Page 22 of Threepeat
“We walked out of that room and barely got into the stairwell. I wanted Cassidy’s legs around my shoulders too, but I settled for bending her over and eating her out until she came on my tongue.”
Phoenix groaned, jealousy pulsing through him. But the jealousy wasn’t a need to possess. Not between Jacob and Cassidy. No, it was a wish that he could have been there. If only he hadn’t been so drunk that he’d passed out as soon as he’d gotten off. He wanted to make her come like that. He wanted to watch Jacob inch himself into Phoenix’s throat too.
Jacob smiled, the gleam in his eyes pure satisfaction. He knew what Phoenix was thinking, and it just made him hotter. “Then I buried myself inside her tight little pussy. Do you know what she screamed when she came again?” Phoenix shook his head, biting his lip to stop himself from begging Jacob to say his name. “Phoenix.” He blinked. Opened his mouth to speak but had no idea what to say. “She said your name. We’ve waited for you since then. I’ve wanted to go down on her so many times. Wanted to sink into her countless others. We both went to Grounds every day, but you weren’t there—”
“We know,” Cassidy explained. “But now that we’ve found you, we want you with us tonight. And tomorrow.”
“Are you asking me to come home with you?” Phoenix met Jacob’s eyes and twisted to look at Cassidy’s. “Because if so, the answer’s yes.”
“Let’s get out of here.” Jacob grasped his hand and wrapped his free arm around Cassidy, then paused. “What about Travis?”
“He told me to go with you if you asked. Our other friends might meet us here; otherwise, he’ll be right to find his own way home. He won’t get trashed if we’re not all together.”
Jacob smiled, clearly pleased with his answer. “Then let’s go. Our lady naked is a sight to behold, and this time I have every intention of tasting you, not just her.”
hoenix was on his phone, a smile lighting up his dark features as he texted back and forth while they waited for the rideshare. “Trav’s good. He ran into a group of girls from his class. He messaged me to say not to wait up.”
When his eyes met Cassidy’s, the air between them sparked. Jake rested his hand low on her back, and she reached for the man he wanted desperately to make theirs. She tugged him closer and curled her hands around the shirt at his waist. She smiled, and Phoenix hummed, stepping up until they were touching. Jake watched as Phoenix wrapped his hand around Cassidy’s hip—the same place Jake had held when they’d been dancing. Fuck, it was sexy seeing the two of them together. He couldn’t wait to see them naked and curled around each other, Phoenix moving inside her as Cassidy kissed him.
The woman before him had turned his world upside down. Apart from the crazy desire she sparked within him, she was poly. He’d never imagined wanting more than one person before. Never even really contemplated the idea of a threesome. It was something other people did. But the moment Cassidy told him she wanted to have more than one relationship, his mind had flipped the switch. He wasn’t comfortable with the idea of being open or even having multiple long-term partners—call him traditional, or maybe just not open-minded enough—but adding a third? Oh, hell yeah. He’d made it his mission to find a man they could share, never even realizing how much he wanted it, too, until it had become a possibility. Cassidy had given that to him; allowed him to discover another element of himself, and he adored her for it.
The thing was, even if they’d never found someone to complete them, Jake could be happy with Cassidy. He could easily fall in love with her—hell, he was already halfway there. But the man before him fit them perfectly. Hell, the last time they’d seen him he’d been drunk off his face and yet, they’d come together almost seamlessly.
He wanted this, but he also wanted more.
The hint of vulnerability Phoenix had shared in the alley behind the coffee shop, and then when he’d said he only kissed men in the dark… Jake’s kryptonite was that confident competence borne from years of hard work and dedication, but Phoenix’s vulnerability, his trust in them, and the way he’d completely lost his filter when he was drunk, had gotten under his skin. There was no denying he’d lusted after Phoenix from the moment he’d seen him, but with every little piece of himself that Phoenix revealed, Jake’s attraction grew. He was, for tonight at least, their third piece. Jake just hoped that it would become more, because he had a feeling they’d soon learn exactly how perfect the three of them were together.
Jake hummed as Phoenix cupped Cassidy’s cheek, tilting her face up to his and pressing a soft kiss to her lips. He lingered, his mouth resting against hers as he waited for Cassidy to take control. And take control she did. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders and holding him in place, she deepened the kiss, her tongue sneaking out of her mouth and into Phoenix’s. Jake’s cock bucked happily in his suit pants, and he held his jacket there, hiding the tent pole trying to break free.
A car pulled up ahead. It was their rideshare. He tapped Phoenix’s shoulder and motioned to the car. Jake held the back door open for them before he slid into the remaining back seat. Being pressed against Cassidy’s curves was heaven, but hell was being unable to touch her the way he wanted. The driver started a conversation, but Jake couldn’t concentrate on it. He watched the curve of Cassidy’s smile as she charmed the man driving them and met Phoenix’s gaze over her head. His features were painted with raw need, his pupils blown and lips pink and glistening. Phoenix reached out, his hand sliding over Cassidy’s belly. Jake didn’t know whether it was an invitation, but he slipped his fingers into Phoenix’s, holding his hand. Cassidy silently linked hers as well, covering them on her lap. This was how it was supposed to be. Call him insane, but their hands linking, the three of them connected, painted a picture in Jake’s mind’s eye of them together like this, years from now. He knew he was jumping the gun, hoping for something more than he had a right to ask for—they were hardly at the life partner commitment stage—but instinct, or some deep-seeded hope, drove him. It told him, with a far from warranted level of certainty, that they had something much deeper than mere attraction.
