Page 2 of Royal Wolf's Bride
“What am I going to do?” Kimber pleaded, feeling a tad out of her element. “I can’t keep this a secret forever. My parents will lose their minds if they find out I’m pregnant with a baby and didn’t bother to catch the surname of the father.”
Jenny crossed over to her. “Breathe. We’ll figure this out.” She paused and debated, then continued. “So, let’s get this established. You plan on keeping the baby?”
Kimber shook her head. “I like the idea of being a mom, and I know it won’t be easy being single, but you and Mel both did it.”
“And we didn’t have you, Hailey, or Cammie,” Mel encouraged.
“Or each other,” Jenny added. “We support you completely.”
Slowly, Kimber digested everything and knew she had the love and support of her family. “I know my parents had hopes in me marrying well. Now I’m not so sure if that will happen.”
“Don’t doubt, I believe in happy endings, and you’ll get yours,” Hailey assured. “I have a question.”
“Okay, we knew it couldn’t last. There is the photojournalist we know and love,” Cammie giggled.
Kimber laughed. “You forgot nosy and meddling.”
Hailey rolled her eyes. “If you were having such a great time with him, why did you leave without getting the last name? Come to think of it, why did you leave him at all?”
“I got scared,” Kimber confessed and crossed the floor to the walk-in pantry.
“Of what?” Cammie asked. The concern in her tone wasn’t hard to miss.
She wasn’t sure how honest she should be. Then again, she’d come this far. Kimber tugged open the pantry door, stepped inside, grabbed a bag of chips, and closed the door. She darted her gaze over her friends, waiting patiently. “Because he was perfect. Too perfect,” she replied and opened the bag in her hand. “I guess it’s because I thought love and settling down wasn’t something I wanted or was worthy of. The downside to being a wild child.” She added, then reached in the bag of chips. “Only, I can’t stop thinking about him.”
Cammie exchanged a look with the others and then walked over to where Kimber had come to a stop. “I remember missing Rourke, sometimes to the point it hurt,” she confessed. “If you miss him, then maybe this encounter meant more than you realized.”
“It did, only now it’s a little too late,” Kimber whispered.
“Hailey was one of the first people to realize I was alive. She gave Rourke the courage to believe,” Cammie continued.
“What if he’s married or has a life, one that would make me and a baby difficult?” Kimber asked, voicing her fear aloud.
“I mistook Hailey as Rourke’s fiancée. That was awkward,” Cammie laughed. “But you won’t know unless you at least try to find him.”
“You know the guys will help. Sure Jagger might be pissed at first,” Mel encouraged. “However, if anyone can find this guy, they can.”
“Them and our favorite nosy photojournalist,” Cammie added. “You’ve got this, and we’ve got you. It’s going to be okay.”
Hailey shook her head and smiled. “Once Jagger moves past wanting to kill you, or this guy, he can run interference with your parents. He put his foot down over the wedding drama.”
“Because he was afraid of losing you,” Mel reminded.
“No,” Hailey replied. “He couldn’t, not really. Jagger is my soul mate.” She looked at Kimber. “When you said this guy was perfect too perfect, and you were afraid. That’s why you left. You were afraid you’d met your soul mate.”
“Or a sociopath serial killer,” Kimber joked. She reached into the bag, removed several chips, and crammed them all in her mouth.
“Wow, shoving food into your mouth so you can’t talk,” Jenny chuckled and waved a hand. “You forget we have kids. You just revealed Hailey is right.”
“Big-time,” Mel agreed.
Kimber decided to give the whole truth. She finished crunching then swallowed. “There is one more thing.”
All eyes rested on Kimber. “What?” Mel asked as her arched brows furrowed and made her disapproving mommy face.
“I wasn’t exactly honest when I told him my name. Who knows if he gave me the right one?” Kimber confessed.
“Oh dear,” Jenny breathed. “What name did you give him?”