Page 16 of Delectable
“I’ll help you up when you’re ready.” Levi downed half his coffee and swung his legs off the bed, swaying as he did. “You gonna be okay for work?”
Levi grunted his response and held out his hand for Connor to pull him up. Slinging the other man’s arm over his shoulder, Connor guided him into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Stumbling forward, Levi stuck his head under the water.
“I think I’m gonna pass out.” Levi swayed in the shower, his skin turning pallid. It had Connor moving, stripping off his track pants and stepping in the cubicle with his friend. He pushed him gently against the tiles to steady Levi and directed the spray onto him, wetting his hair before shampooing it up. The strands were silky under his touch, the shorter parts on the back and sides softer than he’d imagined. Connor kept his movements quick, trying not to let himself enjoy the contact with his best friend too much. He’d gone from jealousy to longing in what seemed like a heartbeat, but in reality, it’d been a long time coming. Connor was man enough to admit to himself that his sexuality wasn’t as straight as he’d once thought it to be. It wasn’t like anything would ever come of it though. As long as he kept reminding himself of that fact, he’d be fine.
“How’re you doin’ now?” Connor asked, keeping his voice low.
“Really? You’re standing starkers in a shower with me, washing my hair because I drank too much. I only had like three JD and Cokes. I shouldn’t be that wrecked.”
“When was the last time you drank anything? I bet you haven’t touched a single drink in years—at least since you’ve been on the show.” Connor shook his head and huffed out a laugh. “No wonder you feel like shit.”
Levi groaned and held his stomach, flattening his palm against his six-pack.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get some food in you and you’ll be right.”
Levi shook his head. “No food.”
Connor put down the shower gel he’d just picked up. “Bud, you can’t train with a professional footy team without eating anything. Bacon and eggs’ll do ya good.”
Levi moaned, what little colour he had in his face, draining fast. “Why does it have to be today? God, I don’t wanna go in.”
Connor smiled. The poor guy was miserable, but it was totally self-inflicted. He didn’t have that much sympathy. “Think you can wash yourself?” Levi nodded, and Connor handed him the gel. Squirting some on his hands, and rubbing it over his belly, Levi paused and leaned back against the glass again, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
“Breathe through it, mate. You’ll be right.” Connor took the body wash from Levi and ran his hands over Levi’s shoulders, soaping him up. Slicked up muscle glided under his palms. Smooth, warm skin against his own had Connor biting his lip to hold in a moan. Levi had his eyes closed, his head leaning back against the tiled wall. Connor was grateful for it. He was hard, but he didn’t want to be. There was no hiding it or denying it. How would he explain himself if Levi saw? The dude was not only straight but totally in a relationship. And there Connor was, naked in the shower with him, hard as a freaking telegraph pole and washing him. He looked away, unable to meet Levi’s gaze if he opened his eyes.
He tried desperately to ignore the body of the man in front of him, but his gaze kept snapping back to Levi’s hard planes, warm golden skin, and blond hair. He drank in the sight before him, knowing he’d never again be in that position. Lower still and Connor’s hands stuttered. Levi was hard too, his cock thick, rivulets of water dancing along his skin. Connor sucked in a sharp breath and washed down to Levi’s waist, forcing himself to keep going, or maybe he was making himself stop.
Levi’s words broke him out of his spell. “I’m okay, mate. Don’t worry. I won’t ask you to wash my junk.” He huffed out a laugh that sounded as uncomfortable as he probably felt standing naked in the shower with his friend.
Connor cleared his throat and handed him the gel, stepping back and out of the shower. He didn’t know whether to be disappointed or relieved. Either way, he was grateful that both of them were in the same predicament—at least his friend wouldn’t call him a perv if they were both walking around with boners. Connor shook his head as he towelled off. He needed to get laid—being unintentionally celibate sucked donkey dick. He needed to hook up with a nice girl somewhere that he could enjoy the hell out of so that his ridiculous infatuation with his best mate and his girl would disappear.I know it will… I think. Maybe.
He made a quick exit after that, wrapping the towel around his waist as he left Levi’s bedroom and knocked on the other bathroom door to check on Katy. “Cupcake, how’re you doin’?”
“I’m hungry and late. Think you can be a prince and make some toast for me?”
“Yeah, no problems.” He paused. “Hey, what can I make for Lee? He’s pretty green.”
“Weet-bix, full cream milk and a banana cut up on it. It’ll be the only thing he can keep down.”
Connor grimaced. How could that possibly cure Levi’s hangover? But Katy knew him best, so he’d do it.
Katy rushed out, still buttoning up a pristine white chef’s jacket as he placed the Vegemite toast on the bench for her. She didn’t normally wear much make-up, but this time she was done up like she had been for their double date over the weekend. Seeing his surprise, she kissed him on the cheek, squeezed his arse and grinned. “Thanks, boo. This photo shoot’s important. Australian Bride is doing a two-page spread on the shop—photos of my work and everything. I dunno whether they’ll want me in any of them, but figure I’d be better off looking a little prepared.”
He smiled. “You look gorgeous. You’ll knock ‘em dead.”
Looking at her watch, she swore under her breath. “I gotta go.”
“I want details when you get home.” Leaning in, Connor stole another kiss on her soft cheek.
“Good luck, sugar. Love you,” Levi called from the doorway.
“You too, babe.” Katy broke away from Connor and moved into Levi’s arms. He turned away, trying not to watch as they kissed goodbye, but was unable to stop himself. Seriously, he was a masochist. Watching Levi pull her into his arms and nuzzle their noses together, his lips lingering against hers was a new kind of torture. Sweet and sensual, it was exactly how Connor wanted to kiss her, kiss both of them.
The door clicked closed, and Connor realized he was staring at the sizzling bacon in the pan, without actually seeing anything. Shaking himself out of his funk, he flipped it and went back to staring.
“Dude, you rock. Thanks,” Levi spoke from behind him, his voice muffled by the food he was shovelling in. “Whatcha doin’ today?”
“Got a few bits and pieces I need to take care of. Nothing much, but I’ll be busy most of the day.”