Page 59 of Diesel
We all simmer down, it’s the last class on a Friday afternoon, the last thing we need is a detention. The rest of the lesson goes by quickly, and when the bell goes, everyone is fast to leave.
“I will meet you at dinner. Did you take everything you needed to Luna's room?” I ask, pulling her into my body. Her arms naturally go around my neck, and my arms steady her waist.
“Like totally,” she says, using bad eighties slang. I shut her up, placing a kiss on her perfectly plush lips.
“Go before I take you here in front of Mr. Meric.” She laughs, releasing her grip on me. I pass her bag, and she skips out of class, her short skirt swishes side to side, giving me a nice view of her ass. All of a sudden, I can’t wait for this dance, so I can rip her dress off afterwards.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Luna is bouncing around the room, singing into her hairbrush to Cindy Lauper’s,Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Her hair is big and teased for maximum height. Her dress is a dark blue and has lots of tulle. Mine is baby pink, the bodice sparkles, hugging tight to my body and tapering off into a tulle bottom. I also have a big poof of material sitting on my shoulder. Not sure of its use, but it's there; A darker pink than my dress. Our makeup is also big and bright.
“Girls just want to….” Luna sings while her roommate walks in and looks us up and down. Shaking her head, she flops onto her bed, pulling her pillow over her head. “Let's go eat, I'm starved.”
After she packs up our mess, we make our way to eat dinner before the dance. Diesel texts me about halfway there, saying they’ve just arrived. I'm excited to see them all in their suits. I know Diesel will be in black, but the others tend to be more out there, and I'm expecting some crazy colours.
“Was that Diesel?” She asks, turning to me and back to the road. I hold on to the holy fuck bars as she flies down the road.
“Yep, seeing how far off we were.” I reply, sighing in relief when the dining hall comes into view.
“And we are here.” She announces, pulling into a spot. We both look absolutely ridiculous in our outfits, both with matching pointy toe silver heels. As we walk side by side, the boys step outside the building. We both stop simultaneously, Luna grabbing my arm as her breath hitches. They look breath taking. It's a sea of colours and ruffles and cummerbunds, and then you have Diesel in a black suit, and his tie matches my dress. His eyes lock with mine when I finally compose myself to take a step forward, pulling Luna along with me.
“You look hot.” Diesel says, pulling me into his arms.
“You look handsome, you didn't have to meet us outside.”
“See, I told you we could have stayed inside.” Draven announces, Wilder starts laughing at him. Diesel shoots them a look, and they just smile at me.
“We wanted to, now let's eat before they all start eating each other.”
After we finished eating, we all made our way to the hall. Blaine, Kelby, and Taleah are all crowded around the entrance as well as what looks to be photographers.
“Why are there people taking photos?” I whisper to Luna.
“Have you not seen the app? The Alphas, along with those bimbos, are extremely popular. None of them would have paid a cent for their outfits, it’s all publicity and exclusive access to Briar. Diesel is the most photographed. We all have our own profiles, and then the school has a main feed, giving the world access to all this through other social media outlets.”
“I honestly didn’t know; I haven’t set up a profile,” I say just as the photographers get wind the Alphas have arrived.
“You should set it up before the teachers get on your back, you should have gotten a briefing when you arrived.”
Before I can respond, Diesel wraps his arm around my waist, and we walk down the red carpet, the photographers behind a golden rope. It feels like we’re at some kind of movie premiere.
“Diesel, is it true you have a new girl in your life?”
“Are you over Kelby?”
“Does your father approve of your relationship?”
“To answer your questions, yes Cyrus is my new girl, Kelby was easily forgotten, and I don’t give a shit what my father thinks.”
With that, we move to where Kelby and Co. are standing. Kelby smiles, showing off perfect white teeth, and I want to slap the smile straight off her face. Her pathetic attempts to get Diesel are getting old, and the cameras flash, catching the exchange. Linking my arm with Diesel, he must get the hint that I’m uncomfortable. Luna and Wilder are directly behind us, no tickets are needed, but we did have to bring our swipe card or watches. At the digital podium, I shuffle through my clutch and find my card.
“You look hot.” Kelby states, wrapping her manicured fingers around Diesel's arm. I grit my teeth, forcibly holding myself back as I watch the exchange. He looks at her hand and up at her face, something silent passes between them before her face drops faster then her hand does. Once my card is scanned, he moves us past her and into the room. I hear Wilder laugh and call out “burn” before him and Luna are inside.
We get a foot in the door before we’re ushered into line at a massive balloon display to take photos. We pose for so many photos, until Luna is happy that we took enough, and then we move on into the main hall. The room is decorated in blue and white balloons, massive stars hanging from the roof. The lighting gives the room a soft glow, everything feels so eighties.