace scraping my skin somehow ratcheting my passion. I need more, though, so I skate my lips down, nudging the material with my nose. My tongue circles her left breast then glides to the other and I repeat the process. I have no freaking clue what I’m doing, only that I’m going with what feels right.
When I reach her shorts, I touch the zipper and wait. She nods and I lower the tab, then unbutton them. Sliding them off, taking a pair of panties that match her bra with them, I exhale, needing to get myself under control.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” I confess as I flick my tongue over her clit.
“Good,” she instantly replies. “We’ll learn together.” Knowing she isn’t bothered by my lack of knowledge, and in fact, prefers it, alleviates any anxiety and allows me to focus on us.
Wanting to taste her, knowing I can’t do it wrong in her eyes, I take my first lick and moan as her taste hits me. Then I dive in and I don’t stop until she’s pleading for me to, her nub so sensitive my breath is enough to send her over.
I stand and shuck my pants, thankful I don’t have to deal with my socks and shoes, too, because I doubt my ability to be upright for that long. “I, uh, don’t have condoms,” I admit, feeling like a failure for not being able to take care of her.
Now she’s shy, ducking her head as she explains, “I’m on the pill. Girl reasons.” As if she’s embarrassed to talk about her period with me. Apparently forgetting that I’ve gone out and purchased tampons for her before. Brought her chocolate to feed her cravings. I should remind her of this, make sure she knows nothing will scare me away from her, but all that I can think of is what this means. She’s letting me take her bare. My body twitches, so does my dick, as it releases a stream that starts running down my leg at the mere thought of being skin on skin.
Covering her, my tip resting against her center, I move my hips, hoping it does what it’s supposed to. It doesn’t and, after trying a few more times, I grab my shaft and literally start to guide it in. “How come that always works perfectly in movies and stuff?”
She giggles, her hand covering mine. “I’d rather have this. It’s real, it’s us, and that’s what makes it perfect.” I groan as I push inside her, feel her walls welcoming my intrusion, and hold myself still, waiting for her to be okay before I continue. “Move, Adam,” she urges through a slight wince as I do. I hate that I’m causing her pain and am relieved when she adjusts and tells me to take her.
It only takes about five pumps and I’m close to coming, though I’m surprised I lasted even that long. “Next time, sparky. I promise I’ll make it good for you,” I vow as I give her my seed, relieved when her release coats my cock, letting me know I at least gave her some pleasure in my fumbling.
I want to roll and take her with me, but I hate the idea of slipping from her warmth, so I stay as I am. Then my brain kicks in and I’m scared I’m smushing her. I attempt to shift, but she grips me tight. “Not yet,” she says. “I want to stay this way a little bit longer.” I gladly agree, not wanting to lose this moment either, though I make her promise to let me know if my weight gets to be too much. “Never,” she corrects me with a smile. “You’re juuuuust right.” And with that, I discover laughter, at least hers, is sexy as fuck because my dick recovers and gets hard from the sound of it. Ember knows it, too. “I was going to suggest a shower,” she informs me with a mischievous grin, “but I like your idea much better.” To prove it, she wraps her legs around my waist and presses against me, silently urging me to do something. I do, and that’s to get to my back and hold on to her hips as she rides me to within an inch of my life.