Page 12 of Strongest Souls
Theo snarls, dousing the remaining pleasure. I turn because I need to know how he’s changing. Is he changing? It’s hard to tell. Maybe it’s just memories.
Did he let himself feel? Or was the sex and Joe’s blood not enough?
He rakes his talons over his face as his body swells and then shrinks as though it can’t decide on a shape or size. Blood streams down his face from the fresh cuts. He grunts and growls and backs away from me like I am the one hurting him.
I want to hold his hands to stop him from tearing at himself, but I’m more likely to lose my fingers than help him if I do that. Joe gasps, his back arching.
My mouth opens as I watch his tail regrow.
When Theo pulls his hands away from his face, he is covered in scratches. His mouth has changed shape, though it is no less frightening. Instead of the round, toothy maw, it is now a vicious slash filled with teeth. And I’m sure his teeth are bigger.
He kneels, hands lowered at his side. “I do not like to feel.”
He uses the back of his hand to touch his face and explore the changes, smearing the blood in the process. “I am sorry for hurting you both.”
He hurt himself more in the aftermath.
I shake my head. “You didn’t hurt me.”
My knees are red from kneeling on the rocks, but aside from that, I am fine. Joe on the other hand, is hard, leaking cum and growing a tail. He leans against the wall, eyes closed as though caught in the web of pleasure and pain. His hand wraps around one of his dicks and he gives it a couple of strokes. That’s all it takes for him to come. He gasps with relief as it spills onto the ground.
I’d have sucked his dick; does he think I don’t want him?
“I told you to. So it doesn’t count.” Joe takes a couple of breaths as his tail grows another inch. “Turns out biting off monster parts doesn’t remove them. Good to know.”
“So I can eat it again?” Theo sounds a bit too hopeful.
Joe opens his eyes. “Can I finish regrowing it first? This is the painful part, and I could use a distraction.” He lifts an eyebrow at me.
I move closer, still on my knees, and take his other dick in my mouth. I don’t know if the noises he makes are from the pain or because he is enjoying my mouth. I don’t want him to hurt. There has been more than enough pain already.
Theo watches as I suck Joe. Does he want this next time? I imagine sucking him while Joe uses both cocks to fuck me. Things I never wanted are now cravings. As I kneel, Theo’s cum slides over my thigh, there is nothing I can do about it. I have no panties and my clothes are ruined.
I’m lucky to have clothes. Joe and Theo have nothing.
Joe’s clawed fingers rake through my hair. I taste the salty pre-cum as it leaks from the slit and suck him deep into my mouth until I’m almost gagging. He draws in a ragged breath then my mouth fills with his cum. I swallow, not realizing how thirsty I am until my throat is wet.
There is no food or water in the cell, and I doubt the guards will bring me any. I draw back and glance up at him. His smile is tight. The distraction didn’t last long enough, as his tail is still growing.
I sit at Joe’s feet, aware of the slickness between my thighs, and turn to Theo. “Since you didn’t change much…what did you remember?”
Theo looks away. “Too much, not enough. And now I am stuck with the pain of knowing. Of wanting.” His dark gaze skims over me and Joe.
Does he want to eat us or fuck us?
He has done nothing to break my trust, but I need to remember that he is a monster, even though he has suppressed all those monstrous urges. Now he has released his hold on them.
“Feeling?” Joe asks. “Tell me I didn’t lose my tail for nothing.”
“You felt something other than hunger?” I press. What if he didn’t? Does that mean he is incapable of change? That means he’ll never be able to escape Under.
He is silent for a moment. “I think I did, but it is hard to tell.”
Joe taps his chest. “You feel here.” His hand lowers to his stomach. “And here. It can be like knots, or a trembling, or a kind of fizzing sensation like I am filled with bees. But it can also be a weight that wants to drag me down. Before Julie, all I had was the hot, jagged anger.”
“Before coming here, all I had was fear. It was coiled around my chest, cold and tight. I was afraid of being taken…now I’m here, all that fear did was waste my time. My life. I wasn’t really living.” There are so many things I’d do differently. From breaking up with Bret—hell, I’d have never dated him if I wasn’t so scared to be alone.
I’d have kissed Michael at the party.