Page 46 of Delectable
Levi pounded his fists on the table in frustration. “Stop giving me HR speak. Say it straight,” Levi ordered.
Eva nodded and Louise spoke, “Purely off the record? You can’t work as a children’s television host when you’re cheating on your girlfriend. It’s immoral and inappropriate for someone with your role.”
The pieces started to click into place. He was the only host of the show. It would cost them time and money to change, two things the network didn’t have, so they were giving him a way out in the hope it’d all blow over. But he needed to hear it, needed confirmation that’s what they were thinking. “You want me to stick with Katy, to deny being with Connor so we can continue filming. What if I don’t? Or what if I continue seeing him?”
“We have your termination letter here. Effective immediately,” Eva replied, her clipped tone not permitting any discussion on the point.
Levi sighed. He’d worked hard to get this far, proving every day that the network hadn’t made a mistake when they’d chosen his video audition over hundreds of other applicants. And he was happy there; he loved his job, loved the adventure and the challenges. Every day was different and he got to work with great people. It was everything he’d dreamed of in a career and with the success that the show had achieved, he knew he could do it for at least a few more years. The money was good, and there were a few perks that he enjoyed too. But there were downsides with it too. His whole life was wrapped up in his work persona. He’d had to become the part he played, the clean cut role model. It wasn’t just what he did anymore.
“Mr Flaherty, you appreciate that we need to take action on this, don’t you? You’re a valued part of the network’s team. Your show is a centrepiece of our children’s entertainment programming, one of only a few with uniquely Australian content. We want to keep growing it and we firmly believe that you are the right person to do it. But you have to work with us on this. It’s the sort of controversy that could be career ending.”
Levi nodded. He got it, he did. And he wished things were different.
Connor dropped the basket of clean laundry on the floor and kicked the door shut. Noticing the light flashing on his phone, he picked it up and listened to the message Levi had left, then replayed it again. Whatever had happened in his meeting had left him rattled. Swallowing down his worry, he dialled Katy. “Cupcake, hey,” he greeted her when she picked up. Connor was relieved just hearing her voice. “I’m forwarding you a message from Lee then I’m coming to the shop. I need you to close it down and lock the doors. Make sure Ash and Dylan both stay there with you, okay?”
“What’s going on? What’s happening?” Katy asked, indignant. “I can’t just close.”
“Please, Cupcake,” he begged. Trying to keep his voice calm was an effort. He’d be lying if he said Levi’s message hadn’t freaked him out. “I’m not sure what’s going on. I don’t know any more than you do, but whatever is happening, Levi needs you safe.”
“Yeah, okay,” she relented. “But I’m just working out the back. No one needs to be here with me. I’m not gonna ask them to stay if we’re closing. I’ll just lock the front door when they leave.”
Connor scrubbed his hand over his face, anxiety and frustration welling up inside him. He wished she had the same sense of urgency he had. “Please, Katy, if you won’t do it for me, do it for Levi. He’s really fuckin’ worried.”
“How about I pack up and meet you at the studio? We can speak with Lee there, get an idea of what’s going on.”
“Good, yeah, that’ll work, but I want someone with you the whole time. Until I know what’s got Lee freaked out, I’m not taking any chances. I’ll swing by, then we’ll head on over together. Gimme ten and I’ll be there.”
Connor threw on a clean tee from the washing basket, laced up his boots and rushed out of the door. His phone pinged with an instant message. It was from his former commanding officer:Now I get why you’ve fallen off the face of the earth. Message me. It’s been too long since you checked in. I wanna know my brother’s still in one piece.
Connor smiled at the playful gruffness of his CO’s message, even if he was clueless on what he was talking about. Either way, it could wait. He needed to get to Katy first, then to Levi. Reversing out the drive, another message came in, then another. He didn’t check them, not while he was driving, but curiosity was a bitch. What was going on?
