Page 67 of The Beach Escape
Grant chuckled. “In all the years we’ve done this, we’ve only had a shark in the vicinity once, and he didn’t come near us.”
“That’s not making me feel better.”
“I told you today was going to be an adventure.” Grant slid his arm around her shoulder. “You’re going to be fine. I promise.”
Almost as soon as his arm settled around her, his comfort seeped in, and she got that feeling she often had around him. It was the feeling that gave her confidence, that made her try new things, that told her together, they could do almost anything. It was enough to give her a tiny nudge in the direction of forever.
“When we get the final go from the offshore boats, I will give the command to the carriers, who will release the turtle,” Mateo finished, and Molly pushed the internal debate out of her mind. Right now wasn’t the time to think about forever versesadios. Her entire focus needed to be about Hope and her homecoming. “On that command, the tracker will go live on the big screen, video coverage is switched to the underwater feed, and the celebration ensues.”
Grant shot her a look at the additional use of a fancy word.
“Grant, do you have anything to add?”
He straightened up and turned more serious as he addressed the group. “I think you covered everything. How about a hand for Mateo and his well-orchestrated plan for the biggest release we’ve had this year? Well done, Mateo.” Everyone clapped, and Grant’s gaze shifted to the entire group. “It is an exciting day for me to get to pass the torch not just on heading up the releases, but for director of Emerald Cove Turtle Rescue and Rehab. Most of you know by now that I have accepted a new position at the university, and Friday will be my last day. I leave knowing that the turtles and this place are in excellent hands with director Mateo Torres and head of rehabilitation, Claire Price.”
Grant kept talking, but Molly couldn’t comprehend anything else he said. Friday? This wasn’t supposed to be his last week. Hadn’t he told her when he’d accepted the position that it started in a month? He was supposed to leave after she did.
She stood there stunned as he finished speaking and everyone rose from their chairs and headed in different directions. Some went to discuss different points with Claire or Mateo, some went off to start their first assignments, and others came over to wish Grant congratulations. Molly, on the other hand, remained in her same spot as if her tennis shoes were glued to the ground.
When the final person drifted away, she turned to Grant. “Friday?”
Perhaps there should’ve been more to her question, but unlike Mateo, she used fewer words when she got flustered.
“The timeline got moved up, and the university asked if I could come sooner.” He slid his hands in his pockets and looked at her, regret lingering in his eyes. “Since this place is in good hands and I don’t have much to pack, I didn’t have much of a reason to say no.”
“Sure, yeah. Makes total sense.” Thoughts swirled around her head. “When do you actually leave town?”
“My last day here will be Friday. I set sail on Saturday.”
“Wow, that’s…” She let her words trail off, because “soon” didn’t seem to cover it. “Rushed” seemed more appropriate. “Expeditious,” even. She’d thought she had more time to figure out what she wanted.
“I wanted to talk to you about it, but I know you’ve been busy this week.”
Guilt pinged her as she realized that could also be translated as, “I would’ve told you, but you’ve been avoiding me.” “Sorry about that.”
“No worries. But maybe we could meet up after the celebration this afternoon. There’s one last excursion to take you on before we fulfill our contract.”
Something fluttered in her gut but she couldn’t tell if it was apprehension or anticipation. “Sure. Of course.”
“Great,” he said, his expression was more serious than she’d seen in a long time. “Plus, there are things that…need to be said.”
Apprehension. It was definitely apprehension. “Right.”
There was no denying that things needed to be said. The only problem was that Molly had between now and then to figure out what those things were.
Grant would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous about what would go down at their sunset rendezvous. “I was saving this excursion for last, since I think you’ll really like it. But with the timeline moving up, I guess last is now.”
“I can’t wait.” Her smile looked stiff, which seemed to be par for the course as of late.
A week ago, he’d been confident about their relationship. And while the tides were turning, he’d had no doubt they could turn with them. But now that Molly had been ghosting him for the past seven days, he wasn’t so sure. “I’ll text you the address. Should we say seven thirty?”
“Seven thirty’s great. I’ll be there.”
“Dr. Lawrence, can we get your expertise over here?” Mateo called from his location next to Hope’s tank.
Molly nodded her head in his direction. “Duty calls.” A sassy grin lit her face. “Or maybe I should say my vocational expertise is required.”
And there it was. The Molly he’d fallen in love with. The one he wanted to be a permanent fixture in his life. “Don’t let me impede you.”