Page 68 of Diesel
A loud bang startles me, followed by a hand under my shirt resting just below my breastbone. I try to move, and Cuyler's hand pulls me in closer.
“Stop wiggling, babe, I’m enjoying it a little too much.” He thrusts his morning wood into my ass. A slight squeal escapes me. I roll, taking my blanket with me, and land on the floor next to Diesel. My mouth pulls into a smile, and I lose it. I was supposed to be up and gone already but seeing him on the floor with a scowl on his face is priceless. Cuyler is looking down from the side of the bed, a confused look on his face.
“How did I get here?” He asks. I reel in my laughter. I go to explain, but Diesel beats me to it.
“She’s a whore, I’m sure you had fun. I give her that, she knows what she is doing.”
“Ugh.” I untangle myself, make my way to where my uniform is hanging, remove Cuyler’s shirt, throw my shoes in my bag, and make my way to the door. I can feel their eyes watching me running towards the door in my underwear and knee-high socks, but I don’t care.
“Cyrus, wait!” Cuyler shouts as the door slams shut. Looking around the room, the rest of the Alphas are staring at me. Just great, but not like they haven’t seen it all before. I clutch my uniform to my chest and beeline for the lift.
“Damn, fresh meat.” Rebel says, sliding up beside me. “Diesel, Mr. B, and Cuyler. When do I get to rock your world?” He asks and slaps me on the ass.
A sound resembling a strangled cat emerges from me as the lift doors open. I jump inside with a yelp, turning to glare at Rebel. “Touch me again, and you will regret it.”
“Is that a promise?” He asks with a smirk as the doors slide closed.
I manage to get my uniform on by the time the lift gets to the ground floor. I wait until I’m in my buggy before I get my shoes on.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I walk into the dining hall for breakfast, Sax messaged me to meet him down here. My mind is still reeling about why he would want to talk to me. I walk over to the coffee machine, and as I make myself a coffee, I feel a presence looming behind me.
“You know, little creature, I was right about you all along,” Diesel whispers. “You did a good job at playing me, but the joke's on you. You will be mine to do with as I please and breaking you is going to be fun.”
“You can try, but I’m already broken. You never meant enough to me, so anything you do to me, couldn’t even begin to compare to what I have already been through.” The lies taste like acid coming from my mouth. He will never know what he meant to me in a short time, even if it was that he made me forget, made me want to live again.
“Maybe not, but I will have fun trying,” he says, his erection pressed into my ass.
I turn to face him, and he takes a small step back but stays in my personal space. “Good luck with that.”
I don’t want to wait around for more, I step aside, and he lets me go. I look around for somewhere to sit since Sax is running late, and I only agreed to meet to piss Diesel off a little. I make eye contact with Luna, and she looks at the seat next to her, and I shake my head no.
I know she would stand up for me, but I don’t want her to be back where she was; being the school pariah isn’t for everyone. For me, it’s a means to an end.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” Sax asks, dropping down into the seat across from me, kicking his feet up on the table and leaning back in his chair.
I sigh. “Just wanting to know why you wanted to meet up. We don’t even know each other, and it seems weird.”
Sax removes his feet from the table and leans forward across the table. “Because those assholes deserve what’s coming to them, they were supposed to be my friends too. I want revenge.”
“And what does that have to do with me?”
“The possibilities are endless.”
“I’m not interested.” I say, standing from the table.
Sax laughs. “Come on, you have taken all the Briar dicks for a ride, why not me?'' The guy is deranged.
I get up, and I turn and run from the dining hall. It sucks that Diesel would have just witnessed that.
I run, no idea where I’m going, but I just keep moving. Not watching where I’m going, I run into a body. I look up to apologise, and Cuyler steadies me, his hands on my shoulders.
“What’s wrong, Bambi?” He asks with concern. He wipes my tears with his thumbs, not breaking eye contact. I wish Cuy made my heart jump and butterflies swarm in my stomach, it would have been so much easier falling for a guy like him.
“I’m a horrible person, I have done something really bad, and I can’t make it better.”