Page 19 of Threepeat
“You’re pretty,” he slurred, looking at Jacob but meaning both of them.
Cassidy tilted her face up, watching him, but he couldn’t remember why. Phoenix swallowed. His eyes were drawn down by the plunging neckline of her red singlet. It didn’t cover much skin, and the curve of her breasts where the V-neck met was too tempting. He wanted to run his tongue along the swell as he buried himself inside her. Her nostrils flared and her eyes darkened, while the other arm around his waist tightened.
“Good to know,” Jacob muttered. “But I think you’ve had enough. How about we take you home?” The heat of his breath washed against Phoenix’s throat, and he shuddered. Had he described his thoughts out loud? Phoenix was beyond caring. Truth be told, all he wanted was to be in the middle of these two, exploring every inch of their perfect bodies. “Don’t worry, we want exactly the same thing. But not tonight. Not when you’re so drunk you might not even remember.”
Huh, he must have said that out loud too.
They led him toward the doors, Trav giving him a double thumbs up when they passed him. Phoenix tried to resist. He tried to persuade them to stay, but Jacob insisted. Cassidy never let him go. Those red fingernails splayed on his abs as she helped guide him up the street. Her heels clicked, and her hips swished as she helped Jacob manhandle him into a taxi. Phoenix ran his fingertips down her stomach to the button on her jeans. He wished he could see her from the back, just to feast on how well he knew the blue denim would frame her arse. She slid in next to him while Jacob went around the other side and pulled the door closed.
“Where to?” the taxi driver asked. “And if he spews in my cab, there’s a two-hundred-dollar cleaning fee.”
“He won’t,” Jacob assured him, then turned to Phoenix and asked, “Where are we taking you?”
“Fishbowl dorms.” Jacob nodded, and Phoenix wasn’t sure how he’d understood. He wasn’t even sure he understood the direction to his place, and he lived there. Cassidy rattled something off to the driver, but Phoenix didn’t hear. He couldn’t stop looking at Jacob’s blue eyes. The way his lips parted and his pink tongue licked across the plump flesh… it was erotic as hell. Phoenix leaned in, watching as Jacob’s eyes began to slowly close. A hand closed around his own, slim fingers sliding between his digits. Cassidy. He froze. Looked down, blinked, and sucked in a breath.
What was he doing? They were a couple, and he’d been just about to pash Jacob. His dick throbbed in his jeans, reminding him that he wanted a whole lot more than that too. Phoenix reached down to resituate himself, pressing the heel of his palm against the base of his cock and trying to pull himself back from the edge of control. He’d gone commando. The zip bit into the soft skin being pressed against it by the hard ridge of his erection, and, for once, he wished he’d worn the last remaining pair of clean boxers in his cupboard. The groan from next to him was rough, all man and filled with desire. Phoenix couldn’t help but squeeze his shaft with the sound.
He hadn’t even realized that they were moving, never mind having arrived at their destination. He tried to pull out his wallet, but Cassidy stilled his hand. “We’ve got this. Come on,” she directed. “We’ll take you to your room.” Phoenix grinned and followed her, eager to please the beautiful woman. She’d just granted his wish to see her backside in those sexy-as-sin jeans. He hadn’t noticed the red heels, but he was seeing them now, unable to decide whether he wanted to see them propped on his shoulders or wrapped around Jacob’s waist. He stumbled, the concrete footpath getting closer. Or was that the wall of the building he’d nearly lurched into? Jacob hoisted his arm around his shoulder and pulled Phoenix close. Shirtless, he could feel Jacob’s hand on his waist and knew exactly what position he wanted to be in.
“I like your shoes,” he slurred to Cassidy, frustrated that his tongue didn’t seem to want to work. “They’d look sexy digging into my shoulders.”
“Come on, Casanova. You have all the lines tonight, but you need to sober up.” She grabbed his hand while Jacob ducked out from under his arm and slipped behind him, sliding his hands into Phoenix’s pockets. Those wandering fingers would be the death of him. Phoenix pressed his arse back against Jacob’s heat, and the other man froze, stilling his search. The bulge Jacob was sporting was unmistakable, and Phoenix reached back with his free hand to haul the other man closer. He let his head fall back onto Jacob’s shoulder and whimpered when Jacob’s fingers tightened on his hips.
“You’re making this really hard,” Jacob grunted.
“Shift your hands a little more to the middle, and you’ll see just how much,” he moaned, practically begging Jacob to grope him. But the other man was on a mission to deny him, and they dragged Phoenix into the building before taking him up the lift toward his dorm room in the student housing high-rise.
