Page 89 of Ridge's Release
The rock she was referring to was right on the other side of Press’ property line. While I didn’t doubt he still had security monitoring the area, maybe Alex knew something I didn’t.
I raced inside, took off my work clothes, and put on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt. I grabbed tennis shoes, but I’d go barefoot on the beach anyway. “I’m going for a walk,” I said to my mom and sister, who were sitting in the living room. “I need to blow off some steam before I attempt being human.”
“See you in a bit, baby,” said my mom. Luisa waved.
I raced down the beach and around the bend where Alex sat waiting. Now that I was here, I had no idea why I’d been so anxious to meet her, other than I didn’t want Cooley to know I was, any more than I wanted Press to.
“You’re a stress mess,” she said when I walked up.
She shrugged. “Let me see if I’ve got this right. Cooley is tailing you, and Press is eavesdropping on your every word.”
“I doubt he’s the only one eavesdropping.”
“Did you leave your phone at the house?”
“Good girl.” Alex motioned for me to sit on one of the rocks. “So, tell me what’s going on.”
I shook my head. “I can’t.”
“What’s Cooley got on you?”
I looked out at the ocean. “My livelihood.”
“I see.” She tapped her lower lip. “I’m going to ask you a question I really hope you’ll answer.”
I knew what she was going to say, and the truth was, I was working night and day to find out what evidence Cooley had collected and figure out if it was enough to truly go after Los Caballeros or anyone affiliated with it. Which included me, of course.
I looked over at her. “If I can, I will. I might not know the answer.”
She shook her head. “Oh, you know it.”
“O-o-okay. Shoot.”
“Are you in love with Noah Ridge?”