Page 32 of Making the Play
“So, eggs?” she asks with confidence.
I point a spatula at her. “Not just any eggs, Webster. You in or not?”
“Since all I ate this morning was a chocolate chip cookie, I’m in.” She slides off her stool and sits on the floor, beckoning for Sammy. Settling in to stay.
I’m really glad I didn’t scare her off earlier. “A cookie is not the best way to start the day, you know.”
“Neither was seeing your face, but I’m continuing on.”
I don’t need to turn around to know she finds herself funny. I can feel her smile on the back of my neck. I also know she’s attracted to me even though she doesn’t want to be. Her zings are her way of protecting herself. But she can pretend to make light of the pull between us all she wants. Her flushed cheeks and gently parted lips tell a different story. As does the way she defends me on social media.
She murmurs nice words to Sammy. When I glance at them, Sammy is curled up in Chloe’s lap, her head hanging to the side in total bliss as Chloe rubs her back.
“It smells good,” Chloe says, catching my eye.
“You want toast with your eggs?” I return to my task.
“Sure. So, the gala tonight. It’s for charity?”
“Yes. Every year my family partners with The Humane Society to bring awareness to the association’s causes and recognize the organization’s leadership.”
“Where is it being held?”
“At our downtown hotel. I’ll pick you up and we can go together.”
“That’s okay. I’ll meet you there.”
I open my mouth to argue, then stop myself. I don’t like it, but I’ll respect her wish. It isn’t an official date so I can’t very well insist I take her. I could, however… “How about I send a car for you? Traffic on Friday nights sucks.” I set two plates of food on the kitchen table.
Chloe gets to her feet, leaving Sammy to trot to her dog bed. “You don’t need to do that. I’ve driven in plenty of LA traffic.”
“Still, I’d like to, given you were unexpectedly roped into attending the event.”
“Wow. This looks good.” She sits at the table. “What is it?”
“The famous Finn Scramble. Eggs, spinach, mushrooms, mozzarella cheese and secret spice.”
“Mmm. I like things spicy.”
“Do you now?” I ask, my voice dropping an octave as I fill a couple of glasses with water.
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Auprince.”
I join her at the table, my thoughts constantly circling the drain when it comes to her. “I don’t know. I kind of like it there.”
And from the faint blush on her cheeks, I’d say she does, too.
Chapter Ten
At the soundof the doorbell, I panic. I just got out of the shower. How the heck can the car be here already? Yes, I showered for longer than usual. And yes, I closed my eyes for a minute—or five—to touch myself to images of Finn, but unless Father Time is up to some funny business, I’ve got at least another hour to get ready for the gala.
I wrap a robe around myself as I hustle out of the steam-filled bathroom to check the time, a little angry with myself for giving in to Finn’s car request.Remember why, Chloe. You’re saving money on gas and valet parking.Raise your hand if you hate pumping gas as much as I do. And I could buy at least two dozen shredded chicken mini quesadillas—not in one day, mind you—from Taco Bell for the cost of hotel parking in LA.
The doorbell rings again and I stub my toe on the bed post. Grumbling curse words, I half limp to the front door. The clock on the wall assures me my visitor isn’t the driver, but I’ll look through the peephole to see who’s dropped by. It might be Mrs. Medby needing to borrow a cup of brown sugar again. (I keep a bag just for her.)