Page 19 of Delectable
She couldn’t resist touching him, a shiver racing through her body as she trailed her fingertips over his rippling abs. Con nuzzled into her hair, the puff of warm breath against her temple making her sigh. Levi moaned quietly before going rigid next to her. Whatever spell was winding itself around them was broken, the growing intimacy between them instantly evaporating.
“Ah, I… we… I’ve gotta go.” Levi stumbled off the bed backward and hit the wall, his chest heaving with the breaths he sucked in.
“Me too,” Katy whispered, inexplicably close to tears. Shame pulsed through her as she jumped off the bed and raced out the door. She was pushing them into something neither wanted. Desire clouded her better judgement, and it was going to destroy their relationship. She just knew it. What the hell was she thinking, undressing Con and touching him like she had a right to?
Alone and instantly missing the warmth of the two men she’d been so close to a second ago, Katy cried.
It would have been so easy to let go, to kiss the plump lips of the man in front of him, to give into temptation. But it wasn’t easy, and he couldn’t give in. Connor’s touch—so different to Katy’s—held him pinned to the spot as Connor rutted on his leg. The thing was, Levi had no idea whether it was visions of Katy almost naked and looking as hot as hell in his T-shirt, the shots his friend had downed, or whatever the heck it was growing between the three of them—assuming Levi wasn’t totally off his rocker and imagining things—that had Connor so turned on. But whichever the reason, Levi’s dick didn’t seem to mind. He was hard as stone in a pair of jeans which were, at that moment, far too tight.
Levi was starting to admit to himself that it wasn’t just his girlfriend who turned him inside out, who had him hard in an instant. It was Connor too. The dream he’d been having over and over of the three of them together, sweaty and sated, had him waking up every morning with a boner which demanded satisfaction. The fact that he now had memories of Connor’s soapy hands running over his skin, of his lean body aroused as much as he’d been, made him swing back and forth between blindingly horny and terrified. What did it mean? He’d always classed himself as straight, but maybe he’d just been oblivious. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge whatever it was that he was struggling with now. He may not have been sure of his sexuality, but he could no longer deny that Connor did something to him. The other man’s strength, the knowledge that Connor could and did pull him down, knocking him completely off balance—metaphorically as much as physically—had Levi so damn close to giving in that he was wobbling on a tightrope, only a misstep away from a long drop with a very hard landing. And yet, he was tempted, so tempted to jump, to freefall into his best friend. It was only Katy, sexy in his tee and lying next to him, on top of Connor, and the knowledge that he’d break her heart that stopped him from leaning in to kiss Connor. And wasn’t knowing that—realizing that maybe he’d denied another side of himself—a total mind fuck?
Hovering above Connor after he’d pulled him down, Levi tentatively pressed his leg between Connor’s a little harder, giving the other man a touch more friction against his cock. The punch of Con’s hips up had Levi imagining diving off that tightrope and showing exactly how far he could fall. He never intended the moan that escaped his lips to break free, but when it came out at the same time as Katy’s sigh, Levi went rigid. What in the hell was he doing? He couldn’t do that to Katy, couldn’t hurt her by taking that step.
The force of his thoughts slammed into him like a freight train, and he stumbled back off the bed, connecting with the wall before he could fall. Hands pressed against the cool surface, Levi’s heart pounded in his chest, beating hard enough that he could hear the rushing of blood through his veins. Katy rushed from the room, tears in her eyes. She could tell what was going through his mind. He knew it. When he turned back to Connor, what he saw broke him, crushed his heart like it was in a vice. Where a moment ago he was playful, sensual, his face had paled and he held a pillow in front of him, shielding himself with it. Scrambling up the bed so he was in the far corner, Connor looked like he’d been slapped. Levi was torn, literally being ripped in two. Who the hell did he choose? His girlfriend—the love of his life—or his lifelong best friend? He’d hurt both of them, all because of his selfishness. All because he thought he might, one day, be ready to accept that he had another side to himself he’d hidden from.
Levi dropped his gaze and, with the weight of the world on his shoulders, slunk away from Connor. Hands in his pockets, he stood outside his own bedroom and looked to the closed door. The physical barrier between them spoke volumes. He turned away and headed for the couch in the living room.
“Catch ya later. I’ll be back tomorrow,” Connor muttered. They’d barely seen him in the week since the clusterfuck that was the aftermath of Levi’s birthday party, but when they had, he’d been distant. Connor wasn’t the only one though. Things had been strained between all of them, and the guilt of it ate Levi alive. Every time he looked at Katy without her smile, he wanted the ground to swallow him. He’d put that misery on her face by playing with fire. He’d taken her happiness, and Levi didn’t even know where to begin to get it back.
Connor stood before him, waiting for a response. On the surface, he looked good in his jeans and Henley, but the dark circles under his eyes told Levi he also lay awake at night. Not that he’d needed the hint—he’d heard Connor’s pained moans from the room next door. The nightmares he’d been plagued with had broken Levi’s heart.He’d wanted so much to go to him, but he hadn’t. He couldn’t risk hurting Katy more.
“You planning on staying at Miranda’s?” Not that it was any of his business to know, but something in Levi’s screwed up brain made him ask.
“Yeah, probably.” He shrugged. “Maybe. I dunno yet.”
“Well, have fun.” Levi couldn’t look him in the eye anymore, couldn’t see the judgement in his gaze.
“You too, mate.” His response was quiet, withdrawn, much like he’d been for the better part of the week. Levi sighed and scrubbed a hand across his forehead. He had a headache.
Katy’s hands on his shoulders, massaging them had him leaning into her touch. She murmured to him, “Dinner’ll be ready in a few. Why don’t you go shower? You’ll feel better.”
“Yeah, sugar, thanks.” He gave her a small smile and stood up. He hated breaking the contact between them—the first for days—but she was right, he needed a shower.
It was unlike Katy to keep her mobile with her at the dinner table, but when it dinged with a message, she practically jumped for it. If he didn’t know better, he’d think she was nervous. But over what? Taking a deep breath and blowing it out slowly, Katy looked over at him and opened her mouth as if to say something. Hesitating, she stopped and shook her head. “Gimme a minute. I’ll be back.”
Levi watched, confused and more than a little worried, while Katy pushed back her chair and walked to the front of the house. When he heard the door, Levi stood and followed the path she’d taken, calling out, “Katy, you okay?”
Standing before him with Katy was a familiar face. He’d seen her before—her style was unmistakeable—but he couldn’t place where.
“Lee, do you remember Adelaide?”
Hearing her name, jogged his memory. He knew exactly where he’d met her before. “I do.” Levi smiled and held out his hand. The woman before him looked like a more daring version of Sandra Dee with her hot pink hair and sweet yet sexy styling—she pulled off the black corporate looking dress with just a hint of cleavage, pale pink cardigan with the top button done up, fishnets and killer heels really well. Even the suitcase she wheeled around with her matched her style. “Good to see you again. You’re Con’s friend, aren’t you?”
“I am.” Adelaide smiled and shook his hand.
“Let’s head into the lounge room.” Katy led them to the room he’d just come from and sat awkwardly at one end of the couch. “Sit here, Lee.” She patted the middle seat—her usual spot.
“Not that I mind visitors, because Adelaide you’re always welcome here, but what’s going on, sugar? You’re kinda freaking me out.”
“I wanted to get you something special for your birthday. I’m not sure whether it’s a good idea anymore… this week has kinda sucked, but well….” She trailed off, looking awkwardly between the two of them.
Levi sat down heavily and held his head low. “I’m sorry, Katy. It’s my fault—”