Page 49 of Coldest Claws
“There are other packs roaming here. We aren’t special.”
“But you weren’t a pack. It was the two of you and you did more than hunt together. You helped each other and made something close to a home.” I don’t even remember what my home was like, but I would like the chance to have one. I envy what Michael and Tail have. It’s part of the reason I stayed in their cave and watched them for so long. That and I could pretend I lived there and was part of what they had. “And then you agreed to help. Prey.”
“Her name is Julie.” Michael keeps hold of her hand. “Do you expect the same deal that we have?”
“I would like that, eventually, at the moment.” I lift my claws. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to do much more than watch.”
“You aren’t watching me fuck.” Tail’s new frill flares a deep red that matches his stripes.
“I already have. I am quite impressed that you can use both separately and come twice.” I smile even though no one can see it. It’s for me and it feels good to have something to smile about. “Prey?”
She nods, then bends to scrawl in the dirt.
We all move back to give her some space.
I read as she writes.
“Talon knows how to navigate to the center…” I pause and read that again. “Talon, that’s what you are calling me?”
She looks up and nods.
Like the others, I am pathetically excited about having a name. Why do we forget the importance of that? Why don’t we name each other?
I am Talon.
Already I feel a little more substantial. More like…I’m not even sure…like I matter to someone?
“Keep reading. You’ll tell us if he lies, Julie?” Michael says.
She flinches at the use of her name. But I think names are important here, especially since it’s so easy to forget them, so as much as she’d like to be called Prey, perhaps it is right to call her Julie.
She nods again.
I’m not stupid enough to risk lying. I’ll read what she writes word for word. There was a time when I lied and killed and didn’t think anything of it. Even when I lost substance I didn’t stop, not for a long time. I stayed in the center and kept trying to climb like so many others. All of us failing on the smooth, cold surface.
I know I left the center badly wounded and expecting death. I didn’t want to be eaten, so I ran. I wouldn’t even make a good meal anymore. No one has wanted me for anything in a very long time.
Her letters scrawl over the dirt. How many changes until she forgets? I don’t share that worry. All I can do is hope that she finds her voice again. That she remembers how to reverse the change. If she can’t, then we are all twice damned to remain in Under.
Idon’t know if Talon likes his name, as I can’t see his face, but it seems appropriate. He must have a face and body as he can talk and see. I don’t find him as terrifying as some of the monsters I’ve seen, even though touching him was enough to cut me. My palm stings, but the bleeding has stopped. And it is already healing, my skin knitting faster than it ever did in my world. Tomorrow, it will be another scar made by monsters to add to my collection.
I hesitate, my finger in the dirt. I hate this. I want to be able to talk again.
My ex stole my voice, and I, by default, stole his life—hardly a fair trade.
If Michael and Tail hadn’t investigated the screaming, I’d have never known that he was in Under and he’d have died anyway.
If Michael hadn’t pulled me out, I wouldn’t be aware of any of this. I’d have never made a deal, or gotten a second chance with him, or met Tail and Talon.