Page 8 of Checkmate
We both sit with our backs against a wall. Colt empties his pockets and I watch as lollies fall to the floor. I shake my head as my brows hit my hairline. All that sugar isn’t good for him. They are just as bad as the energy drink he had this morning.
“We don’t. I just hear things. Girls like to talk when a guy has skills.”
My phone buzzes, causing Colt’s eyes to snap to my boobs. His brows hit his hairline as I remove it from my bra.
Unknown:You need to make this transition easy.
Me:Who is this?
Unknown:Mr. Z. Save my number.
Me:We need to meet. The sooner the better.
Mr. Z:How about dinner tomorrow? I'll send a car to pick you up.
Mr. Z:See you then and play nice. I will explain tomorrow.
I tuck my phone back into my bra and Colt watches while slipping a hard lolly into his mouth.
“Who was that?”
“Mr. Z, he wants to meet for dinner tomorrow and tell me why he has all of the handlers posing as my teachers."
Colt laughs and holds out a pink lolly to me. I take it and unwrap it. The door to the room is thrown open–nearly smacking Colt in the shoulder–and we both stare at Brennan standing in the doorway. He looks down at us and takes in the way we're sitting. I don’t miss the slight jealousy that washes over his face before he pulls himself together when he realises we're not doing anything.
“Colt, back to class. Jolie, my office.”
Colt stands and helps me up before he leans down and picks up his lolly stash from the floor and shoves them back into his pocket.
“See you at lunch Cupcake. I'll introduce you to my team; they’re going to love you.”
He moves towards the door and Brennan steps back to allow him to walk past. Colt slaps Brennan on the ass and takes off running down the hall. I snort.
“Lead the way,” I say, my voice laced with sarcasm as I lift my hand into the air in a gesture for him to start walking.
He doesn’t attempt small talk; the silence is deafening in the empty hallway. I walk a few steps behind him all the way to a staffroom in the science building. Just as I’m about to ask why we're here, Creed walks in and locks the door behind himself. Oh goody this might just be about to get good. I wonder if I could use sex to get me out of this. I doubt it, Creed would know that I’m not feeling it and call me out.
“Oh goody, how are we going to do this, tag team, pig on a spit? I've never had two at once. I’m willing to gi…”
My words are cut short when Creed rushes towards me and his hand wraps round my throat. I have to take a few steps backwards to brace myself for his attack. My back hits a wall and I look up at his stone cold face. The fire burning in his eyes tells me he’s pissed.
“What is your problem?” He demands, not letting his grip loosen so I can take a breath. “I get that you’re mad but life goes on.”
I push at his chest with everything that I have. He let’s go of my neck and takes a step back, but he’s still too close for comfort at this point.
“What is my problem? Come on Creed, you’re not fucking stupid so don’t play dumb. You think that you can do what you did and that there wouldn’t be any consequences? Well think again. I don’t want to see you, any of you.” I cut a glare to Brennan who is standing back just watching the encounter. “You all just need to leave me the hell alone.”
Creed laughs. “Now who’s playing stupid? You don’t have a choice, we’re your team and you just have to get over it. You don’t have to like what we had to do, but don’t think for one second that they just let us win. They were just as ruthless as we were. Lucky for us we have years more experience and maybe we just loved you more. We never forgot about you like they did.” he spits.
“And whose fault was that? You all wanted to play the hero and didn't even give them a chance to help you. They didn’t love me less, you just had an advantage of knowing that I was alive.” I admonish, stabbing my finger into his chest.
“And let's face it, what did your protection get me?” I tick each one off on my fingers, “Creepy foster brothers who liked to creep in my room at night, a sense of not belonging, an unhealthy attachment to wanting to be wanted so I used my body to get a feeling of love. So congratulations to you, we may have to be a team but I won’t forgive you. And that is on you.”
With that I turn and storm towards the door, unlocking it and flinging it open. I turn back to look at them and Creed just smirks at me, making my heart sink. Laughn used to do the same. Tears prick at my eyes and I make my exit before they can see me cry. They’ve all seen me vulnerable one too many times. I need to be stronger and one step ahead of them at all times.