Page 67 of Checkmate
“You look amazing,” she remarks, fluffing up her skirt. “Jimmie is meeting us there. I have a limo picking us up in fifteen minutes, so we better go and find Kai.”
“Let’s do this.”
We head down the stairs and find Kai patiently waiting in the kitchen. My breath hitches at the sight before my eyes. He looks so handsome in his black suit. He turns to face us and slips his mask on; his mask covers his entire face, unlike ours that only covers our eyes.
“I’m the luckiest guy alive,” he says, giving me a once over. “I have the hottest date…No offence, Sinclair.”
“None taken, I agree with you. Her legs look bangin’ in that dress.”
I have to agree. The way the material sits, the front with the two slits right up to my hips doesn’t leave much to the imagination, but the fabric that falls down the front–while slim–covers the parts that no one wants to see. Sinclair gave me some Hollywood tape to stick to my underwear, that way the dress didn’t give anyone a peek at what I have on underneath.
Kai grabs my hand and tucks it securely into his elbow as the three of us head outside. The limo has pulled right up to the front steps, and the driver is standing there waiting with the door open, tipping his hat as we approach. Sinclair gets in first, and I follow behind her, with Kai getting in last. Once we are all seated, the driver gets back in and we are on our way.
Kai pops open a bottle of champagne and pours us all a glass.
“To a night we’ll never forget,” Sinclair says, holding up her glass for us all to cheers.I wish I knew how right she really was a few hours later.
We all clink our glasses together, and Sinclair giggles.
The drive isn’t far. We pull up to what looks like a fancy hotel of some sort and the driver gets out, coming around quickly and opens our door. Kai slides out first this time and helps both Sinclair and I out of the limo. I adjust the front of my dress, making sure all of the important parts are covered, then glance around. My mouth falls open in shock at the sight of the red carpet rolled out just for us, that leads into the building. I was right in assuming that this was a hotel. It’s a high rise made mostly of glass; the parts that aren’t are a beautiful black and white marble. There are spotlights flickering around that I’m sure people can see from five miles away and a doorman dressed in a black suit with a pop of red that awaits our arrival at the entrance. They definitely have fancy down to a T.
Kai takes my hand, placing it in the crook of his elbow, just like when we left the house and leads us inside, through the hotel and to a double set of doors that must lead to a ballroom. He pushes the doors open, but I can’t see what’s inside because the room is dark. Lights flicker on making me gasp as people shout ‘happy birthday’. Tears well in my eyes as I take in the room. Chandeliers hang from the ceiling, string curtains that overlook double windows and fairy lights are strung up outside to give the place a magical feel. Brennan, Creed, Chester and Trace stand before me, all of them looking incredibly fuckable in their suits. Not far behind them, blending into the background, I instantly spot Boston, Case, Marlow, Davis and Laughn. Even in full masks they’re not hard to miss, their mannerisms setting them apart from the rest. My heart hammers in my chest, scared of what could happen if they get caught out.
“Don’t worry, they’re trained to blend into the background and the lights will be kept low. But, if anyone says anything, they'll wake up tomorrow with no memory of tonight,” Kai whispers in my ear.
“You can’t wipe someone's complete memory.”
“No, just the last twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”
He takes my hand and leads me into the room. Sinclair wanders over to Colt; his smile still visible through his ridiculous mask. All of the girls that came to the party have classy masks, while most of the guys have full-face masks consisting of skulls or wolves. But not Colt; he’s wearing a pirate mask.
I don’t draw attention to Team Hades by looking at them, even though every part of me is screaming to go to them. They split up and are randomly standing around the room, keeping their eyes on everything going on.
Kai moves us closer to his team. Chester is the first to pull me into his arms. “Little Angel, I might just kill someone tonight. You look positively edible.”
“Well, I guess you’ll have to wait until we get home to have dessert then.”
He growls a possessive warning in my ear, and curses as I’m stolen from him by Trace, who takes my hand and pulls me between him and Brennan.
“I thought I would save you from him before he pisses on you to mark his territory.” Trace whispers, making me laugh. I glance back over to Chester and laugh even harder as I see him giving death glares to any guy that looks in our direction.
“You should go and mingle; we'll all be watching. Have fun, this is your party after all.” Brennan says from behind me. I spin around to look at him and a smile tilts my lips as I peer through the eyes of his mask and see his beautiful blues shining back at me.
“Thank you.” With that, I walk away from them, feeling all of their eyes on me.
People say hello as I walk through the crowd towards the tables that are set up off to one side. Summer jumps up when she sees me and waves me over. Her floor length pale pink gown compliments her blonde hair. All of her guys are seated, and even with their masks on I can tell them apart. Khale is scowling at me as usual. After all this time, he still hasn’t warmed up to me, but I can’t blame him when he had the threat of Laughn hanging over his head.
“Happy birthday,” she squeals and throws herself into my arms. I look over her shoulder and raise a brow at Leland. I think she is drunk already.
“Thanks, I’m all grown up now apparently.”
The Macarenastarts to play, and Summer yells out that she loves this song. Who would even play this song at a party like this? I scan the room and see Colt standing by the DJ before he grabs Sinclair’s arm and drags her to the dance floor. The rest of his team jumps up from their seats and joins them. Summer takes my hand and drags me along with her.
We fall in line next to Blayne and follow along with the song. I laugh at Colt’s ridiculous moves as he shows Danika how it's done. Jimmie even joins us, but none of his team does.
The feeling of being watched hits me hard, and when I look up I find Laughn standing at the front of the room, hidden in the shadows next to a large speaker.
As if the song choice couldn’t get any crazier, “Cotton Eye Joe” comes on next. This time Blayne whoops. Do you have any idea how hard it is to do that dance in heels?