Page 78 of Ridge's Release
When Beau offered to sit in the very back so Luisa and I could sit together and Noah could sit up front, I had to admit I was disappointed. If he’d been seated in the row behind us, I could’ve turned around to talk to him. As it was, he hadn’t glanced my way once.
Each time I’d put my arms around him, I felt him stiffen, and whereas before, he’d been as demonstrative as I was, now he didn’t make a single move to hug me or hold my hand. It had all been me.
It couldn’t be my comment about vigilantes. He had to know what I’d said was true. Whether he agreed or not, to pull back like he was doing seemed so out of character. There had to be more to it. Once we were at the apartment and Luisa was settled, I’d talk to him about it.
When I intendedto do so an hour after we’d arrived, Press told me Noah had left.
“Where’d he go?” I asked.
“He said something about the hotel.”
“Surely not to stay?”
Press shrugged. “I’m not certain.”
I returned to the bedroom where Luisa was sleeping, pulled out my phone, and sent him a text. When will you be back? I lay on the bed, waiting for him to answer, and drifted to sleep. When I woke an hour later, he still hadn’t responded.
I got up and went out to the living room, where Press and Beau still sat.
“Can I get you anything?” Beau asked, standing as soon as I walked in.
“I’m trying to reach Noah.”
“He’s probably sleeping,” said Press, looking up from the book he was reading.
“Oh, is he back?”
This conversation seemed as strange as the ones I’d been having with Noah. “The hotel.”
“No.” Press returned to reading.
“How’s Luisa?” Beau asked.
“Asleep. I suppose I should be as well.”
“My brother and I will take turns staying here with you and your sister. If you need anything, let one of us know.”
Part of me wanted to tell him it was unnecessary. I didn’t. What I really wanted was for Noah to be here instead. Was that fair? The man had gotten as little sleep as I had. Maybe less. I could wait until after we’d both had a chance to rest to talk to him.
“If Noah returns, can you please ask him to let me know?” I said to Beau. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Press look up, raise a brow, then return to his book.
I slepton and off through the night. Whenever I woke, I’d check on my sister, who hadn’t woken at all as far as I knew, then see if Noah had responded. He hadn’t.
When I went out to make some coffee, Beau was asleep on the sofa.
“Good morning,” I heard him say when I was tiptoeing down the hall.
I turned around. “Sorry. I didn’t want to wake you.”
“It’s okay. I’d only closed my eyes for a moment. I slept for a few hours, then switched with Press. I’ve only been here a few minutes.”
“I’m sorry to keep asking, but have you heard from Noah?”
“Yeah. Well, Press did. I guess he returned to Felixstowe to see what else he could do to help. From what my brother said, they’re hoping to get two of the planes on their way to the States later today.”