Page 12 of The Beach Escape
“Oh, I don’t know…” Molly let her voice trail off, because how could she say she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hang out and make a bunch of new BFFs? In fact, her number-one goal of her new life, even in front of the adventure thing, was to not make any deep connections. She’d had a bunch of those in her previous life, including what she’d thought were the bestest of friends, and it hadn’t worked out so well. The familiar wound throbbed in her chest.
Molly pushed the painful memories out of her mind and gave them the politest excuse she could think of. “I’m, uh, not going to be here long. I’m only on a three-month assignment.”
Ellyn brightened. “Hey! That’s Hadley’s story too.” She had the kind of peppy enthusiasm that made Molly wonder if she was always this excited or if she’d already downed her two cups of coffee and was working on number three. Although, Molly had to admit her attitude was a bit contagious. “At least, it was supposed to be, but she keeps hanging around.”
Hadley nodded in agreement. “I’m a project manager for new construction projects, and I moved here for a nine-month assignment. When that wrapped up, I took another six-month job. But, the longer I stay, the less sure I get about leaving.”
“I can see how that would happen. It’s beautiful here.” The parts she’d seen in the short time she’d been there, anyway.
“And it’s not just the scenery. The people in this town are amazing too. If you’re not careful, this place will cast its spell over you.” Hadley took a sip of her latte.
Molly turned to the neighbor on her other side. “Are you here on a temporary assignment too?”
Ellyn shook her head, a few blond strands freeing themselves from her bun. “Nope, I’ve lived here forever. There’s no place else I’d rather be. I own an art gallery just up the road.” She motioned in the direction she was talking about and took a sip from her mug. “But enough about us. Tell us about you. What brings you to Emerald Cove for three months?”
“I’m a locum veterinarian, basically a traveling vet who fills in for people who are out on short-term leave. I’m here for Dr. Lacey at Gulfview Animal Hospital.”
“Oh, right. While she’s at home with baby Ellison.” Ellyn beamed. “I saw a picture, and she is adorable. I’d want to stay home and cuddle with her all day too.”
“You know Dr. Lacey?”
Hadley waved an airy hand. “It’s a small town. Everyone knows everyone here.”
“Ugh.” Molly’s spirit began to take a dip. “I came from a small town in Kansas. I know all about the rumor mill and how everyone can get caught up in everyone else’s business.” In fact, it was the main reason she’d left Kansas. Her eyes flickered to the now-bare finger on her left hand.
One horrifying day, everything she’d thought was going so right had gone terribly wrong, and she’d become the subject of all the “have you heard” conversations. And if her life falling apart and having to bear all the whispers and stares wasn’t bad enough, there was also being stopped almost everywhere she’d gone by someone offering her a wide range of super-not-helpful advice. She had no intention of putting herself in that kind of situation again.
“It’s a town full of humans, which means there’s the occasional drama, but I think you’ll find that Emerald Cove is full of good people with big hearts.” Hadley blew on her coffee.
Ellyn’s head animatedly bobbed up and down. “Agreed.”
“Big hearts, huh?” Molly’s mind drifted back to the sea turtle rehab center. The place had impressed her, and a large part of that was due to the people who ran it. “I got a chance to tour Emerald Cove Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center. Do you know Grant Torres, the director?”
“I know Grant,” Ellyn offered. “He’s part of one of the big families in Emerald Cove that has lived here forever. Good people. Why do you ask?”
“He offered to take me out on his boat today. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t headed out to sea with a wanted felon or something.”
“Ohhh.” There was a knowing glint in Hadley’s eyes. “Well, I also know he’s single and an all-around great guy. Quite the catch. I approve of your date.”
Molly waved her hand in the air as if to erase the words before they landed somewhere and became a serious thought. She was not looking to go on any sort of date. Not now, and quite possibly not ever.
And even if, for some weird reason, she could be talked into a date again far, far into the future, it certainly wouldn’t be with a guy from a big family in a small town. No matter how charming his dimples were.
“Absolutely not a date. In fact, his sister Claire is coming too. It’s a kind of thank you for helping them out yesterday.”
Hadley studied her for a second as if she was trying to weigh the truth in Molly’s denial. “In that case, he’s a master sailor. Plus, I adore his sister. You’re in good hands.”
“Good to know.” Molly sipped her coffee as she searched for a new topic that wouldn’t involve Grant Torres. “So, you two have coffee out here every morning?”
“Every day at seven,” Ellyn said. “Join us! It’s a great way to start the day.”
Molly stared at the mug in her hand and reconsidered the offer. Sure, she wasn’t looking to lay down roots in this new town, but maybe coffee with the neighbors was more about being amiable than making lasting connections. Plus, she wanted to take full advantage of this view while she could. “I’m going to have to invest in some better coffee. This plasticky quick-serve stuff kind of dampens the vibe.”
“I can help you out with that.” Hadley held up the fancy mug as an example. “I have an espresso machine and am happy to whip up whatever you like. Playing barista is a bit of a hobby.”
“Actually, you joining us would be a big help. We’ve rigged up a system for her to be able to pass me my daily vanilla latte. But if you were here to pass it, that would make life so much easier.”
Molly sized up the space between them. Her balcony wasn’t large, but it would still be a challenge to pass a hot coffee back and forth between them. “You have a coffee passing system? This I have to see.”