Page 42 of I'm Yours
“Fortunately, I hear water helps wake a person up.” I jerk us towards the edge of the dock even though she’s right—I won’t throw her in—and her squeal nearly busts my eardrums. “Sheesh. Could you take it down a few decibels, woman? I’d prefer not to go deaf at thirty-three.”
“Selfishly, I don’t want you to, either. It’s both the most comforting thing in the world and the most terrifying thing in the world to have my big brother be chief of police. I could list reasons under each category of why, but I probably don’t need to.” Her grin widens. “So, when’s your first D-A-T-E with J-E-N-N-A?”
I shake my head, not even bothering to ask why she’s spelling words out. “I haven’t spoken to Jenna about anything we discussed today. But…”
“You’ve discussed herbutt?!”
My cheeks flame even as I shoot her a glare. “No.My gosh, Jess.”
“You don’t sound very convincing.”
“I was going to say that I’m going to take Ella out for her birthday tomorrow night.” Saying the words aloud makes me feel nerves I’ve never felt before, but I continue. “Jen told me she’s asked for three years to go on a daddy-daughter date and—”
“Pete is a stuck-up jerk, so you’re doing it instead.”
“Not the words I was going to use, but yeah. Pretty much.” I give her a brief overview of my plans. “I hope I don’t blow it.”
“Seth, you’re not gonna blow anything. Unless you mean blow it out of the water.” Jess’s teasing smile is replaced with a softer, more serious one, and she pats my chest. “This is how I know you’re going to be an excellent dad someday. And…an excellent godfather?”
My brows shoot up. “What?”
“Marshall and I would like you to be our son or daughter’s godfather,” she says quietly, grabbing my hand and resting it on her stomach. As if the baby can sense it, he or she gives a swift little kick that makes Jess giggle and myself swallow. “So, what do you say? Do you think you’re up for it?”
For a moment, all I can do is nod, my palm still resting on my little sister’s baby bump. “Yeah, I think I’m up for it. Wait, who’s the godmother?”
Jess’s gaze darts to the side before meeting mine again, and she offers the syrupiest sweet smile I’ve ever seen. “Um, so, Marshall hasn’t asked her yet but…Ember.”
Oh, help me now, God.
Chapter Twenty-Four
It’s painful for me to admit, but my baby girl looks so grown up. I mean, she’s only going to turn five tomorrow at 3:29 in the morning. But right now, in this moment, she looks so much older as she stands in front of the mirror in my bedroom, turning this way and that to admire her new dress from all angles. I can’t help but feel a little like Meryl Streep’s character inMamma Mia,watching in the background with misty eyes as my precious baby girl grows up in front of my very eyes.
Except our house is not along the coast in Greece and Ella is, again, only five and most definitely NOT getting married. For, like, at least fifty years. Not really, but I don’t want to think about that day right now.
Ella spins around to face me, the biggest smile possible on her face. “Do you like it, Mommy?”
“I love it, sweetheart,” I assure her, handing Eli another cracker. We technically already ate a light supper after I got home from work so Ella wouldn’t be hungry by the time Seth gets here, but Eli makes up for his lack of words with eating. It’s kind of amazing he doesn’t have more chub on him than he does with the way he tends to shovel down food. “You look just like the birthday princess you are. But unless you want to go barefoot, you should probably come over here so we can put your shoes on.”
Ella peers at herself one more time in the mirror, then crawls up on my bed next to me so I can strap the sandals on her feet. It’s a bit of a challenge because Eli’s snuggled into my left side and will probably be attached to me for the rest of the night, but I will not complain. I know I’ll look back on this day at some point and wish Ella and Eli were this tiny again, so for the sake of future me, I’m going to soak every single moment up.
It’s a little hard for me to put my trust in Seth for this gift. I admit it. Not because I don’t trusthim, but because I don’t trust myself to not call or text him every five minutes to check in. The only person my kids are ever left with is Alice, and this is odd for me. It’s strange to have a man who is so invested in fulfilling my daughter’s birthday wish that he insisted in “making the arrangements” and paying for their evening. I can’t help but smile whenever I think back to yesterday afternoon’s text exchange when we were ironing out details. I was on my lunch break, so don’t think I was grinning like a fool texting Seth at work. I’m notthatobvious.
Seth: If you take care of the special birthday dress you mentioned, I can handle the rest. I’m no help when it comes to picking out a dress, especially not for a little girl, but I think I’m capable of making the arrangements for the rest of the evening.
When I read that, I forced a bite of my turkey sandwich down before allowing myself to respond withThat can be arranged. What time are you going to pick her up?
Seth: I have to work until six, so about 6:30? Sorry it’s so late. If it won’t work, I can try to get off earlier.
I don’t know what it was about our conversation that still gives me such a fluttery feeling, but it does. Maybe because Seth was so genuinely concerned since he was unable to get off until six so it would have to be later than he’d hoped that the date would start? Because every word he typed was honest? Because he’staking my daughter out for her birthday?!
Probably all of the above.
Oh, yeah, there was also the last one that said he wants to talk to me after their date about plans for tomorrow. We don’t have any yet, but I did take the day off. If I hadn’t, Joanna likely would’ve locked me out of Farm to Table. I found the adorable dress and shoes Ella’s wearing tonight at a local boutique on the last ten minutes of my lunch break today, and I also bought a new set of pajamas and a more casual dress, both of which she will get to open tomorrow.
“All right, Ella bug.” I smile and bop her lightly on the nose. “Why don’t you take one last look at yourself to make sure the shoes look okay?” To be clear, the sandals that have a slight platform and white straps across her feet, lookadorable, not just okay. “I think I heard a vehicle pull into the driveway, and we don’t want to keep Seth waiting.”