Page 5 of Checkmate
I snatch an apple from the fruit bowl and make my way to the garage. I flick on the light as I walk through the door. Boston's blue Viper is parked in the usual empty spot–by this time of morning it would already be outside in the driveway. I swipe the key fob from the hook on the wall, pressing the unlock button. The car beeps and lights up.
A surge of adrenaline pools in my stomach and I smirk at the thought of him watching me from above or below–let’s face it, Boston wasn’t a saint while he was alive–driving his car. I can picture the vein protruding in his neck as his face goes slightly red. I wait for the explosion but it doesn’t come. I take a deep breath in and slowly release it. I can’t let this get to me. I have to just get through today.
The garage door automatically opens as a car reverses, so as soon as I release my foot from the brake the door starts to slide up.
I back out slowly until I’m facing the gate and peel out of the driveway onto the street. I drive his car like I stole it, speeding and weaving in and out of lanes, all the way to Northwood Pines.
Rage simmers in my belly as I pull into the parking lot. They haven’t even been dead a month and someone has already parked in their spots. I don’t know why this bothers me so much, but I fly up and park Boston's car directly in front of them, the tires screeching as I come to a stop. Everyone standing around their cars freeze, and kids gather above the massive shrubs where Laughn would sit and smoke every morning as he watched me walk into the school.
“Who the fuck parked their cars there?!” I yell at the top of my lungs but no one speaks up. “No one? Their bodies are bearly cold and you think you can forget who ran this school. Move them now before I find a hockey stick and do some damage.”
The stares continue even after I move the car and as I make my way up the stairs. I see Jimmie, Sinclair and Kai sitting around our usual table.
I storm over to them and look Kai dead in the eyes.
“You need to leave,” I snap.
“Jolie,” Sinclair chastises. “His brother just died, you could be a little nicer.”
I open my mouth, then clamp it shut tightly. They don’t know the part Kai played in his brother's death. I won’t apologise for what I said.
“Hey Cupcake.” My eyes widen as I turn and see Colt dressed in our school uniform.His once shaggy blonde hair is cut a bit shorter, and the scruffy beard he used to sport is trimmed down. I raise a brow, but he just smiles with a shark-like grin. “Fancy seeing you here. Oh look, it’s the dick girl. Have you considered my offer yet?” Sinclair goes beet red and hides her face behind her hands. I don’t bother sitting down; I grab Colt by the arm and drag him away from the table.
“Why are you here?” I whisper, not wanting anyone to overhear.
“Don’t know,” he says with a shrug. “Orders from the big man. My team is here and so is Team Rampage.”
“Summer’s team is here?” He just nods and I scan the courtyard but there’s no sign of them yet.
“My guess is because you’ve had yourself locked up like a hermit for the last month, then you have a mental breakdown at the funeral. Your ass is on watch. We all know Mr. Z is your father, maybe he actually loves someone besides himself.”
“Yeah, maybe.” I trail off as Chelsea and her minions walk past whispering to each other.
“Did you see the new teachers?”
“I don’t know if I should be turned on or scared.”
“What are you looking at?” Chelsea snaps.
“I don’t know, shit doesn’t come with name tags.”
Colt snorts and I roll my eyes at myself.How old am I? Ten?
“Your friends are no longer here to protect you,” she taunts, causing her posse to snicker.
“See, that’s where you’re wrong. They’re no longer here to protect you, bitch.”
I lunge for her, grabbing a handful of her red hair and pulling her into a head lock as she squeals for me to let her go. “Mention them again and you'll need a new nose job.”
“Jolie.” I shudder at the tone of his voice.
I look up and lock eyes with Brennan as he comes to stand in front of me.
“Not a good time Brennan, as you can see I’m busy.” I say, tightening my hold on her as a whimper leaves her lips.
“It’s Mr. Myers and I need you to come with me.”
I freeze and my eyes widen as my brows hit my hairline.Mr. Myers...seriously?