Page 32 of Third Time's A Charm
“I love your throat and the way your muscles tense.”
His gaze snagged on hers, and she reached out to cup his face, her thumb skimming along his cheekbone. His stubble tickled her fingers. She swiped at the images, pausing each time until King tore his eyes away from her to look at them. When she reached the one of his chest, she added, “Your chest makes me want to snuggle into you and I want your arms around me all the time. You’re the sexiest man I’ve laid eyes on, King.”
He huffed. “I’m a work in progress.”
“We all are, but I love this work in progress.”
His eyes snapped to hers and he sucked in a sharp breath. “You love me?”
“Yes, I do. I’ve just been too chicken shit to say anything.” She’d needed to get her head around how she’d managed to fall in love with two men. Every effort she’d made to scrub Liam from her heart had failed miserably, and their studying together had only made her feelings grow. But the way she felt for King was real. He wasn’t a replacement or a consolation prize either. It was plain and simple when she boiled it down—she loved him. She pressed her lips together in a small smile, suddenly shy at the admission. “I love everything about you, King.”
“I love you too.” He reached for her, pulling her close. Every part of their bodies was aligned, pressed together from shoulder to toes. He leaned in to kiss her, slowly capturing her lips in a sensual glide. “Thank you,” he whispered against her lips. “I’m not perfect, but you make me believe that one day I could be perfect for you.”
“You already are.”
King blushed at her words, the pink staining his cheeks creeping down his neck to his chest. Adelaide pressed a smiley kiss to his lips and laughed breathlessly when he flipped her onto her back, hitched her legs over his shoulders, and buried his face in her pussy.
iam wandered outside and kicked a pebble across the drive with his toe, trying to act casual. He was anything but. His insides were jumping around like a jack rabbit. But it wasn’t excitement. It was nerves. The need to say something before it was too late.
But he couldn’t.
He could never say anything. Not out loud. Not to them.
Addy was walking her suitcase down the drive to King’s Subaru wearing a flowy summer pale green dress and white slip-on sandals. She had her hair loose, the curls falling around her face and framing it. The freshly dyed pink gleamed brightly in the midday sun, highlighting the different shades in it. She was a vision. Absolutely gorgeous. His steps faltered as she looked over her shoulder, spotting him. The smile that lit up her face was radiant, like the sun breaking the horizon at dawn on a hot summer’s day. It was as if the world was grey, and when she smiled it instantaneously transformed. Spectacular pastels grew in radiance with every second that passed.
A pretty pink flushed her cheeks and she looked away, and Liam’s gaze clashed with King’s. His eyes were dark when he raked his sight over Liam, King’s lips twisting into a grimace. The man radiated a don’t-fuck-with-me attitude and Liam swallowed, nerves surging within as he tried, and failed, to look away. Liam wiped his hands down his old training shorts—the tiny pair he was about to go swimming in—and regretted not putting on a shirt given the look of distaste King shot his way.
He wandered over to their front step, standing with Carol. “Hey,” he greeted her quietly, oddly unsure of what to say to the woman who’d become like a mum to him. Her eyes were watery, her arms crossed over her chest, crinkling the green scrubs she wore. Addy handed her suitcase to King, who loaded it in the back of the car, and Carol bit back a sob.
It was three weeks, barely longer than a holiday. But Addy leaving was hard to watch. Hands shaking, he reached out to Carol and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“I’m sorry, I’m being silly,” she mumbled, holding out a hand. “But look at her. She’s all grown up.”
He nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat. “She is, and she’s going to make you so proud.”
“She already has.” Carol pulled back and looked up at him. “All of you make me proud every day. Even when my son laughs at me.” She cast a glance back in the house and rolled her eyes.
“Don’t worry about Lij. He’s just being insensitive.”
“He is, isn’t he.” She smiled a watery smile, wiped her tears away, and blew out a breath.
Then it was time. Addy walked back up the drive and held out her arms to Carol. “I’ll text you when I land.” They hugged tightly, the strength of their bond evident in their embrace.
“Call me when you get to the house. I want to know everything.”
“I will. But you don’t need to worry, Mum. I’m gonna be fine.” Addy’s smile was reassuring, excitement pouring off her.
“I know you will be. These are happy, proud tears, love. You’re going to be amazing.” They hugged again and a shuffling sounded behind him before the screen door banged closed. Lij and Pop walked past, making their way to their girl. Addy broke her hold on her mum to include Pop in the embrace, and Lij threw his arms around them too, hugging them tight. He may have teased Carol about crying, but he loved Addy just as fiercely.
It was a private moment between family members, and Liam felt like an intruder witnessing it. He looked away, only for his gaze to slam into King’s again. They stared, Liam licking his lips as he preened under King’s unwavering focus. King’s nostrils flared, like a bull ready to charge, and Liam didn’t know whether he wanted to provoke the man, just so he could feel a part of him against his body. Liam’s breaths shallowed out, all the blood in his body rushing south. His cock thickened, and Liam clasped his hands in front of him, desperately trying to hide the obscene boner he’d be sporting any second now.
Movement next to him caught his attention—Addy and her family pulling apart. Liam wanted to say goodbye. Needed to. His body demanded that he get his fill of her gentle touch as if he was charging his battery. He stepped forward and brushed a curl away from her face before cupping her cheek and lifting her chin. He was standing far too close to her, half expecting King’s fist to connect with his face at any moment. But getting to look into those beautiful blue eyes the colour of sapphires, was totally worth it.