Page 59 of Threepeat
Phoenix had told them that his parents had noticed the change in him too. The goofy smiles and teasing telephone conversations every time he’d spoken to either her or Jake had clued them into Phoenix being in a relationship. His mum, bless her, hadn’t wanted to pry but reassured Phoenix that they’d love whoever he brought home—man or woman. It had been the opening he’d needed to break the news, and he’d taken full advantage, asking her to set two extra places for dinner that night. If she was shocked, she hadn’t shown it.
They were cautious, however, recognizing their names as soon as Phoenix introduced them. The silence around the room when Phoenix confirmed they were the same Jacob and Cassidy he’d known in Sydney was tense. His parents had a silent conversation, their expressions guarded, and Cassie had held her breath. The last thing she wanted was for any kind of confrontation, but the longer they didn’t speak, the harder her heart beat and the pit in her stomach grew.
The only question Phoenix’s dad asked was “What about Jake’s father?” There was no censure from him being with two people, no derision about his son’s bisexuality. The only thing they were worried about was Phoenix getting hurt again by the man who’d humiliated him and thrown his career off course. For that, Cassie was grateful. The depth of their caring nature showed through in their support and acceptance once Jake explained that he no longer had a relationship of any kind with his father. Knowing Phoenix had them in his court as well as Jake and herself made Cassie happy.
By the end of their visit to the mountain, Cassie had a new pumpkin scone recipe to try, and Jake had launched his drone and taken enough footage to record new promotional videos for their website.
Buoyed by their reaction, Cassie had called her parents the next time the three of them were together and broken the news. They’d been ecstatic, flying up the next weekend to meet Phoenix. Her mum had hugged him tight and said, “Welcome to the family.” Then she’d dragged him into the kitchen and tried to feed him—the best acceptance he could have asked for.
Jake’s loping stride was unmistakable as he stepped off the airstairs onto the tarmac. Phoenix was right behind him, and Jake reached for their man, taking his hand as they walked along the pedestrian zones to meet her at the gate. She couldn’t wait to see them again. They’d been gone nearly a week—the longest five days of her life—while they packed Phoenix’s apartment up. It was time, though, and there had been no way he was doing it alone. Not after the anxiety attack he’d had the night before they left. He was almost catatonic, and Cassie had never been more terrified in her life.
She jostled her way to the front of the crowd and held out her arms as they walked through. Phoenix grinned as soon as he saw her and, without letting go of Jake, swept her into his arm and kissed her. Cassie’s heart fluttered and her belly swooped. The butterflies flapped their colourful wings as he teased her with a swipe of his tongue on her lower lip. But when he kept their kiss chaste enough that they wouldn’t get ejected for public indecency, Cassie swooned. She cupped his cheeks, running her thumbs across the stubble there. He had dark circles under his eyes and the crease between his brows was more pronounced. But his smile was genuine. It calmed the worry, the constant low-key panic of not knowing if he was okay.
“I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too. We both did.”
She kissed Jake then, slipping her arms around his waist, and he whispered, “He’s doing better, especially today,” before kissing her throat.
“Let’s go home.” She grasped Phoenix’s hand, and together they walked out into the morning late-winter sun.
The bed shifted, and Cassie blinked her eyes open. Phoenix sat facing away from her, the screen of his phone lighting up the room. He stood and tiptoed naked out into the hall. He’d been at work that night, but she’d been too tired to wait up for him. Jake had worked, letting their man in after his shift before they both crashed when Phoenix arrived home.
Phoenix spoke in hushed tones before he climbed into bed a moment later.
“Hey,” she whispered as he slipped back under the covers. Cassie reached for him, his feet already cold after being out of bed for a few minutes. “What has you awake?”
“Been thinking.” He kissed her forehead. “About maybe renting the apartment from you and living in it full time. Mum and Dad don’t really need me living at their place to help them, and I’d like to be closer to you.”
Cassie smiled, barely resisting the urge to let out a gleeful cheer. Jake slipped his arm around her waist, and she asked in a whisper, “Who did you call?”
“The removalists. I left a message to ask them if a change of address was possible.”
“Move your things in here,” Jake mumbled, sounding half asleep. “Live with us.”
Cassie couldn’t argue with her boyfriend’s reasoning, even if he had just woken up. “You heard him. If you’re ready, we’d love for you to move in.”
“I…” Phoenix grinned, the shy smile she’d seen lighting up his features more often these last few weeks making an appearance. “I’d love to.” Cassie shifted, and Jake let her go, propping himself up on his elbow and rubbing his eyes. She grinned at him and straddled Phoenix’s waist, kissing him with smiling lips as he laughed happily. Jake was there too, wrapping his arms around them and tackling them until he could capture Phoenix’s lips with his own.
“Call them back, love,” Jake ordered. “Give them our address.”
“Yeah?” When Jake nodded and Cassie smiled, passing him the phone, Phoenix made the call, breathlessly repeating the address as Cassie and Jake slid under the covers and kissed their way down his body.
As the sun rose, a few hours and a couple of orgasms later, Cassie sat back against the padded headboard with Phoenix’s head resting on her thigh. He was still on his stomach, his legs spread, and hole still slicked with lube. Jake had rolled off him and tied off the condom, tossing it in the general direction of their bathroom. “One down, one to go.”
“Hmm, what’s that?” Phoenix asked.
“We got you to move in, now I have to persuade you to ditch the protection.” He nuzzled Phoenix’s ear and trailed his fingers down his spine to his crack. Cassie watched as he gently circled his fingers over Phoenix’s well-used hole. Her pussy clenched as he tilted his hips up, silently begging for more. She knew the feeling. Jake had a talent for making sex mind-blowing.
“I’ll get tested tomorrow if you put your fingers in me.” He gasped as Jake obliged, kissing a trail down his back and adding a second, then third finger. Their eyes met over Phoenix’s body, and Cassie licked her lips as she watched Jake grasp his cock and stroke it back to hard.
Phoenix cried out when Jake pulled his fingers free, then moaned when he guided his cock into the valley between Phoenix’s cheeks, pressing them together and thrusting forward in one long slow stroke. Phoenix arched up, lifting his arse higher, silently begging Jake to breach his hole. Jake flipped them, rolling onto his back and taking Phoenix with him. Her two men lay sprawled on the bed, Jake on the bottom, and Phoenix writhing on top of him, still trying to fill his hole. When Jake gripped his hips, Phoenix groaned, “Oh fuck, yeah. Want you inside me again.”
Cassie hummed, pulling open the drawer next to her and reaching for two more rubbers and the lube. She started with Jake, suiting him up and coating his sheathed cock liberally with slip. Tugging Phoenix’s ankles up by his hips, Jake tilted his butt to just the right angle so he could thrust forward and enter him in one long, agonizingly slow stroke.
Phoenix went rigid. “Fuck,” he breathed, panting. His eyes slipped closed and a moan rumbled from his chest. Jake held still, letting him adjust, but Phoenix cried out, shifting atop of their man.