Page 85 of Ridge's Release
It was a little after noon when I finally woke, still feeling tired but anxious to see Sera. I picked up my phone to send her a message after I’d hit the bathroom and made a cup of coffee. When I swiped the screen, I saw she’d already sent one to me.
Something came up. Unable to meet today.
I called her, but it went straight to voicemail. When I sent a reply, it bounced back, saying it was undeliverable. Next, I called Press.
“I heard you returned last evening,” he said.
“More like early this morning, but yes, I’m home.”
“How are things in Alamos?”
“The first round of victims have been reunited with their families. I believe another plane is en route now with those whose health prevented them from traveling earlier. Dalton is among those flying with them.”
“Have you heard anything about the ongoing investigation?”
“Nothing yet, other than each of the locations where the containers were scheduled to be delivered looked as though they’d been abandoned for decades.” I cleared my throat. “Is Sera still at your place?”
“Negative. She left earlier to go to work. Hell of a thing, leaving her sister to return to the cesspool they call the DA’s office. Unless, of course, she’s working on the indictments Zin said he’s heard were about to be handed down.”
“So we’re innocent until proven guilty, but she’s not? What the hell, Press?”
“I’d say there’s proof enough. You’re biased, my friend.”
“Fuck off, Press. If she shows up, please ask her to get in touch with me.” I heard Press start to say something, but I ended the call anyway.
I was really sick of hearing about her so-called crimes against Los Caballeros in the same way I was sick of hearing about our own. It was getting to the point where I was considering taking a break, like Trev was, if only to get my head sorted out.
I wouldn’t, though. Not now, and maybe never. If there actually were indictments headed our way, I’d stand shoulder to shoulder with the men I considered as close as my actual brother.
Since going to my house on See Canyon Road would only remind me of being there with Seraphina and make me miss her more, I went to Ridge Winery instead. Apart from the tasting room, the rest of the operations were shut down for the season. Ridge employed a viticulturist who worked alongside my dad and me, but there was so little to do in the vineyards this time of year, I doubted the man spent more than an hour each day spot-checking the various varietals.
I was about to pull through the gates when a familiar-looking car drove up next to me. “Hey, Alex,” I said when she waved and rolled her window down.
“Hey, Ridge-man. Heard you were back in town.”
“I’m surprised you heard I was gone.”
“You were at my uncle’s ranch. I’m not that out of touch with my family. Where are you headed?”
“Thought I’d go for a ride.”
“Want some company?”
“You’re telling me you have time to throw a leg over?”
“No, but I will talk to you while you get Quasimodo saddled up. Are you still riding him?”
“Sure am.”
“Lead the way.”
I pulled through the gates, and Alex followed. There was a time her being here would’ve made me happier than I was. Now, though, I wished it was Seraphina who’d met me at the gate.
“Brix mentioned SLO PD searched the caves.”
“I heard. Cru said one of them tried to make off with a couple bottles of wine.”