Page 17 of Three of Us
“Ally, welcome. What would you like to drink?” He didn’t bother taking out the pen and notepad tucked into the small apron tied around his narrow waist. At first blush, he reminded me of Sam, but my best mate was entirely different from this bloke.
“Just a beer, thanks.”
“I get off in an hour. Maybe I can give you a private showing of the wine menu then?” I couldn’t help my shocked cough at his less than smooth move. What if she was with one of us? It occurred to me that we’d say something if she was. I opened my mouth to tell him to back off—
“I’d love to. I’ll be here when you’re done.” She smiled at him and turned her gaze first to Scottie, who was smart enough to be looking away and conscientiously ignoring what was going on, then to me. I opened my mouth and Ally narrowed her eyes at me as if to daring me to say something. As much as I wanted to, I wasn’t stupid. I held up both hands and shook my head, clamping my mouth closed. “Bloody well better not have an opinion.”
Food and drinks were served, but I couldn’t move past Ally meeting up with that bloke for a drink. He hadn’t even introduced himself. He could be anyone. Not that I had a leg to stand on with her. I wasn’t stupid enough to tell her she couldn’t or shouldn’t speak to him. She was her own woman and I needed to respect that. Didn’t mean I needed to like it though. So, when Ally eventually stood up to join whatshisface at the bar and Scottie caught her wrist as she went to step away, I was relieved. His words told me that he was just as unimpressed with what was happening as I was. “Text me when you’re back at your cabin and if you need anything, doesn’t matter what time or where you are, call me.”
“Thanks.” She smiled at each of us impishly and wiggled her fingers in a wave. “Night, boys.”
I nursed my beer and watched them until I couldn’t stand it any longer. The bloke had snaked his arm around the back of Ally’s stool and he was touching her hair, her elbow, and her cheek, and getting all up in her personal space. I gritted my teeth, hating the jealousy churning in my gut and the jolt of possessiveness that was making my hands curl into fists on the table.
“Mate, settle down or she’ll be spewin’.”
“I don’t have to like it.” I picked at the label on the beer just to give my fingers something to do.
“No, but you have to respect her.” Scottie stared me down, practically daring me to disagree with him. “I dunno what’s going on between you three, mate, so I’m only judging based on what I see. You treat her like she’s your sister in some ways. But then you get all caveman on her when she lets her hair down. Can’t do that.”
“We can’t very well be hitting on the boss’s sister, can we?” I raised an eyebrow at him in challenge, and he and Jono shared a look before both started laughing.
Jono stood from the table and patted my shoulder. “Boy, you have a lot to learn. I’m gonna take a walk back to the caravan park, then hit the sack. See you tomorrow mornin’.”
We said our goodbyes and I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back in the chair. “What’s he mean?” I asked, a little too eager to get back onto the topic of Ally.
“If Ally thought for a moment that either you or Sam hadn’t made a move on her because you work for our family, she’d castrate all of us. In case you hadn’t noticed, my sister is capable of making her own decisions. She’s one of the strongest women I know, and one of the best.” He looked over to her for a moment. “She deserves every ounce of happiness she can squeeze out of this life. I would never, ever want to be responsible for denying her that. You don’t need it, so I won’t give you my blessing, but don’t let me being your boss stop you from finding your happy too. Hear me?”
Scottie and I were the same age, but he had a maturity I never thought I’d possess. He was wise, and if I hadn’t already figured it out, a bloody good bloke too. “I hear you.” I sighed and took a swig of my beer. “Any suggestions on what to do if you and your best mate—the one that’s like a brother to you—likes the same girl?”
He groaned and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Honestly, I’m the wrong bloke to ask about that kinda stuff. Never had a successful relationship in my life and don’t really have a best mate.” He shrugged. “But I’d sort that shit out fast, or you’ll find three relationships are destroyed.”
Scottie stood and mimicked Jono’s move, clapping me on the shoulder. “My guess is that Ally has no intention of going anywhere with that handsy dickhead over there, but I’m gonna stick around in case she needs me. I’m just gonna do it somewhere where she doesn’t feel like we’re watching her. Feel free to join me if you like.”
I smiled, standing too. “Sounds good.”
We’d barely sat down in the beer garden when Scottie’s phone pinged. He read the message, immediately looked around and walked towards the bar we’d come from without another word. I didn’t hesitate, following him as I spotted Ally with both her hands on the handsy bugger’s chest pushing him away. I saw red. Anger and bloody murder coursed through my veins. Storming over to them, I ripped his hand off her shoulder and glared, breathing hard through my nose as I waited for any excuse to pummel him into the ground. Just one thing. The slightest move, and I’d let loose on him. Itching to break that pretty nose of his, I ground my teeth together and fed off the pulse thundering in my veins.
But just as quickly as my anger came on, it subsided. A cool hand on my chest, a calloused finger brushing over my nipple had my attention in an instant. Ally slipped her arm around my waist and leaned into me. “Woah there, mate.”
I sucked in a breath and looked down at her, getting lost in those ice-blue eyes. Everything was pulling me towards her. Like a siren, she called me, and the desire to kiss her right there and then was overwhelming. I slid my eyes closed and gritted my teeth, desperate not to become the bloke I’d just pulled off her. I rested my cheek against her hair, breathing her in and trying to calm myself down. “I was worried.”
“Lucky you didn’t get your head kicked in. Bloody hot-headed bastard.” Scottie motioned to Ally, both of them leading me out the door.
Ally held out her hand. “I haven’t had another drink. You’ll both be over the limit.” Scottie tossed her the keys to the Landcruiser and I slid into the front seat next to her. When she was buckled in, she turned to me and added, “I appreciated the caveman act then because he wouldn’t take no for an answer, but I don’t need you being my Prince Charming every time, okay?”
“Prince Charming?” I asked, every brain cell still focussed on not fusing my mouth to hers and then running my lips over every inch of her body.
“Riding up on your horse and saving me.” She looked me square in the eye, not breaking my stare until my brain finally pieced together what she was saying, and I nodded. When I flicked my gaze to Scottie, he was wearing a far too satisfied smirk.