Page 84 of Diesel
I shake my head at him. “I can’t lie and say the thought didn’t cross my mind, but I’m not doing that shit again.”
“Again? Now I need details,” he says.
“What are you two whispering about over here?” Diesel asks, taking a seat beside me, Cuyler takes the seat next to Rebel.
“Oh, just Rebel telling me how much he wants to be the meat in a Diesel and Cuyler sandwich.”
“Fuck off,” Rebel laughs, and Cuyler throws an arm around Rebel’s neck.
“Did you want to suck my dick, it’s been a while. If I close my eyes, I’m sure I could picture a certain blonde.”
“In your dreams, pretty boy. I’m out of here before Cuyler starts rubbing up on me. Someone get him laid asap.”
Rebel leaves, Cuyler and Diesel look at me. “What?”
“Sax has been causing a stir since our fight,” Diesel says.
“Okay, and why is that a problem?”
“It’s not, it just means that he is still coming after Diesel and the upcoming end-of-year fight.”
I don’t understand why they call it the end-of-year fight when it happens in August and we don’t finish our exams until November, but maybe it’s so it doesn’t interfere with exams.
“Just be careful, we don’t know what my father has put him up to. He will want to fight dirty. There may be a reason he wants to win against me, and there is no way to know if it’s because my father put him up to it, or if it’s just a vendetta against me.”
“And Bambi, we know that if you’re going to leave Diesel’s ugly ass for anyone, it would be me.”
Diesel flips him off, it’s been nice seeing Diesel lighten up. I know he was worried that the other Alphas wouldn’t respect him if he didn’t keep a firm hand, but even they have lightened up. Their whole dynamic is weird, a good weird. They all actually interact like true friends. Not people they can store information on and use when they need something in the future.
“I’m breaking it off with Blaine,” Cuyler announces. “She’s pregnant.”
Diesel chokes on his spit.
“Is it yours?” I ask, trying not to sound like I’m judging him.
“No, it’s Diesel’s uncles.”
“That’s a new development, how long has that been going on?” Diesel asks, and Cuyler runs a hand through his hair.
“Two years, that's why I kept fighting for her. I know I lied to everyone, but I didn’t know how else to protect her. If her parents found out, they would have sent her away, and she has been my best friend since we were five. Now she has no choice but to tell her parents and your uncle. I get to fight for the girl I love, which complicates things because she hates me.”
“Your uncle should be in jail,” I protest.
“Maybe, but they can figure that shit out on their own. She is eighteen now and can do what she wants. It’s their word against anyone who tries to cause problems, and I know Blaine, she isn’t going to talk.”
“You’re going to have another cousin,” I tease. “Surely it has to turn out better than the one you currently have.”
“Can you ask Blaine not to say anything until after the fight? If my father finds out, she has a one-way trip to an abortion clinic. My father likes control, and he doesn’t want to see Emory happy.”
“I can try, I have to see her later, but right now, I’m going to shower and try to convince Island to like me.”
“Good luck with that,” I joke.
Once he is gone, I follow Diesel to our room, and I flop on the bed and he falls down beside me.
“Do you really think this will all work out?” I ask. I trust my father knows what he is doing, but Diesel’s father just always seems to be ten steps ahead of everyone at all times.
“I do, he would never expect me to work against him right now. A few years from now maybe he would start ensuring that I wouldn’t turn against him. But he thinks he has me right where he wants me.”