Page 38 of Ridge's Release
“He calls his house Seahorse?” I didn’t really care. I was babbling. Nothing mattered except my sister, who, if she was still alive, was in the hands of the vilest, evilest people in the world.
I got up and raced to the bathroom, where I emptied the contents of my stomach.
“How are you doing?” Noah asked when I returned to the main living area. I couldn’t exactly call it my living room since it was also my dining room, office, and bedroom.
“Not great.”
“I’d like you to come to the meeting with me.”
“One, I don’t want you to be alone right now, and two, I want you to be aware of what we plan to do to find her.”
“Noah, I’m an attorney, remember?”
“We won’t be discussing anything outside the law.”
“You’re sure about that?”
“Our approach will be the same as a bounty hunter—”
“Except the person who jumps bail signs an agreement when the bond is issued, saying they’ll agree to the terms of their release.”
“Manual Varilla did exactly that.”
“Therefore, we can use all legal means to find and return him to custody.”
“Not if he’s outside of the United States.”
“True. In which case, law enforcement would be engaged.”
“Simple as that?”
“Yes, and I’ll reiterate. We will not be discussing anything outside the law.” He put his hands on my shoulders. “The most important thing is finding Luisa. If you don’t want to come to this meeting with me, I’ll respect your decision. I’d rather you not be alone, but that’s your choice.”
“I’d rather not go.”
When Noah turned to leave, a feeling of panic came over me.
He led me over to the sofa like he had earlier. “Sera, look at me. Now, breathe with me,” he added when my eyes met his. “Slow, steady breaths.”
We sat that way for several minutes until I felt my heart rate normalizing.
“Better?” he asked.
“Do you want to reconsider and come with me?”
“Yes,” I repeated.