Page 13 of Delectable
“Okay, spit it out. I can tell something’s wrong.” Emma had stopped walking in the middle of the shopping centre. Arms full of bags, she looked ridiculous trying to cross them as she gave Katy a stern look. She couldn’t help but laugh at her new friend. The funny thing was, they’d spent barely any time together, and yet they’d developed this crazy connection. She just knew that she and Emma would be friends for years to come. No wonder her cousin had fallen madly in love with her.
Katy sobered. “I don’t even know where to start, to be honest.”
“Tea and cake? Or cookies?” Emma grinned at Katy and linked arms with her, dragging her to the nearest coffee shop. They ordered and found a table for two in the corner of the cafe, hidden away among rows of indie books and artwork for sale.
Emma took her hand and squeezed. “You don’t have to tell me anything, but if you want to talk about whatever it is that’s going on, I’m here. Sometimes it helps to speak to a near stranger. Even though it feels like we’ve known each other forever.”
“It does, doesn’t it? And thanks for the offer. I’m just… I dunno… I’m not really ready to talk about things, mainly because everything is kinda swirling around in my head, and I can’t make anything out. It’s like being stuck in fog. I don’t know how I feel about anything at the moment. I’m confused.”
“Can you focus on the things that make you happy? Block out the rest?” Emma took a sip of her tea, setting down the giant mug after.
Katy stirred her coffee, watching the spoon swirl patters through the frothed milk. “I am, but something happened last night which is making me rethink things.”
“Is it Levi?”
“I love him. More than anything.” Katy smiled, thinking of her man.
“No buts. I’ll figure it out.” Katy smiled again, this time knowing that she would do just that. The truth was, things had become clear the night before. Sitting down at dinner, she’d known. The protectiveness, the worry the platonic love she’d had for Con since the first day she’d met him was really something deeper. It wasn’t the love between friends anymore. Perhaps it had never been. But she had Levi and never in a million years would she do anything to hurt him. He was far too important to her to do that to him. So as much as she loved Con, it’d only ever be friendship between them. “Lee and I are solid, and that’s the only thing that matters. The rest will sort itself out.”
“Do you have Levi’s birthday present sorted?”
“Um, yeah, sort of. Con’s helping me organize it.” Katy grinned and leaned forward. “We’re doing up his bike. Well, Con is anyway. I’m so damn excited about seeing him ride it when it’s eventually finished.” Dropping the spoon into her empty mug, she steeled her resolve. She had to get her runaway heart under control, and it needed to start right at that moment, especially because she was on her way home. He’d hooked up with Miranda the night before. And she and Levi were together. Katy had to remember that.
Arms weighed down with bags, Katy tried juggling her keys to unlock the front door, but it opened before she could grasp the right one. “Hi, Cupcake,” Con greeted her as he swung the door open. It only took a second for him to relieve her of all her bags so she could step inside. “You did well today by the looks of it.”
“I did.” She nodded and smirked. “I picked up my outfit for Lee’s party. And the shoes, oh my God, they’re beautiful.” Pointing to the smallest of the paper bags, a pink and black striped one, she added, “I picked up some cakes from work for you.”
Con moaned, and she rolled her eyes, laughing at him as they walked down the hallway into the living room. “Place looks great, what have you guys been up to?”
Levi piped in, smiling at her as he met her in the middle of the room. “I tidied a bit this morning, and we just watched a replay of last night’s footy match. I was just about to get dinner started.”
Katy wrapped her arms around Levi and kissed him soundly. “That’s so sweet, thank you.”
“Anytime, sugar.” Levi motioned to the bags Con dropped on the couch. “What’s in there?”
“A few treats.” She was being coy, but she didn’t want to ruin the surprise.
“Urgh, fine.” He pouted, letting her go. “Go relax. Con and I are cooking. Hope you feel like a barbie.” With a finger under her chin, he tilted up her face and kissed her softly, his lips lingering on hers.
She cupped his face and leaned in close. “Love you, babe.”
“Love you too. Now go. Outta my kitchen.”
Katy laughed. It was anything but Levi’s kitchen. He could cook two things—barbecued snags and toast—and usually both were burnt. She slapped his butt playfully and ducked out of his reach before he could tickle her. Picking up her bags from the couch she poked her tongue out at him and ran out of the room, avoiding Con’s outstretched arm.
He followed her into her bedroom. Standing there, leaning on the doorframe he looked effortlessly sexy. Katy’s heart flip-flopped and took a nosedive when she thought of him being with Miranda.
“I got a message back from Addy, my friend. She said she’d be happy to come over.” At Katy’s blank stare, he continued, looking sheepish, “Adelaide, the one with the toys.”
“Oh, really?” Katy was stunned. “Okay, um... now what?”
“Call her up.” He handed her a black business card with The Warehouse printed on one side of it in silver block lettering. On the other was a mobile number. “She’s free on Saturday night. Give her your address and she’ll come over.” He shrugged. “Other than that, be honest about what you want to experience. Let her help you choose. It’s what she does.” She’d looked at Adelaide’s website with the login details Connor had given her a few days earlier. Her range of toys on the public part of her website was only the tip of the iceberg. She held private tutorials on their use, which were perfect for inexperienced users like herself. Adelaide did couples coaching too—some with physical disabilities, others with relationship problems and some who just wanted to explore a kink in a safe environment. One of the kinks she’d found information on was threesomes. And by the looks of it, they were one of Adelaide’s specialist areas. The images were graphic, but inspiring. Katy had spent hours analyzing every one, imagining exactly how her, Levi, and Con could fit together like the trios in the pictures. Katy would love to speak with Adelaide about the possibility, but she was clueless on how to raise it with her boyfriend.
At least she knew that Adelaide could help if they ever decided to explore that option. In nearly all of the images on her website, she was in the room, observing the couple or trio, guiding and praising them. She and Levi already had a pretty damn amazing sex life, but… what if?
“What about you?” she asked hesitantly. She wasn’t really sure whether she was asking Con to go out or stay. She wanted him there, wanted him to be a part of them, but...