An age passed before the car pulled up in front of Jake’s building. It was an ordinary-looking five-storey, built in the eighties with four others of similar height. He’d wanted to live there as soon as he’d seen it. Of all the studio apartments he’d seen, his was, by far, the biggest. It hadn’t been renovated so it was within his price range too—rent was expensive in that part of town. The best part was that the owners were willing to let him fix up a few things in exchange for a longer lease. Jake had signed it immediately.
Nerves fluttered in his belly as he opened his front door, flicked on the lights that illuminated the entire space, and kicked off his shoes. “Can I get you a drink? Something to eat?” Jake wiped his hands down his pants and groaned when Cassidy grasped both his wrists, curling her hands around his.
“How about we put some music on?” she asked with a soft smile, encouraging him to relax. “Dim the lights a little too.” He nodded and handed her his phone.
“It’ll automatically pair to the speakers. Pick whatever you like.” Jake motioned to the lamps sitting beside his bed. “Phoenix, could you turn one on, please, and I’ll get these lights?” They each did their thing, and Cassidy sat down on the end of his bed. She brushed her hands over the soft covers. She’d been there before. The first time he’d seen her naked, her hair spread like a halo around her, and a satisfied smile on her face was like a wet dream—every man’s pinup fantasy. Her skin was like silk, and he’d lost himself caressing her breasts, belly, and thighs. He couldn’t wait to do it again, this time with Phoenix.
She crossed her legs and slipped the pointed-toe stiletto off her foot. Jake had no idea how she could wear them all day. Or even for five minutes. She dropped the shoe at her feet, and the thud seemed to jolt Phoenix out of his reverie. He fell to his knees and eased the second shoe off her foot, placing both to one side as he propped her feet in his lap. Sitting there cross-legged on the hard floor while he rubbed Cassidy’s arches was more than Jake could take. He didn’t want to miss out on a single part of this moment. Crawling onto the bed behind Cassidy, he pressed up against her back, his knees bracketing her hips. He eased the pins out of her hair and passed them to Phoenix. Her blonde mane fell into a long ponytail, the silky strands brushing his fingers as he removed the tie and massaged her scalp until she moaned.
Jake brushed her hair over one shoulder and kissed a line down her throat over the other. Massaging the tense knots in her shoulders, he met Phoenix’s gaze. The other man darted his tongue out, the pink muscle wetting his bottom lip. How could Jake be jealous of Phoenix’s own lip? God damn, he wanted that tongue on him. On Cassie. Phoenix moved his hands up to her calves, continuing his ministrations. Cassidy hummed and murmured quietly, “I could get used to being spoilt like this. It would be even better though—” She shifted like she was uncomfortable. “—if I could get this damn skirt off.”
Jake huffed out a laugh and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, trailing his fingers down her back to the zipper. He eased it down and whispered, “Lift your arms up, Cass.” Untucking the sexy camisole she wore, the material silky against his fingers, he inched it up over her ribs. As much as Jake wanted to see her porcelain skin revealed, he watched Phoenix. The man was riveted, his gaze roaming over their woman as Jake undressed her and tossed the silky material to the side, letting it flutter to the floor. Phoenix pressed his hand against his visible erection, and Jake splayed his fingers over Cassidy’s ribs. He expected to meet skin, but instead, there was more satiny material. He looked over her shoulder to see her breasts cupped exquisitely by a white satin corset-looking thing that ended at the bottom of her ribs. A strip of pale skin peeked above the waistline of her skirt, and Jake was desperate to know whether the underwear she wore matched her bra. It didn’t matter either way; it was all going to end up on the floor in a few moments.
He nudged her, and Cassidy turned her head. “Stand up for me.” She did, but Phoenix didn’t shift back, the move leaving Cassidy pressed almost against the man seated on the floor. Phoenix took over, gently easing her skirt down her legs and tossing it aside. Jake had his answer, and what he saw was a work of art.
Cassidy wore the tiniest underwear he’d ever seen. Two straps wound around her hips, meeting in the middle where a circle no bigger than a pea joined the pieces to a third strap that plunged between her perfect cheeks. He wanted to know what the front looked like, but if the back was anything to go by, it would be divine.
Dropping his gaze, he watched as Phoenix splayed his hands over her creamy thighs, framing the band of lace that wrapped around them, holding up the sheer tights hugging her legs. He slowly rolled the lace down, kissing a slow path along her thigh as he stripped her. Jake couldn’t resist the temptation to do the same, and he scrambled off the bed, falling to his knees almost opposite the other man. The bite of the hard flooring under his joints barely registered as Jake pressed his lips to Cassidy’s hamstring, slowly dragging his tongue up her leg to the curve of her arse. His fingers brushed against Phoenix’s, and he hummed, knowing that this time they were all exactly where they were meant to be.