Page 26 of Hardest Hearts
When she doesn’t pull her hand back in disgust, I assume it mustn’t be too bad. Her hand lingers in the darkness before she pulls it free. There is a fresh graze on her palm, and her fingers are pale.
“It’s cold in there.” I want to make sure I’m not the only one feeling that.
“Yeah.” She nods. “Do you feel cold?”
“That is definitely not what I’m feeling,” Theo says.
I press my lips together to keep from grinning. I bet. If she hadn’t gotten her voice back, we’d all be reveling in our own changes. My own desire only dimmed a little at her distress—wrong, I know—but I am still a monster, even though I’m trying to be less of one. The intimate taste of her is on my tongue.
Her cheeks turn pink again and she ducks her head. “I’m sorry. I kind of ruined that.”
Michael lifts her chin with a claw. “No you didn’t. I am a little jealous you got your change first. Should we take it in turns to interrupt?”
I laugh, unable to hold it in.
Theo’s shadow trembles, then he gives in and laughs too. “I wish.”
He’s not as bad as I thought he was, but that doesn’t mean I won’t risk changing and losing my arms to kill him if he hurts Julie. He can’t touch her until he is more human, and he won’t become more human until someone sticks their hand in there and finds whatever he now calls a dick.
I can’t let Julie take that risk, and it sure as hell won’t be Michael, so that leaves me.Whatever.As long as my hand doesn’t freeze solid and drop off. Maybe I owe him one for reading the book. I try to justify it because I don’t want to admit that I’m a little intrigued, even though I know he’s only willing to let me stick my tail into his shadow because he’s desperate. He’d much rather have Julie’s hands on him.
There’s a sting of bitterness in there that I’m never the first choice, but I push it aside. I wasn’t Julie’s first choice because she met Michael first, which is a good thing, as I might have laughed and killed her without even considering the deal.
Or if I had considered it, and then accepted, would she have freaked out?
At least Michael looks more human out of the two of us.
She leans forward and kisses Michael for long enough that I think she’s forgotten about me and Theo. I wriggle my fingers at him and grin, hoping that he gets the hint. I half expect him to pull away to watch from a safe distance. But he doesn’t.
With no face and no visible body, I have no idea what he is thinking. Is he chewing over his options, or resigned to getting this out of the way? I have enough of my own doubts. I don’t need to think what his might be too.
I grab her hair with my other hand, needing to taste her lips as a distraction. I claim her mouth, my tongue sliding deep and my fangs pressing against her soft lips. I want to know if she’s going to suck Michael while I fuck her, or if she’ll ride him and suck me. My dicks twitch in anticipation.
But a thread of fear winds through me. So far, I’ve had no changes, only hideous memories that I’d rather have remained ignorant of. Michael has had both. Lucky bastard.
What if there is a point where there can be no reversion?
Am I too far gone?
Something flickers across her face as though she sensed my doubt. “Want me to finish what we started yesterday?”
That seems so long ago. I’d said she could suck my other dick after I’d fucked her. “Want both?”
I don’t expect her to put both in her mouth at once, though that would be fun to watch, but I would like to use both instead of dealing with the other one myself.
She moans against my lips, which I guess is a yes.
Maybe she prefers to be fucked by Michael, not me. The thought is bitter and solid like the truth, even though I know she enjoyed fucking me yesterday.
Part me of me didn’t want to release her from the deal because I didn’t think she’d want to let me touch her again. Michael was in agreement, but then he would be. Under has eaten half his brain, and Julie liked him back when he was human. And Theo had nothing to lose, as he had never experienced being part of the deal.
I had wondered if Theo was doing it to pull us apart, despite the neat way he laid out his reasons. As they both agreed, I couldn’t be the one throwing a hissy fit and refusing. Not in front of them, anyway. No, instead I went off and did a scout around to make sure we were alone so they couldn’t see my rage. I had almost hoped to find a monster to take my anger out on.
I’m lucky I didn’t.
She moans again, and I draw back. Michael has his fingers in her pussy and she’s riding them like she’s about to come. Maybe she’ll lose her claws this time.
I rise up on my tail, my dicks jutting toward her mouth.