Page 86 of Diesel
“That’s easier said than done, he doesn’t like me either.”
“That’s because your brother has played you all off against each other, but maybe it’s time you all fought back. You would be stronger together than apart.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Do that, because I have a feeling you’re both going to need each other soon.”
Both Emory and I sit and wait while Diesel is taken back to see his mother, and we mostly sit in silence. I find it hard to wrap my head around him sleeping with a student and for so long. Did it start as a way to get kicked out of Briar Academy? He has mentioned being here against his will. I don’t understand it and maybe I never will, and then my father flashed into my mind and his relationship with Celine, except she was an adult when they started seeing each other.
Chapter Thirty-Five
I sit by my mother’s bed and hold her hand. She has been asleep since I walked in, and no doctors have come by yet.
She squeezes my hand, and I look at her as her eyes flutter open. “Diesel, where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital.”
I press the buzzer for the nurse. Someone needs to come and explain to me why my mother is lying in a damn hospital bed.
“Why am I here, what happened?” She asks, confused.
“I’m not sure.”
A nurse comes through the door followed by a doctor. “Mrs. Briar, you’re awake.”
“Can you tell me why I’m here?”
“Yes, you had a nasty fall, your file says your housekeeper called an ambulance for you. You don’t remember any of this?”
“Sorry, I don’t.”
“You will be perfectly fine, you have stitches on your left arm, you must have been holding a glass when you fell and cut yourself.” The doctor hesitates. “You also had some sedatives in your system, but your records don’t show you being prescribed any.”
“That’s because I don’t take any, maybe they mixed up my test results.”
“I will have the lab double check.” My mother would never take any kind of drugs, she refuses Panadol and ibuprofen at the best of times. Her sister died of an overdose at eighteen, and it has been a lifelong struggle of grief over losing her.
Before I can ask the doctor any questions, my father waltzes in. “Thank god you’re okay. I came as soon as I got the voicemail from the hospital.”
He reeks of perfume, one I have smelled very recently. I grind my teeth together because if I smell it then my mother will be able to as well.
I clap my father on the shoulder. “Maybe you want to go and speak to the doctor outside and find out when Mum can come home.”
I lean in closer so only he can hear me. “You smell like your whore, Mum doesn’t need to deal with that.” I squeeze his shoulder tighter, I have never been more disappointed in my father. He normally keeps his affairs discreet and away from home.
He shrugs away from me. “Diesel is right, I will talk to the doctor outside and be right back.”
I take the seat beside her bed and take her hand again. “You don’t need to try and protect me, I know he’s cheating on me. It’s just more complicated than you could imagine.”
“I understand,” I tell her, she will be free of him soon enough, it’s a matter of weeks before this will all be over. We will be free of the man who manipulates us into being his minions, and I for one can’t wait for my mum to be free. I know my father loves her, almost too much as he has her on a pedestal, and it’s like over the years she has just been put there for show. He always acts human around her and not the monster we all know, and I probably won’t ever know what his reasoning behind cheating on her is. I can only imagine it’s for purely selfish reasons and the things he would be doing to his conquests that he would never do to his wife. But regardless, he doesn’t deserve her, he has started to get sloppy lately.
A few minutes pass, and I excuse myself to make sure my father isn’t up to anything shady, the nurse wanted to check my mum’s blood pressure anyway.
I step into the hall, and my father and the doctor are talking in hushed tones. I know that talk well. I march over to them and both men stop talking.
“Can we take her home?” I ask.