Trav would still be gone for hours. It was too short a timeframe, but he could get each of them off at least once before he stumbled back in. He loved a woman in charge and didn’t resist when Cassidy tugged him toward his bed while Jacob switched on the lamp. “This one yours?” When he nodded, she pushed him down. Phoenix fell back, landing so he was lying diagonally across the single. One foot was still on the floor, the other by his knee. Cassidy lowered herself to her knees, and Phoenix moaned. She was something else. Sensual and playful at the same time. She bit down on her lip and blinked slowly at him, one side of her red lips tilting up in a seductive smile as she pushed his legs open further and tugged off his boots with a flourish. Peeling off his socks got him a peek of her tongue between her teeth and a wink. Phoenix palmed himself, lifting his hips into his fist as he watched her watch him. The next moan he let loose was breathier than he expected, but she was so damn tempting there between his legs. He really wanted to touch her.
“Enough of that,” Jacob chided, and Phoenix froze. Cassidy chuckled and shifted away as Phoenix’s gaze snapped up to the man hovering over him and licked his lips. His throat suddenly parched as he watched the gorgeous man before him. Fuck, as if it weren’t bad enough before, now he had two people he was desperate to reach out and touch.
Phoenix huffed out a laugh, surprised at how fantastic his night had turned out to be. He was drunk and horny, and the two people in front of him would undoubtedly satisfy every one of the fantasies running rampant through his hazy mind. “Drink this,” Jacob ordered, snapping Phoenix’s attention away from his dick. He took the proffered glass and opened his throat, practically pouring the water down it before handing it back empty. With a smirk, he watched as Jacob swallowed, realizing Phoenix had no gag reflex. When his cheeks flushed pink, Phoenix’s hand found his cock again, squeezing it. How far down did that colour spread? Jacob passed him a second glass and wrapped cold fingers around his wrist, tugging his hand away from his shaft. Pressing two tablets onto his palm, he added, “It’s paracetamol. Take them and drink up. You’ll need both to ward off a hangover tomorrow with the way you were downing shots.”
Cassidy slid her hands on either side of his hips and tugged down the covers he’d been lying on, and Jacob lifted his legs onto the bed before popping the button on his jeans. “Lift your hips,” Cassidy instructed. Phoenix smiled, meeting her gaze as she unzipped him.
“You’re so pretty. I wanna have your babies.”
Cassidy laughed. “You don’t want me to have yours?”
“Nuh-uh.” He shook his head. Jacob reached over, grasping his jeans and tugging them down. Phoenix hummed, and Jacob sputtered.
“Shit,” he muttered. “You better remember tomorrow that we didn’t take advantage of you. Next time don’t go commando when you get drunk. People will see your junk.”
“Hmm, was hoping you’d see it anyway,” he murmured, fighting back a yawn. "Touch it, even. Fill me up.”
“Not tonight, sexy.”
When Jacob had his jeans off, leaving Phoenix bared to them, his hard cock lying against his hip, Cassidy lifted the covers up to his chest. She leaned down, kissing his forehead, and Phoenix wrapped a hand around his cock while he lifted his lips to her. She obliged, brushing a soft kiss over them. Phoenix reached out, trying to keep her in place, but she didn’t linger, stepping back out of his reach far too quickly.
“Night, Phoenix,” Jacob uttered.
Phoenix held out his free hand for Jacob to take, and the other man stepped forward. Phoenix tugged hard, pulling him off balance until Jacob fell forward and braced his hand on the pillow beside Phoenix’s face. Surprise lit up those sapphire eyes, and Phoenix lurched up, wrapping his free hand around Jacob’s nape and pulling him closer. “You make me wanna be brave,” Phoenix whispered. “I wanna kiss you.”
“I do too,” Jacob replied, his voice a deep rumble that was like a stroke to his already hard cock. “But you’re drunk.”
“I always kiss men in the dark,” Phoenix murmured. Jake tilted his head and studied him, clearly trying to understand Phoenix’s topic switch. “But it’s light now and I wanna kiss you.” Phoenix stroked his cock, the liquor in his veins making him brave. He wasn’t closeted, but he never flaunted his sexuality. Not anymore. But Jacob made him want to be brave enough to say “fuck you” to the world and take those pouty lips with his.
He flicked his gaze down, watching Jacob’s lips part, before Phoenix raked his eyes lower. Jacob’s hand was pressed to his jeans, pushing down on his rigid shaft. He was big, the outline showing just how much of a handful he would be. The sight snapped the fine thread of control Phoenix’s liquor-soaked brain was holding onto.