Page 40 of Ridge's Release
“My recommendation is for us to deploy as soon as possible. By us, I mean we divide the team up as Ridge feels is appropriate.”
“Agreed,” said Press, his eyes meeting mine.
I waited for all those in the room to state their agreement before I voiced my own.
“There is one other matter to be addressed before we leave,” said Tryst, who remained standing.
“Please continue,” I said.
“Brix and Addison will soon be returning from Big Sur. There are several matters to be wrapped up when they do.”
“Is there official news?” I asked.
Tryst turned to Zin. “I believe we’ll receive an announcement on two fronts by midweek.”
“Should I leave the room?” Seraphina whispered.
“That’s excellent news, Zin,” I said to him before responding to her. “He won’t say more until he’s received official confirmation.”
“Ridge, Brix asked you to contact him at the end of this meeting,” said Tryst.
“Roger that. What is your recommendation as far as when we deploy?”
“We will leave immediately after their return.”
“Agreed.” I turned to Press. “Would you and Tryst determine who should remain here and who should go to Alamos?”
“We will.”
“May I speak?” Seraphina asked.
“Of course,” I said.
“First, please know I appreciate your help in finding my sister very much, so when I say this, it is solely out of concern for her.”
“Go ahead,” I said when she looked at me.
“Can we afford to wait? If Varilla did kidnap her, he may have already taken her out of the country, and if it was to Mexico, she might not be there any longer either.”
“May I?” Tryst asked.
“Please,” I responded.
“We have reason to believe Varilla is currently in Yavaros. I can assure you, he will not be leaving the port by land, water, or air.”
“How—” Sera must’ve realized mid-sentence she was about to ask a question she wouldn’t receive an answer to. “One more thing.” She looked around the room as if to warn those present not to challenge her. “I will be on the team going to Alamos.”
The only person who commented was Tryst. “As I would expect you to be,” he said, looking her in the eye.
When we reassembledat Seahorse for Brix and Addy’s return, the mood was far different than when Los Caballeros met to discuss Luisa Reeve.
In addition to the group who had met then, Brix’s and Addy’s mothers were with us, as was Vader. Alex was too, with her husband and baby girl. Surprisingly, the jab of regret I always felt when I saw her didn’t come.
I heard the front door open and turned to see Brix walk in, clasping Addison’s hand. I’d never seen my friend looking so happy.
“Addison and I are getting married!” he blurted once they were in the main room, where we were all gathered.
I was first in line to congratulate them, then stepped aside to allow everyone else to do the same. Once they had, I asked for everyone’s attention.