Page 24 of Yes, Captain
“He hit you!” Will opened his eyes, a haunted look passing over him, and Eddie pressed on. “You warned him. You told him to back off, and he didn’t. He kept pushing. Whatever you were tempted to do, he’s the one that struck you. You’re not in the wrong here.”
Will drew him close, wrapping an arm around Eddie’s waist and resting his forehead on Eddie’s shoulder. His touch was comforting, but Eddie knew Will needed the contact perhaps more than he did. “I need to speak with the HR Director again. This isn’t going to go away.”
“We’ll fix it.”
Will pulled back and sighed before rubbing his forehead and pressing his thumb and middle finger into his temples. He reached into his jacket pocket and withdrew his phone, dialling a number. It rang a few times before Eddie heard a quiet murmur, and Will apologized, requesting an urgent meeting. Eddie was expecting to go to the executive level offices, but Will took them to his suite instead.
Will's hand shook as he tried unsuccessfully to swipe his card a second time against the lock. Eddie wrapped his hand around Will’s and gently extracted the card from his grip. “Let me help.”
He opened the door, guiding Will over to the large bed in the centre of the room. Will sank down on the end, resting his elbows on his knees and his forehead in his hands. Eddie fetched him a glass of water and pressed a wet facecloth to his lip to stem the bleeding. Will took it at the same time a knock on the door sounded.
Eddie opened it, and dressed in a pair of tattered jeans and a slouchy jumper, her hair in a messy bun on top of her head, was the woman he’d met on his first day onboard—the HR Director. “Hello, come in.” He held the door open for her, and she passed him with a small smile and nod in thanks.
“Captain, are you okay?” The concern in her voice was a relief to Eddie, but a stab of unwarranted jealousy pierced him when he turned and saw her down on one knee with her hand on Will’s arm.
“No, Director, I’m not. I messed up.” Will’s voice was quiet, broken, and Eddie didn’t hesitate then, sitting on the bed next to him and wrapping an arm around his bulky shoulders.
“Will,” he started, then thought better of it while he was still in uniform with the HR Director kneeling in front of him. “Captain, this isn’t your fault.”
“How isn’t it my fault?” When Will turned to him, Eddie’s heart broke with the unshed tears in Will’s eyes. “Gerard got drunk and couldn’t keep his mouth shut, and I lost it—”
“He hit you. You told him to stop. You put yourself between him and me so that I wouldn’t be his target. You asked him to back off twice and when he wouldn’t—”
“I shoved him.”
“He punched you.”
“In retaliation. I should have known better. I shouldn’t have reacted.”
“Captain, I need you both to tell me what happened step by step. Should I get the chief security officer involved?”
“Yes,” Eddie requested. “Please, and the doctor too. I want Will’s lip looked at.” He reached for Will’s chin, turning his face, and took the wet cloth still pressed against his lip. Blood still oozed from the cut, but it had slowed significantly. Pressing it against Will’s lip again, Eddie cupped his face.
The director was already on the phone, talking quietly in the background as Eddie smoothed his thumb over Will’s cheek. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Feels like it.” Will closed his eyes and leaned into Eddie’s touch. He kept stroking the soft beard under his fingertips and giving him as much comfort as he could in front of the director.
“Can I get you anything?” Eddie asked.
“Just a hug.” Eddie smiled and leaned in, kissing Will’s forehead. Will responded by tugging him onto his lap and burying his face in Eddie’s neck. He ran his fingers through Will’s hair and massaged his scalp one-handed while Will groaned.
“The doc will be here soon.”
The chief security officer arrived first, and they recounted the story of their night to him. His brow furrowed, and he asked Will, “The director mentioned that you feel a degree of fault here. I’m failing to see where, sir. What, exactly, do you feel like you’ve done wrong?”
“I didn’t walk away.”
“I have to watch the security camera footage and speak to a few other people who witnessed what happened, but by the sounds of it, you exercised the necessary restraint. At the very least, based on what you’ve told me, Gerard was provoking you. He seemed to be spoiling for a fight.” He shook his head and sighed. “I’m aware of your prior report of him. Has anything else happened?”
Eddie spoke up then. “Yes, he’s been trying to get a rise out of me too.” He detailed the run-ins he’d had with Gerard, and by the time he’d finished, Will was vibrating, anger radiating from him as he clenched and unclenched his fists.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“You can’t fight my battles for me.” Eddie smiled softly at Will. “It’s okay. I’ve dealt with people like him before.”