He’d barely pulled on the handbrake when his phone rang. “Holy shit, anyone’d think I’d won the lotto.” Fishing it out of his pocket, Levi’s grinning face lit up the screen. “Hey, Lee. I’m at Delectable now. Just about to head on in.”
The phone was quiet for so long that Connor pulled it away from his face to check the connection. “I need you, Con. And Katy.” His voice was soft, broken, and it shot a knife through Connor’s heart.
He nodded and clicked off his seatbelt. “We’re coming, Lee, we’ll be there soon. Sit tight, okay.”
“Yeah.” Another pause. “And, Con? Thanks.”
“Anything for you.” The line went dead, and with a sense of dread, he dropped his phone on the dash and ran over to the shop, banging on the front door. “Katy, it’s me.” Dylan opened up after a moment and Katy, Ash, and finally Dylan all emerged into the late afternoon sunshine. It’d started to cool, the clear skies providing no blanket to keep the day’s warmth in during the night. Autumn on the Gold Coast was like that—perfect days, clear nights, fresh breezes and a crispness that you just didn’t get in summer.
“Hey, Cupcake.” He took her into his arms and held tightly. Pulling back a little, he kissed her forehead gently and spoke just loud enough that only she could hear, “Lee needs us.”
“Let’s go.” Speaking to the other men, she added, “See you tomorrow, guys. Sorry about the schedule change. I’ll pay you for your normal hours.”
“Never mind that, Katy.” Ash waved her off. “Just call us if you need us, yeah?”
“Thanks, boys,” Connor murmured. “Catcha.”
They drove in silence, the peak hour traffic crawling slowly. Connor turned off the main road and hit the backstreets, winding through them until they could finally see the massive Green Lanternsymbol on the roller coaster in the main park. Turning into the studio lot, Connor squeezed Katy’s hand and steered his car to the security checkpoint. Making it through easily enough, Connor continued on, following Katy’s directions until they reached the studio offices of the network. Connor’s heart constricted when he spotted Levi leaning against the wall of the office. His hands were in his pockets, his shoulders slumped. He was looking down, his gaze riveted to the ground. Misery rolled off him.
“Oh, Levi,” Katy breathed from the passenger seat, her voice cracking on his name. She was out of the car sprinting to him as soon as Connor had rolled to a stop. Her hands on Levi’s face, she pulled him down into her arms. Levi clutched her, crushing her in his embrace. Connor spied the gym bag at Levi’s feet, the same one he always kept in his car, and his gut twisted.What happened?It took everything in Connor, every ounce of his strength, to hold himself back from taking them into his arms. But all hesitation fled when Levi looked up at him, absolute desperation clouding his face as he held out his hand. Connor slammed the car door shut and strode over to them, stopping close and bracing a hand on Levi’s shoulder. But Lee wasn’t having it. Apparently, the “no touching in public” rule was being shattered. Levi wrapped his hand around the back of Connor’s neck and pulled him close, kissing him like he was the oxygen he needed to breathe. Levi feasted on him, kissing him long and hard. Rough fingertips, sharp stubble, and Levi’s masculine scent overwhelmed him, and Connor melted into his touch. Any question of whether they were intimately familiar with each other was utterly decimated. Connor’s head spun, his legs went weak, and he held onto the two people dearest to him as Levi claimed him.
Clutching at Connor and breathing hard, Levi’s desperation radiated from him. Whatever had happened was making Levi crazy. Every protective instinct in Connor flared brightly. He needed to fix it, to stop Levi from hurting. Too soon, Levi broke away and kissed Katy, this time much slower and gentler. Connor couldn’t stop, couldn’t break away. He licked and kissed, nibbled on his man’s neck, loved on him the same way Katy was doing. Katy’s breathy moan and Levi’s much lower growl had Connor pulling back, watching them. They were beautiful together—big blond Levi, all smooth muscle and clean skin against Katy’s tanned complexion and even darker hair. Both blue-eyed and gorgeous, Connor loved them endlessly.