Page 49 of Three of Us
“And Sam’s secret?”
“I think it’s his secret to tell. All you can do is be there to support him and let him know that he’s safe here. He’ll always be a part of this family no matter what.” I nodded, grateful for Nan’s insight. She’d said that she was proud of Ma giving everyone the finger and doing her own thing, but Ma had learnt it from Nan. She was the strongest woman I’d ever known.
“What do I do about Craig?” I asked.
“He made a mistake, but he also realized pretty quickly that he’d made it. He came home.” Nan smiled gently. “Maybe cut him a bit of slack for making a stupid, reactive decision. Then give him the confidence to be brave enough to accept Sam’s love, if that’s what he truly wants. If not, be there to try to help them find a middle ground where both are happy.”
“I’ll be up shit creek without a paddle if I can’t.”
“You’ll do it, love. I’ve got every confidence that you three will find your happiness together.”
“Thanks, Nan.” I smiled, wishing that she was right. Only time would tell, I supposed. I got up off the floor, a little worse for wear after six hours on horseback. “S’pose we should get ready for Macca’s friend, hey?”
Nan smiled and stood, taking the cleaner out of my hands. “I’ll do this if you make the bed.” We worked together then, getting the guesthouse ready, my thoughts turning over and over in my mind. Nan was right. I could either hold onto past hurts or look to my future. None of us were perfect. I’d denied myself, holding myself apart so that I didn’t rock the boat, just as much as they’d made a stupid decision on my part. Maybe if I’d taken the bull by the horns a decade ago, we would’ve been in a different position today. But how did I get us moving in the right direction now?