Page 8 of Irresistible Promises
“Great.” Andy turned back toward the family room, but paused and looked back at me. “Are you living here now or something? Nobody told me.”
“Yeah, it kind of just happened,” I said with a shrug. “My old place got sold and all the tenants got booted out, so I’m crashing here for the semester.”
Something flickered in his eyes as his gaze raked over me again. Interest, maybe, and by the way my libido stirred inquiringly when I stared at the light smattering of tattoos on his forearms, it was mutual.
“So I guess I’ll be seeing a lot of you,” he said, and turned back toward the family room. “See you later, Josie.”
“See you later,” I muttered, and crossed my arms over my unsupported breasts. More Andy? I wasn’t opposed to it. Only next time, I plan to be fully dressed and not bolting in terror.
A few seconds later, as I dumped coffee grounds in the coffee machine and filled the pot, the steady crashes started again, and I dared to lean over and sneak a quick peek through the doorway. Andy’s heavy muscles flexed and bunched under his worn black t-shirt as he hefted the sledgehammer and rammed it through the drywall over and over again, with no signs of tiring. I stood frozen to the spot, mouth dry as I watched the way his long, strong legs and booted feet held him steady with each powerful movement, and it was only the water overflowing the glass coffee pot that tore my attention from the—well, I could admit it, very sexy man demolishing a wall.
I’ll be seeing a lot of you, he’d said, his deep voice like an intimate like a lick of flame down my spine. Even a lab geek like me, with people skills that occasionally rated less than stellar, could see and hear his blatant interest.
Maybe Patrick was right,I mused as I slid the glass pot into place and switched the coffee maker on before turning around to head back upstairs. Maybe I really should find another outlet outside of just studying, class, and work.
And I suddenly knew just where I wanted to look.