Page 7 of Ridge's Release
“I doubt Vader would be smiling if Seraphina were here to serve us all subpoenas.”
Brix’s eyes opened wide, and he took a step closer. “Tell me you didn’t say what I think you said.”
“I said I doubt—”
“Yeah, I heard that part. Explain about the subpoenas.”
“Shush.”You’d think Alex had shouted at us the way Brix and I jumped. “We’re holding an auction here, remember?” she snapped.
“We’re holding an auction here, remember?”Brix repeated under his breath, mimicking her. He pulled me away from the stage. “Ridge, this is the most important night of my life. Please tell me I’m not about to get served.”
“I doubt it, given Vader was smiling. Plus, the small purse she has with her doesn’t look big enough to hold several subpoenas.”
Brix glared at me. “If the rest of my life didn’t hinge on tonight’s event, I swear we’d go outside and have this out.”
I was aware of what he had planned, given I’d help make the arrangements. “Naughton Butler is on standby with the helicopter. Your bags are already at the resort.”
“Thanks, Ridge.”
“Tonight will go perfectly for Addy and you.”
As long as Seraphina Reeve didn’t throw a wrench into his plans. Given how anxious he already was, I didn’t say that. I’d already said too much.
Brix and I were the last two bachelors to go on stage. “Wish me luck,” I said when the bidding for the last one before me, Press, ended.
“What do you need luck for?”
“So Baron Van Orr’s daughter doesn’t bid on me.”
Brix nodded in understanding. Of all the “winemakers’ daughters” here tonight, she was the most annoying. Her sense of entitlement had no limit, particularly since Brix’s winery and my family’s were considerably more successful than her father’s.
“You should’ve rigged it like I did.”
“Who would I have made that arrangement with?” Since the only person I’d actually want to bid on me was his married sister, I was interested to see if he could come up with anyone.
“I don’t know. How about the ADA?”
“You’re hysterical.”
“Our next bachelor is Noah Ridge. If you’re the lucky winner of a date with Ridge, you’ll be treated to both adventure and romance. Your afternoon will start with riding dune buggies on Pismo Beach, followed by a two-person kayak ride in Avila Bay after a hot-air balloon carries you from one beach to the other. Finally, the coup de grâce will be a private dinner in the Ridge Winery caves. Who wants to start our bidding?”
To my chagrin, it was none other than Isabel Van Orr, who bid a thousand dollars. I couldn’t see the woman who raised it by five hundred. Damn, if things didn’t pick up, my date would be the lowest bid of the night.
“Two thousand,” countered Isabel.
Justine Norman raised her paddle. “Three thousand.”
“Come on, ladies, this is for the kids. Surely, a date with the Central Coast’s second most eligible bachelor is worth more than three grand.”
“Four,” said Isabel.
“Forty-five hundred,” said someone else I didn’t recognize.
“Five,” bid Justine.
“I’m out,” I heard Isabel say and breathed a sigh of relief. At least, it had gotten as high as it did last year, and I wouldn’t be forced to spend another painful evening with Isabel.
“Six,” I heard the same woman I hadn’t been able to see earlier call out. Her voice sounded vaguely familiar, but since I’d known everyone in the room most of my life, many of them would.