Page 40 of Making the Play
“I will, but…”
“But what?”
“What if he saw me in my underwear?”
“Then he’s a lucky guy.”
“It’s pretty unfair that I didn’t get to see him in his, though.”
“Or you don’t remember seeing him in his.”
“I’m pretty sure I’d rememberthat. Seeing him in nothing but his pajama bottoms is ingrained in my brain, remember?”
“I also remember you asking me to talk you off any foolish romantic ledges.”
I sit back up and cross my legs in my lap. “Exactly! So, go… Hello? Jillian?”
“I’m here. Not talking. Because oh my God, Chloe, if Finn Auprince wants to get jiggy with you, get jiggy with him.”
“Gah! Please don’t reference yours and Robert’s sex song ever again.”
She giggles. “Well then please have some no-strings-attached fun. I get that you’re off men, but rebound sex can be very good for the soul.”
“Says the girl who has never had to rebound. And you’re presuming Finn would want to do that with me.”
“Does Finn have a penis?” she asks in her no-nonsense tone. I roll my eyes. “Stop rolling your eyes and answer the question.”
“Yes, Finn has a penis. And from what I can tell, it’s spectacular.”
“Thank you,” a deep, decidedly unfeminine voice says into the room. I fumble the phone in horrified surprise.
“Jesus, you scared me.” I bring the phone back to my ear. “Jilly, I gotta go. Bye!”
Finn stands in the doorway, leaning against the jamb with his legs crossed at the ankles, in black pajama pants and a plain white T-shirt. His hair is tousled, his smile is devilish. He’s holding a glass of water in one hand and something too small to see in his other. My phone pings with a text.ARE YOU OKAY?Jillian asks. I quickly text back,Finn is here! Talk later.
“Can I come in?” Finn’s first-thing-in-the-morning voice is deep and raspy and my body perks up.
“I guess, but you may not want to get too close. I could punch you for eavesdropping on me.”
He walks into the room. “In my defense, I wasn’t. I only got to the door for that last part.”
I cover my face with my hands. “We are not discussing the elephant in the room.”
“You mean the anaconda, don’t you?”
I drop my arms and seeing Finn’s waggish expression I crack up. A split second later, he’s laughing with me. We laugh for I don’t know how long, but it’s nice and cuts through my embarrassment.
“I was coming to bring you some aspirin,” he says, arm extended, when we finally catch our breaths. “Thought you might have a headache this morning.”
He passes me the glass of water and two tiny white pills. I could hug him. Instead, I down the meds. “Thanks.” I put the glass on the nightstand, the cold drink soothing my dry throat.
“Want me to go? It’s early and you’re welcome to sleep as long as you’d like.”
“Actually, if you could fill me in on a few things from last night, that would be great.” I scoot back to lean against the upholstered headboard.
“Suffering from a few memory problems this morning?” He walks around the foot of the bed to join me on the other side, propping a pillow up behind his back.
“Unfortunately. Please tell me I didn’t do a striptease for you to get out of my dress.”