Page 63 of Making the Play
“Another night then?” Mandy asks.
“Actually, I’m seeing someone, so…”
“Oh. I thought you were single. My bad.” She steps away, appraising my appearance before blending into the background.
I immediately latch on to Chloe again. She meets my gaze then looks away, her expression unreadable. I’m asked to focus on the camera so I do, anxious to get this over with. After a few more shots, we’re done. I shake everyone’s hand in thanks.
Mandy is talking to Chloe when I’m free to go.
“He is so dreamy,” Mandy is saying. “I could stare at him for days. And did you see his body when he changed shirts? I asked him to go for a drink, but he’s seeing someone. Lucky—”
“Hey,” I interrupt. “Chloe, do you have a minute?”
“Sure. Mandy, it was nice meeting you.”
“You, too.”
I take Chloe’s elbow and lead her out of the equipment room, down the hall, and into an empty office. I shut and lock the door.
“What are you doing?” she asks, light brown eyes the color of honeycomb nearly knocking me off-balance. Not because they’re uncommonly pretty—which for the record they are—but because there’s reservation in their depths.
“This.” I step forward to kiss her and demolish any doubts she might have, but she halts my progression with a firm palm to my chest.
“Hang on there, Mr. Dreamy. You’re seeing someone? I can’t believe I—”
“You,” I say, cutting her off. I take her wrist and kiss the soft underside where her pulse beats. “I’m seeing you.”
“I’m a little hurt you thought otherwise, Webster. You know me. I’m not that kind of guy.”
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I just…we’re not…”
“Right. We’re not doing that,” she says like there is no steam left for her to spar with but she wishes there was.
“We kind of are.” I thread our fingers together, drop our arms.
“Finn, I told you—”
“I know what you told me, but we both know we want to rip each other’s clothes off right now. Is it just sex you want from me? Okay, fine. But it’s exclusive. I’m going to prove to you you’re not cursed. Let’s date and have fun and when spring training starts we say goodbye. Stay friends.” I know myself well enough that come next season I will forgo anything that distracts me. I’d rather be up front with Chloe now than hurt her feelings later on.
“And you’ll see, I will not be meeting my soul mate.”Because she’s standing right in front of you. Are you really going to let her go in a couple months?
Yes, I am. Because baseball is my life. I can’t split my devotion. And Chloe deserves someone who will give her 100 percent all of the time. Right? My teammate, Mike, and his wife are blissfully happy. Their toddler is adorable. Mike’s got it all, and neither his career nor personal life have suffered. But that doesn’t mean the same would hold true for me.
Chloe gently shakes her head. “I don’t think—”
I squeeze her hand. “Don’t think. Just be with me. Have you ever casually dated?”
She thinks about that. “No, actually.”
“So, let’s give it a try. We’re two mature adults. We can keep feelings other than friendship out of it.”
“There’s a name for this, you know. Friends with benefits. And I’m not sure I’m wired that way.” She pulls her hand free. “My heart’s been hurt too many times, Finn. I can’t risk it again.”
“I won’t hurt you, I promise. That’s why we’re talking it through. Complete transparency.” I cup her cheek. “If anything, you hold the power here, Chloe. I made it clear from the start I wanted to hang out with you. But if you really want to keep things strictly platonic, I’ll abide by your wish.” I was already fortunate enough to have spent three nights with her rather than the one she proposed.