Page 19 of Set in Stone
“Did you get lost?” Camden teases, the last word ending with a squeak as he takes in the scene. That reaction leads to me having another epiphany where Troy and Karen are concerned.
Ignoring them, I want to know, “Did you see BusyBiddy talking to them?” Not taking his eyes off them, he nods as he scoots closer to me, his hand reaching out to grab Riley and pull her with him as he yells for Nash.
Nash, presumably registering the underlying emotion in Camden’s tone, comes hurrying toward us at a fast clip. He’s old enough to remember them for who they are, more accurately who they’re supposed to be, and makes to rip the door out of my hand and do what I’d initially intended. Slam it in their faces.
“Leave,” he demands, anger evident in how he’s holding himself as he moves to stand in front of Camden and Riley.
Completely agreeing with him but not in the mood to be as polite, I demand, “Get the fuck off my property and don’t ever return.” And then I satisfyingly close the door and make the motion of wiping my hands of them. “Damn that felt good,” I mutter, making Nash chuckle.
“Honestly, I’m jealous you got to do it.”
Camden, ever helpful, leans to the side to peer out the window, and informs Nash, “They’re still standing there.”
Gleefully, Nash re-opens the door and their expressions are smug, as if they knew we’d change our minds. Jokes on them because Nash says, “And another thing,” then repeats my move. “You’re right,” Nash says. “That did feel good.” I know they haven’t left yet because I can hear them bitching through the wood about how my parents raised a bunch of hooligans and we need to be taught some manners. Not giving a shit what they think about us, we return to the party, putting Troy and Karen Cross exactly where they belong, behind us.
I’ve got a wife waiting for me, my siblings under the same roof where they will stay, and a happily ever after in the making.
Epilogue One
Four years later…
“As always, an outstanding job,” my boss, Danielle Johns, says as she reads over my proposal for an upcoming meeting. Since we’re on a video call, I know she sees me execute a half bow from my chair and I see her responding laugh. Shortly after graduating, I began applying for positions in my field, unsure what I really wanted to do with my degree in English. That all changed when I heard back from a different company, one I hadn’t even thought to try for. They’d discovered my resume through an online site and reached out to me.
For the People is a non-profit agency that provides various forms of assistance to those in need. The more I learned about them, the more I wanted the position. Obviously, I got it. I now spend my days working from home, aside from the rare visit to their headquarters a few hours away, writing grants or proposals to help with their mission. Knowing I play a part in that makes me feel like I’m making a difference and not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for that.
But not as much as I am for my family. They mean the world to me and I’d be lost without them.
After we hang up, Danielle telling me to have a good weekend and I tell her likewise, then retreat to the bedroom and change my clothes. “You ready, sparky?” Adam asks as he pokes his head in the doorway.
“For you? Always,” I reply, loving the smile he gives me in return. “To see the proof Riley is all grown-up? Never.” We’re getting ready to attend her high school graduation. Couple that with her turning eighteen mere days ago and I’m a blubbering mess. She’s the class valedictorian and has been accepted at her top choice college where she’ll gain her teaching degree.
Camden was in the same position two years prior, though he chose to become an EMT. While a degree is not required for his chosen field, he went the extra steps to acquire one in emergency medical technology. He said that he wanted every advantage he could find that would allow him to provide the highest quality care possible for his patients.
Nash was able to attend a culinary school and officially become a chef. His dishes are in demand and Rufus, who is still his boss, can’t say enough nice things about him and the attention he’s brought his restaurant. Because of it, Rufus was able to open a second location which Samuel offered to transfer to as he’d been looking for a change.
Adam eventually finished his final semester and Chuck had no problem scheduling him around his classes. Chuck was sad to see him go, but they still talk regularly and Adam helps out from time to time as needed. But his true love, aside from his family, is his job as a financial planner. He knows that he would probably still be playing catch up if not for his dad thinking ahead as he did. With that firsthand knowledge of how quickly and badly things can go, he wants to ensure others are just as prepared should the worst, or the best if expenses arise for happy occasions, occur.
Kent has pretty much distanced himself from our parents and claims the Stones as his own instead. He repeatedly gave them chances to do better until they continually refused to accept my marriage to Adam, and therefore Adam himself, preferring to pretend they only had a son. With that, Kent was done and said he no longer wanted to be a Young. He spoke to all of us, specifically wanting to clear it with Adam, then officially became a Stone.
Our parents didn’t want to accept that, but he stood his ground and said he and the Stones are a package deal. They won’t get one without the other. I don’t think I’ve ever loved him more. Adam, Nash, Camden, and Riley even gave him a standing ovation, seeing as how the confrontation took place in front of our house. Dad and Mom have since packed their things and chosen to live elsewhere while Kent moved into our childhood home.
“Riley Abigail Stone,” the principal, Clive Struthers, announces and we erupt with applause, wanting Riley to know how unbelievably proud we are of her.
No longer that withdrawn little girl scared of losing her brothers, she has no problem declaring her feelings nor speaking her mind. Which is why, as the auditorium settles down, she hollers from the stage, “Love you guys!”
And we know she isn’t just referring to us, but also the framed picture of their parents Adam is holding high above his head. They may not be here in person, but they are watching over her, over all of them, and always will.
Epilogue Two
Six years after that…
“Breathe, sweetheart, breathe,” I urge my wife as a contraction hits.
“I’m going to shove a watermelon up your nostril, then tell you to breathe,” she mutters and I quickly cover my laugh with a fake cough. A glare lets me know she isn’t buying it, but I pretend otherwise. It’s safer that way…for me.