Page 50 of Making the Play
“It’s my pleasure,” Finn says. “They’re good kids.”
“The best,” Patrick says.
“If you don’t mind me asking, is everything all right?” I ask tentatively. It’s not like we’re close friends and they owe me details about their family.
“I look that bad, huh?” Julie jokes. Her husband wraps an arm around her. “Josh has a chest infection. Antibiotics are helping, and the doctor assures us it isn’t serious, but he’s only seven and been through a lot, so even a sniffle feels monumental to me.”
I nod in understanding, unsure what the right words are to say. I watch the boys play with Sammy. Jesse is doing most of the running, fetching the ball when Sammy stays right beside Josh rather than chase it down.
Finn can’t take his eyes off the two of them. “Kids are resilient,” he says, his response just right. “And I can tell Josh is a fighter. A quiet one, but one nonetheless.”
“You’re right. He is.” Julie gives Finn an appreciative smile. “Do you have kids?”
“Not yet.”
Not yet.Meaning Finn wants them. He’s thought about a future outside of baseball. It surprises me, given he’s so ultra-focused on his career. But then there are lots of major leaguers with families. The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive. His dream girl is out there just waiting to have his babies.
The conversation veers to Thanksgiving dinner, extended family, and Black Friday shopping while your brain is on tryptophan overload.
“We should get going,” Julie says. “Family will be arriving any minute. Boys,” she calls out. “Time to go.”
Josh and Jesse bring Sammy back without protest. They thank Finn again, give him fist bumps, and we go our separate ways. Or try to. After two steps, Sammy digs her paws into the grass and starts to whimper. She looks over her shoulder at Josh. He’s looking over his shoulder at her.
Finn drops her leash and she takes off, stopping at Josh’s feet.
We all freeze, taking in this somewhat surreal situation. Josh kneels to give Sammy a hug. “Bye, Sammy.” Only she is having no part of goodbye, mewling when Josh stands to move away.
Finn strides over. I follow. “Boys, can I talk to your mom and dad for a minute?”
Julie and Patrick look confused, but Patrick says, “Why don’t you take Sammy for a short walk around the sandbox?”
The boys agree, the leash firmly in Josh’s hand. Not that I think Sammy will go anywhere without him. She seems very in tune to him.
“Do you have any pets?” Finn asks.
“No,” Patrick says.
“Keep Sammy.”
“What?” Julie and Patrick say simultaneously.
My eyes are glued to Finn and the sincerity stamped across his face. He darts a quick glance to Sammy and the boys before resolution pulls his mouth into a tight smile. “There’s something special between Sammy and Josh. I saw it last week and it’s plain to see it’s even stronger today.”
Julie brings her palm up over her heart.
“Dogs can be very therapeutic and it’s clear Sammy is supposed to be with your family.”
“That’s very generous of you, but we can’t accept your dog,” Patrick says.
“I’m not sure she was ever mine. I think I was the placeholder until she found her true owner.”
I’m about to ugly cry right here in front of everyone. I blink and wiggle my nose to stave off the tears.
“I know this is a big deal,” Finn continues, glancing at the threesome again. “A pet is a lot of time, work, and expense, and so my offer comes with everything you’ll need for all of Sammy’s life.”
Julie shakes her head. “Finn, that’s too—”
“Please.” The one word is full of won’t-take-no-for-an-answer, but there’s a touch of vulnerability there, too, like their refusal would hurt more than anything else. “My gut tells me we shouldn’t separate them.”